Chapter Nine

1536 Words
The full moon hung heavy in the sky as I entered the clearing, tense nerves coiling inside me, as I prowled the edges of my land. I entered the clearing, senses alert for any signs of intrusion. Eric, the aging Alpha of the neighboring pack, knew better than to test me. And yet, as the wind shifted, I caught an all-too-familiar scent. Snarling, I followed it deeper into the forest, hackles raised. Soon I spotted Eric ahead, blatantly sniffing around a tree where another wolf had recently marked. “What do you think you're doing on my territory, old man?” I called, stalking into view. Eric turned casually, as if he owned these woods. “Just stretching my legs. No harm in that.” But his insolent grin said otherwise. Memories of our previous brutal duel rose hot and fresh. I wasn't going to tolerate any further disrespect. Planting my feet, I let out a roar that echoed to the hills. “You've overstayed your welcome, Eric. Now get out before I remove you myself.” He sighed as if bored, but I saw defiance behind that foggy eye. “Maybe it's time a new wolf took control around here. One who's not a green pup still wet behind the ears." That did it. I launched at him in a flash of fur and claws, slamming Eric to the forest floor. We wrestled violently, and leaves kicked up around us. He was past his prime but still wily, jabbing cruel bites where he could. “Hey, young pup, ready for a challenge? " He challenged me, his eyes already flashing golden in the predator within, and I intended to wipe that smug grin from his face. “Bring it on, old man" “You sure you want to do this, pup?" he taunted. "When I'm done with you, Daddy's money will be mine." I let the rage boil up inside, fueling my transformation. Bone and sinew popped and tore as my body expanded, thick fur spreading across rippling muscle. My muzzle lengthened into a vicious snout full of dagger-like teeth. When the change was complete, I let out a roar that shook the treetops. Eric had finished shifting as well, but where my coat was silvery-grey, his fur hung limp and patchy with age. I had youth and power on my side, and I intended to show him that this was who the true Alpha was. We circled slowly, hackles raised, sizing one another up for weaknesses to exploit. Eric sprang first, snapping at my throat with yellowed fangs. I whirled, slamming him to the dirt with a paw the size of his torso. But the old dog was cunning. He rolled, slashing at my belly as he went. I howled in pain and rage. It became a blur of fur, claws and spraying droplets of blood under the moon's pitiless gaze. At some point we broke apart, panting heavily as the first rays of dawn crept into view on the horizon. Eric was battered, one eye swollen shut, but I knew I looked a little better. We had fought to a standstill. As our heavy breaths formed clouds in the chill air, Eric broke the silence. “It seems neither of us has proven dominance this night. But I have a proposition and we end this now, with one final contest of skill." His good eye glittered eerily. I was growing wary, but my pride demanded a conclusion. “Name your terms," I growled. Eric bared his remnants of teeth. “If I beat you in your human form, all your family's wealth becomes mine." My heart clenched, but there was more. “And if you triumph over me… my only daughter becomes your mate. Your luna.My daughter will be yours to claim." A claim over her daughter, it was too high a stake. And yet, my pride could not back down from Eric's mockery. I took a breath to steady my racing heart. “You drive a hard bargain, old dog. But I accept your terms. The moon still hangs—transform and prepare yourself. Our final bout begins!" We shifted back to human guise, naked and bloodied, beneath the night sky. Eric smirked, seeming unbothered by our brutal fight just past. But his eyes were dim with age and exhaustion, while I still burned with youthful vigor. We came together in a flurry of fists and feet, wrestling across the damp ground. Eric fought dirty, clawing and biting like the beast within still held sway. I resisted the call of my wolf, using cunning instead of brute force. When Eric lunged, I rolled and flung him away, pinning him down at last. Eric howled in primal rage beneath me, gnashing his teeth. At last, I pinned him down with a paw to his throat. Standing on shaky legs, I proclaimed, “The terms are met and your daughter is mine, old wolf. Do not cross me again." “Let this be your final warning, old dog. If I ever catch your scent again within my borders, I'll tear you apart limb from limb. Now get out before I lose my patience!” I added. With a shove, I sent Eric scattering into the brush, tail tucked between his legs. My territory. My rules. And no mangy cur was going to challenge me again. With that, I retrieved my tattered clothes and staggered home, battered but victorious. Tomorrow, I will claim my rightful prize—my beautiful Luna. The morning sun rose on the day I would go and claim my Luna. Bidding farewell to my pack and parents, I moved with purpose through the forest, following the directions to Velvet's home. Emerging at the edge of town, I spied a neighborhood tucked away at the far end of suburban sprawl. With funds from my wealthy lineage, purchasing a house nearby was a simple matter. Soon I had the keys to my new abode and a means to insert myself into Velvet's world. That afternoon, I was just settling in when I looked out my window. It was her. I spotted Velvet making her way up the sidewalk, a school bag slung over one shoulder. She looked weary but beautiful, brunette hair tousled by the wind. On impulse, I walked out of the house and followed her steps. “Hey there, new neighbor" I called from behind, announcing my presence as he stepped on the porch Velvet turned confused, she rolled her eyes. “Who are you, by the way?.. new neighbor" placing emphasis on the neighbor. Before I could respond, her Mom called. “Honey, who are you talking to?” I'm guessing that must be Eric's wife. “No one important, Mom. Just some random guy" Random guy?, quite surprised by her choice of words. She had no idea that I was soon going to become someone very important in her life—a part of her life. She walked out of the house, joining Velvet on the porch “Well, hello there! I'm Catherine, her mom. Nice to meet you” she had the most beautiful smile. I put on my smoothest tone, “Likewise, Catherine. I'm Darren. Just moved in next door.” “It is a pleasure to meet you and I hope we get along, new neighbor" turning my stare to Velvet, with a cocky smile. Velvet's brow furrowed in annoyance. She turned to the door and walked inside. Feisty, huh?, I thought to myself. She is playing hard to get on the first day but I like that. Internally, I smirked. She had no idea the entire truth of my intentions yet. Chuckling to myself, I placed my hands in my pockets. Clearly, she had a fire inside to match her beauty. But no matter —I had patience, and ways to earn her trust in time. Before long, Velvet would come to accept our fated bond, whether she wanted to or not. For now, I would observe from afar and learn her patterns, waiting for the right moment to intervene. Her human spirit was surely as untamed as mine—all it needed was the right Alpha to awaken it. And I intended to be that wolf. The chase was half the fun, after all. I settled into my new home, eager to begin plotting my next move. Soon, very soon, She would be mine. That evening, as the sun dipped low, and the moon rose high. My restive spirit found no solace in slumber. Thoughts of Velvet resurfaced in my head. I imagined how beautiful she looked and how she would fit as my perfect Luna. From the shadows beneath the darkening trees, I made my silent way, phantom-like, to the edge of Velvet's property. I peered past the veil of curtains to find Velvet. She laid in her bed peacefully asleep. She remained resolutely, blissfully human. For a moment, I wanted to open the windows and take what was rightfully mine, my Luna. But I remembered that I needed to control myself. I have to take my time and not act on impulse. After all, there's no rush, she will soon be mine.
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