Chapter 10

3986 Words

Chapter 10 THE sun had risen, flooding the streets with golden light, when Jim walked back to his Knightsbridge flat and let himself in. His servant was preparing coffee, and the fragrance of it came down the passage to meet the detective. "I heard you go out, sir," said the man in explanation of his early rising. "Is there any news of Mr. Walton?" Jim shook his head. "It is very curious to me," said the man as he set a steaming cup before his master. "It is very curious to all of us," snapped Jim, who was not in the mood to discuss the baffling mystery of Rex Walton's disappearance at that hour of the morning, and with his servant, excellent fellow as Albert was. And then, repenting of his brusque reply, he asked: "Why should it be particularly curious to you, Albert?" "Do you reme

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