CHAPTER 18 - Dressing Table

2234 Words

DUNCAN The gunshots had stopped being directed at me. The firing was now focused elsewhere and even more chaotic than before. Could they have found Colten trying to escape? I quickly scanned the scene from my vantage point. My eyes locked onto our family vehicles, exchanging gunfire with Golec's secret gangs that were now on my tail. "Boss?" Bitsko's voice called from behind, and I turned to see him in an SUV. Colten scrambled out from the back and rushed to assist me into the bulletproof car. Once we were all inside, Bitsko accelerated, skillfully weaving through the men who had just realized my escape and were now firing at us. "Are you okay?" Colten asked, his voice filled with panic. "We need to find a hospital. Dad would—" "No hospital. We're heading back to the estate. Father c

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