Chapter Five-3

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“Yes, which is why I sometimes get tied up when I don’t want it? Now,” Bibi said, picking up the conversation. “Tell me about your preferences and your desires. I’ll decide what we’ll do with you...but knowing your needs will help. I am not a professional dominant or S&M practitioner, but I certainly like and enjoy pretty women, binding and gagging them, not to mention giving and receiving the occasional cane, paddle or whip.” The girl stared almost as if she was looking through Bibi. When she heard the word “whip,” she blinked twice, quickly. “Will you whip me?” Dede whispered. “We’ll see,” said Bibi, smiling. “My apartment is quite normal,” she continued “Not a dungeon by any means, but it’s very private and you can howl to your heart’s content and no one will hear you. Just to get you warmed up, I may hang you from some very sturdy hooks in the shower or the closet for awhile and we’ll see how things work out.” While Dede watched with studied fascination, Bibi continued her lecture: “Come up with a safe word. Actually two or three of them, please. Write them down and then, of course, remember them. Since you haven’t done this much, know that often, if you’re gagged or hooded, a word won’t work and you thus need to set up a safe move that I can see, so think about that and come up with one or two. I could tell you what I use, but this is your show, so you work on those little tasks and have them ready by Thursday, okay?” Dede laughed, then looked up and turned suddenly sober. “I don’t know much about this world of S&M,” she confided. “I will trust you, but please don’t hurt me. Okay?” “Hurt and harm are not the same. If I use a cane or a crop on your lovely ass, it will, I assume you, hurt. But I will do you no harm, I promise,” Bibi added. “Furthermore, if and when we progress down this kink road, you are going to have to adopt some practices you may not, so far at least, have considered.” “Such as....” Dede said slowly, tilting her head slightly towards the window, but never altering her gaze into Bibi’s eyes. “Such as reciprocity.” “Reciprocity?” “In my S&M world, there is always give and take. It’s a transaction between two people who care about each other, bringing pleasure and perhaps pain, not necessarily at the same time. Things are never one-sided and everything we do will be more or less consensual. Translated that means that if I get to whip your n*****s one night, you are, sooner or later, going to have to provide some perhaps painful release for me.” “Oh, I understand,” Dede said, now very intense. Her face was lit up and her eyes bright. “I’ll have to think about that one. I’m so fuckin’ selfish in this regard. But I’ll have my attire ready. How, may I ask, do you like your... slaves dressed?” Dede asked with a slight hesitation before she uttered the word “slaves.” “Hummmm,” Bibi pondered with a grim look on her face. “I think snug and tight. Nothing floppy or loose. Makes it easier to cut off...” she added. “And, no padded bras, okay? I hate the dammed things and fashionable or not, I think they look stupid. I don’t think you need any additional padding in that area anyway,” Bibi added, glancing at Dede’s more than adequate chest. “I can do that,” Dede grinned, looking at her handy phone and then grimacing. “I agree about the padded bra thing. At times I wonder who was the fool that decided that everyone needed some plastic foam between their skin and the fabric. When I was growing up I wasn’t...ah, growing at all in the chest. It really bothered me and on one occasion, I put some soft foam in my kiddy bra and topped it off with a bean.” Dede blushed again as she said this. “I know the feeling,” Bibi said. “I not only enjoy having the nips as a ‘focal point’ for guys, but I also like a little bounce. The rhythmic tugging on my shoulder muscles is nice.” Dede giggled. “I know. Me too. Gets the men to take their eyes off my ass.” “Right,” said Bibi smiling now. “I think we are on the right track on these important social issues,” she said laughing as she moved her arm and made her breast jiggle slightly. Dede laughed too and then looked at Bibi’s watch and gasped. “I’m sorry, but I gotta go. I’m seldom on time and now I’m really late for a tutoring session, which is how I make ends meet. Cute little thing who knows about as much World History as her cat, but she pays me well. Thanks for the coffee. See you Thursday at eleven. I can’t wait.” Breathlessly, Dede was out the shop door and gone in a flash of her red scarf and tan leather boots. Bibi sat at the counter, wondering what she had gotten into, but as always, the promise of a new experience with this young lady, who was nearly her age, was captivating. “Guess I’ll have to clean up the place,” Bibi said to herself as she walked out the door, still carrying her unfinished coffee.
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