Chapter Two

1578 Words
Velvet's POV The following days seemed to pass by quickly I forgot Nathan was in the same school as me. I hadn't seen him in school since Monday, our first encounter. It's finally Friday - my favourite day of the week. Friday means Fun Day and I'm spending the rest of my weekend with Sophie, Sarah and Lucas. My morning classes were a series of dreadful lessons. I dozed off in all my classes - I can't remember a single thing I've learned in class, even though Mom always says “Learn something new," I go to class and forget the quote of the day immediately after Mr. Brown enters the class. The bell finally rang, I packed my belongings and made my way towards the exit of the class. “Velvet!" I heard voices from behind call my name in unison, it was Lucas and Sarah, the only close friends I had in this school, including Emily who already left because she had a so-called “date" to get ready for. “Hey, you seemed pretty distant today," Lucas said with a playful grin as he caught up to me. “Yeah, what's up? You usually seem more awake in class," Sarah added, her tone teasing. I shrugged, trying to muster a smile. “It's just one of those days, I guess. As usual, my brain decided to take a vacation during school hours." Lucas chuckled. “Well, lucky for you, the weekend is here to rescue you from your brain's mini-vacation." Lucas knew very well how much I disliked school even though I always managed to attend all my classes and how much the weekends were my favourite days of the week. Sarah nudged me gently. “And please keep in mind, tonight's movie night at your place." reminding me of our planned night hangout at my house. My face brightened at the thought of spending time with them and watching movies. “Oh, I have not forgotten even though it has been a long week. It's going to be fun" As we walked out of the school building, the sun warmed my skin, and I felt a sudden burst of energy. The weekend was here, and I couldn't wait to relax and forget about school for a while. “Vee, spill the tea! What's the deal with you and the new guy?" Lucas asked curiously, probing like a detective ready for detailed information about my daily life activities. I chuckled, “What are you talking about, Lucas?" I asked, pretending I didn't know what they were talking about. Sarah chimed in with a grin. “Oh, come on. We saw the two of you together after school. Don't think you can fool us!" Lucas leaned in on me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Yeah, we heard he walked you home. That's big news, you know." I rolled my eyes playfully, realizing that trying to keep this a secret from my friends was futile. “Okay, fine. Yes, he escorted me home. But it's nothing serious." Sarah wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. “Escort, huh? From what we heard, it looked pretty serious." I couldn't help but laugh. “Trust me, it's not what you think. He just escorted me home and that's it, it's no big deal. Besides, I haven't set my eyes on him since Monday" Lucas raised an eyebrow. “Just walking each other home, huh?" "You've got to be kidding me" They both laughed. I shrugged, my cheeks slightly flushed. “Well, yeah. It's just... He's just an interesting person, okay? There might be more to him than meets the eye. But now, I can't be sure of that. We spoke just once" Sarah leaned back, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Well, if you're happy, that's all that matters. Just don't forget about us when you become best buddies with the new transfer student." I playfully nudged her, relieved that my friends were taking the news in stride. “You guys will always be my best buddies, no matter what," I said with much assurance. As if on cue, Sophie came rushing over, her blonde hair bouncing with each step. “Velvet!" “Lucas!" “Sarah!" Hey!" she called out, waving enthusiastically. I waved back and felt a sense of relief wash over me. Sophie had a way of making everything feel lighter and more fun. I'm so glad she came in time to save me from these never-ending questions from Lucas and Sarah. "Hey, Vee! Ready for some serious movie marathon action tonight?" Sophie grinned, her blue eyes twinkling. "Absolutely! I've got the popcorn and the cosy blankets all set." I replied with so much enthusiasm. Lucas and Sarah exchanged knowing glances. "Well, I guess it's official – we're in for a movie-filled evening," Lucas declared with a chuckle. Movie nights were a normal weekend ritual for Sophie and me since middle school until I met Lucas, Emily and Sarah in high school. Sophie and I barely saw each other after I moved here and switched schools. I waved goodbye to Lucas and Sarah as I headed inside with Sophie to get ready for our movie night. Mom was out of town, and she wouldn't be back till Sunday afternoon, which means I have the whole house for myself and Sophie since she will be staying over till Sunday evening. Lucas, Sarah, and Emily arrived pretty late around 10 p.m. I was a bit surprised to see Emily but I'm guessing her "date" got called off. As Sophie, Lucas, Sarah, and Emily settled into the cosy living room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and excitement. The familiar scent of buttered popcorn filled the air and the soft glow of fairy lights draped around the room which created a warm and inviting atmosphere. "Looks like we're all set for a movie marathon," I grinned, grabbing the remote control. We wasted no time and dove right into our movie marathon. The living room was filled with laughter, gasps, and the occasional debate over which movie to watch next. It was as if no time had passed since our last movie night, even though it had been months since we last watched a movie together. Now and then, one of us would crack a joke or share a memory from our childhood days, and the laughter would intensify. The hours flew by, and before we knew it, the clock struck 2 a.m. The fatigue started to creep in, but our determination to make the most of our movie night remained strong. We decided to power through and watch one more film, knowing that the memories we were creating were worth every yawn and sleepy glance. Exhausted and satisfied at what we've been able to accomplish, we bid each other goodbye in the morning after cleaning up the leftover popcorn. As the weekend went on, the thought of Nate crossed my mind, imagining what he would be doing during the weekend. The weekend slipped away in a blur of laughter, lingering memories, and the flutter of anticipation. The halls of the school felt different on Monday as I walked through them. My friends' teasing was a constant reminder of our movie night and the thoughts about Nate throughout the weekend. I couldn't help but wonder if I was falling for him, my heart racing a little faster every time his name echoed in my thoughts. My next week in school was a mix of nervousness, excitement and trepidation. Every morning, I found myself scanning the crowd for a glimpse of Nate's familiar face. I wonder if he would remember me as vividly as I remembered him. Each passing moment felt like a step toward a fate I couldn't quite predict. Then, on a breezy Wednesday afternoon, as I stood by my locker, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, my heart skipped a beat as I met Nate's warm smile. “Hey," he said, his voice a comfortable melody, that calmed my nerves but I could feel the adrenaline running through my veins. My pulse quickened, but I managed to respond with a smile of my own. “Hey, what's good?." I replied. I took out my books from the locker and placed them in my bag. “How was your weekend " he asked trying to make conversation. Deep down I was happy to finally see him again after a week. I missed seeing his beautiful face but I was not ready to tell him that. With a faint smile, I answered, “I had a great weekend. How was yours?" "It was good" his angelic voice got me weak in the knees. It was not long until our conversation was interrupted by the school bell signalling that it was time for the next class. "See you later," I told him, hurriedly walking to my next class after I noticed my friends walking towards us. I was not ready and mentally prepared for Lucas and Sarah's questions. The rest of the day passed by quickly and I had no chance to catch a glimpse of Nate's beautiful figure. As the week drew to a close, I found myself standing at the threshold of another weekend. But this time, it was different. This time, I kept wondering about my feelings for Nate. Was I doing the right thing ignoring him? Or was I falling for him?
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