Chapter 40

2716 Words

Chapter Forty: I turned back to my friends to see every face looking at me with mild wonder. “What?” I asked softly, blushing. “Your Different Becka.” “You got that straight.” Said Dustin his eyebrow raised making me blush again. “I know his job better than him obviously. “ I grumbled. “Clearly.” Said Dustin shaking his head. My friends burst into awkward conversations but suddenly I didn’t feel like I belonged to this group. My soul was calling to me, pleading, begging… “You okay Becka?” asked Dustin softly. I stood up and shook my head. “Tasha I need to see Grandfather right now, something is wrong!” I shouted and had to take some calming breaths. “I’m sorry just take me to him please!” I grumbled and she nodded.  “Come on Becka.” She said gently and taking my arm she led me to

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