Chapter 42

2737 Words

Chapter Forty-Two: “EVERYONE TAKE YOUR SEATS WE WILL BE GETTING STARTED!!” A loud booming voice announced that I realized was being enhanced via a loud speaker and microphone. “Welcome back students and welcome to all the new students, this year we have a special treat!” The lady who has the microphone cheered as the room became silent. “We have a very special treat indeed!” She smiled all around the room and then said the words any person who is socially awkward would dread. “Princess Rebecca Black, where are you? Please come forward.” I looked at Tasha who shrugged. “Yes you dear, come on bring your guards if you would like.” She waved at me to come forward and it took Rodger standing and pulling me to my feet to get me moving. I slowly approached the center of the room and the lady sm

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