Chapter Four

1577 Words
Nate's POV I stood in front of the mirror, my palms slightly sweaty as I adjusted the hem of my blue graphic tee, matching it with my favorite black cargo pants and a new pair of Nike sneakers. It was the first day of my senior year in a new high school, and it didn't feel any different from my previous schools because I have been switching schools ever since I was in grade three. I changed schools so many times that I have lost count of the number of schools I went to. The painted walls of my new bedroom were still unfamiliar, devoid of the posters of my favorite basketball players from my old room. I need a room makeover as soon as possible. The scent of my cologne lingered in the air as I glanced at the clock. It was almost time to head out, but the sounds of raised voices echoed from downstairs, drawing my attention away from my reflection. My parents were arguing again. Their voices were loud enough to wake everyone in the neighborhood. This wasn't new. These arguments had become the background noise of my life. It was like a normal morning routine for them, they argued more than they ate breakfast together. This morning's argument was no different from their previous quarrels and yells. It was my first day of senior year at a new school in a new environment. The neighborhood seemed very serene for my typical kind of environment. Thinking I was going to spend my last in Westville High with my boys, but meanwhile, Dad and his company had other plans for me. I took a deep breath, trying to drown out their heated exchange as I picked up my backpack, throwing around my shoulder a bomber jacket for some extra flair. I need to look good for girls on the first day. I had learned to tune them out over the years, but today, their arguments felt louder, sharper, and more piercing than before. I couldn't escape the feeling that they were on the verge of something irreversible. It was almost at the point where a divorce would be the only solution. Slipping my phone into my back pocket, I made my way downstairs, grabbing a bottle of water from the counter. I walked quietly to the door, taking a glance back at the chaos behind me. My parents stood in the living room, their faces contorted with anger and frustration. It was as if they had forgotten that I was there, but I grew up not to care anymore. Dad has constantly been cheating on Mom, and it was obvious because he always left his phone unlocked and Mom would see his text messages with other women. I pray I don't turn out to be like him, even though I cannot deny the fact that he is my father and I might inherit certain behaviors. I took a deep breath of the crisp morning air, started the car and left for school. The drive to school was a mix of anticipation and nonchalance. I couldn't wait to see what senior year had for me. Senior year meant the last year of high school, and I'm enthusiastic to applying for college or a university far away and leaving my parents and the weight of this family's troubles. The unfamiliar streets seemed to mirror. It was a blur, the scenery passing by like a movie on fast-forward. It was quite foggy as the sun was rising. This new school, this new city, felt like a chance to start fresh and change some old ways. My thoughts drifted between the arguments at home and the anticipation of my first day in senior year. I parked the car in the parking lot, stepped out and came across a number of unfamiliar faces. As I entered the bustling hallways, I was greeted by a symphony of hurried footsteps and hushed conversations. I took a deep breath and walked straight to Professor Martinez's office, the principal of Crestwood High. I knocked on her door and was greeted by an inviting voice. She handed over my timetable with a faint smile, I smiled back and walked out of her office. Clutching the timetable like a lifeline, I ventured into my first class-English class. The teacher welcomed the class and began the day's lesson. Then I heard my name being called, “Nathan Clark…I guess you are the new transfer student.” "Yes, ma'am", I responded. “Welcome to your first day of senior high in Crestwood High” The English teacher welcomed me. Her silver fell gracefully down to her shoulders, framing a kind and weathered face while her glasses perched on the bridge of her nose. I smiled faintly as she continued, “Enjoy your stay here. I am Professor Taylor, but you can call me Mrs. Tee.” she added. I could feel everyone's gaze turn to my direction, but it was not long until their attention was drawn to Mrs. Tee as she continued her lessons. I tried my best to absorb all the Shakespeare information, but my mind occasionally wandered to the unfamiliar faces around me. Lunchtime arrived, and I hesitated at the cafeteria entrance before entering. My heart immediately skipped a beat as I stared straight at her. Her strong aura lit up the room for me, and I could not notice anyone but her. Her brunette hair covered part of her face while she conversed with her friends at the lunch table. A glimmer of hope ignited within me as she looked up, her gaze locking with mine. I knew I had to talk to her at that moment, but I had to compose myself properly, then just wait until school ends and speak to her. I spotted a group of students in their basketball uniforms in the cafeteria chitchatting and I decided to settle down with them, stealing glances in her direction now and then. I might also try to start making some new friends on the new day. The minutes seemed to stretch on forever as I battled with my nerves, thinking of what I might say when I see her. The chatter of the cafeteria slowly faded into the background. It was as if she were the only person, I could see in the room. Finally, the bell rang, signalling the end of the school day. My heart raced as I gathered my belongings, and I could feel a mix of excitement and anxiety bubbling within me. This felt different from all the crushes I have had before, I could say it was Love At First Sight, but I'm not gonna tell her that yet. I'm not ready to love any girl properly, maybe just have some girls for the year until I finish, who knows, I might not see her again after high school. I took a thorough glance through the bunch of students who were making their way out of the class to the exit. Finally, I spotted her and made my way towards her, my steps felt heavier as if gravity had suddenly increased its pull. Mustering enough courage, I called her”Hey, Vee! Wait up!” she looked surprised, wondering how I got to know her name, for a new student. I paid attention to every conversation, especially her chat with her friends during lunch and that's how I knew her name. "I noticed you in the cafeteria today. Mind if I walk you home?” I asked politely. “S-sure” she stuttered, she looked cute at that moment as she replied. Her voice was so soothing. As we walked together, a feeling of warmth enveloped me. Our conversation flowed easily, as if we had known each other for a long time. She talked about her interests, and I found myself hanging on to every word, captivated not only by her words but by the genuine enthusiasm she exuded. I also found myself telling her stories about my previous school-leaving out the part where I got my heart broken and having the playboy attitude. I escorted her home and then eventually remembered that the car was still parked in the parking lot in school. I had no other choice but to head back to school because I was not ready to risk Dad's car getting destroyed by any crazy student or even worse, Imagine I decide to leave the car and go back to school tomorrow for it, but I arrive, and the car is gone. That's not gonna happen, but just imagine. I am not prepared to get on Dad's nerves during moments like this, when he and Mom are still having those petty arguments. The walk back to school was long and boring, but I managed to arrive early before the gates were closed. I revved up the engine and sped off. I grabbed a meal from the restaurant nearby before driving back home. Mom was not in her best mood, which means no food on days like this. I've known them long enough to learn how to take care of myself. I arrived, and the house was quiet as usual. I took out the keys from my front pocket to open the front door. I made my way upstairs, showered and began to reminisce about the series of events that took place, especially the chat I had with Velvet while I escorted her.
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