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JESSICA'S POV -- "Luna!" the head maid comes running to me as I enter the pack house quarters. We don't live here, but it is where the maids work, makes food for parties and where the parties are held. We have a lot of functions here too and the pack is allowed to use it when making appointments. "What is it Margaret?" She said that this was important, but looking around, I don't see an emergency. "There is a fight going on." she tucks a loose strand of her brown hair behind her ear, her honey orbs flicking across the room in panic. "A fight? Who the hell is fighting?" I frown as I follow her to the sound of women scolding one another. "Two pregnant women, both wanting to book appointments on the same date." she rolls her eyes and I feel like I'm in high school with this drama. Walking into the big ball room, two very pregnant women are yelling at one another, their voices echoing off the walls. They don't even notice me, "Enough." I bellow as I march over to them and the room falls silent as they turn to me with horrified looks. "Luna..." they bow their heads to me and I stop when I am beside them. "I know this place is for functions, but fighting over one day is ridiculous." I tut and they stare at the floor in shame. "Someone get us two chairs." I demand and a few maids scatter for chairs and bring them towards us, "Please, sit." I gesture towards them and they do as I say. "Now, this ball room is big enough to split in half, why can't we do that?" I pace in front of them, my eyes looking around and I stare at the walls, how big the room is, imagining how it could be split in half. "Because I want this one night for myself!" the one starts, making the other snort, "You always get what you want, but do it the next day. I already sent out invites to my parents!" she yells and the loud screeching sound of their voices makes me winch and roll my eyes. I pinch the bridge of my nose, "Stop this." I grit out annoyed, "We are women, meaning we plan!" I bellow and they fall silent, staring up at me, "I apologize..", "So do I..." "Don't worry, how about this...we hold one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, what time did you decide on your invitations?" I ask, "Three in the afternoon, "Perfect!" I clap my hands together and turn to the other, "Then we can do yours in the morning, around nine?" I smile, waiting for her to answer, "Sounds fair." she chews on her bottom lip. "Great, now please..." I inhale a deep breath, "If you have problems, don't yell it out. Come to me, it's what I am here for..." I haunch over as a sharp pain rips through my body and I fall to my knees, groaning, "Luna!" Margaret is beside me on her knees, her hand rubbing my back soothingly. I gasp when the pain stops suddenly, the burning sensation in my chest fading... "Sorry, I just..." I stand up, "Excuse me." I frown as I turn on my feel, stopping at the door, "Just contact me when you need me." I force a smile and walk out of the door. The air fills my lungs and I march over to the training grounds, seeing Eric, our beta, training with the kids and Nick is nowhere to be seen. I strut over to him, "Where's Nick?" I snap absentmindedly at him. He freezes, turning to me, his blue eyes flick over my dress before bowing his head, "He said he had something to do, I don't know where he went, Luna." he breathes out. "Thanks." I mutter sarcastically before brushing past him. Eric has always been a strange one, he's kind but can snap easily, he's fair but when he's mad at someone, he can hold a grudge for a long time. I march over to our house, unable to mind link Nick since he shut me out and when I enter the house, I freeze at the mess. There's a vase with flowers broken beside the table it was knocked off, water laying on the surface, "Nick!" I yell out to him, knowing that when we left the house, there was nothing there. Without thinking, I rush up the stairs and march over to our room, throwing the door open and I'm relieved that there's no one there, but soft muffles come from down the hall and my hands and legs shake as I softly pad over to the empty room, noticing the slight open door and I peek inside, finding Nick and Tiffany, both naked and wrapped in the sheets, kissing and fucking...but why don't I feel anything? Why is there no pain? I can't pry my eyes off them and Tiffany's eyes land on mine, but she doesn't say anything. She smiles evilly, brushing her hair from the one side away and I silently gasp as my eyes land on the mark in the crook of her neck, my heart tearing apart slowly as I step back and I trip, knocking into the wall. "What was that?" Nick's concerned voice fills my ears, but it seems so far... My head starts spinning, my breathing getting heavier and my chest rises and falls fast as I scramble down the hall and into our room. How did this happen? All he needed to do was train those kids, but of course her skimpy outfit lured him into her trap. I slam the door shut behind me and I have no doubt he heard it, but I leave it unlocked. Two minutes, it takes him two minutes to barge into the room and his eyes are wide when they land on me, sitting on the bed with tears streaming down my flushed cheeks. "Jessica..." the guilt in his voice makes my eyes narrow on him, "How could you?" my chest vibrates as I inhale a shaky breath. "I...I'm sorry..." his arches brows furrow together and I stand up, my hurt turning into pure rage. "Are you f*****g kidding me Nick?" I bellow, a snarl escaping my throat. "Jess, please." he steps closer and so do I before I shove him back, making him stumble. "Nick..." Tiffany's annoying voice comes from behind him and he glances over his shoulder at her, "Just give us a minute." he asks while she stands in one of his shirts, her hair disheveled, cheeks red and her eyes sparkle. "Sure." she mutters, looking at me when he turns his attention back at me and the devilish smirk on her face makes me snap, "You know what? I warned you!" I snap at Nick before shoving him back and I brush past him, heading straight for her. She screams like a terrified little girl when I grab her and I toss her into out room, her body sliding across the floor. "Jessica!" Nick raises his voice in concern and he tries to reach for his precious mate when I walk towards her, but I kick his leg and he falls onto his knees, "I told you Nick, I will kill her to save us." I grit out as I grab her hair while my foot is launched into her lower back and I'm ready to just snap her neck and break her back, "This is all your fault, because you didn't listen." I'm ready to snap her neck, "Wait!" Nick stops me and I stare at him, his eyes filled with tears and panic, "Please...I love her." he croaks and my heart drops into my stomach. "Please, just...I won't forgive you if you do this..." He grits out, his sadness and panic replaced with anger and protectiveness...towards her and not me. "And I should forgive you?" my eyebrows raise questionably. "I won't let her take your place, you are this pack's Luna." he breathes out as if it would make me forgive him. I shove her head down, stepping away from her. "Shove your lies up your ass Nick." I scoff and she hurriedly crawls over to him and he wraps his arms around her before helping her up. I turn my back to them and when I hear the door slam shut, I turn and both of them are gone... All he does is lie these days...he said she won't take my place, yet she bears his mark now, he accepted her when he promised to reject her...first he said he'd reject his mate immediately and then he said he'd do it when he gathered the strength to. Now she lives in our pack, now she bears his mark and he'll never reject her...He promises me my place...yet he can't keep one of his promises that concerns her. Soon she'll suck him in completely and take over my pack, the pack I help built with the people I love and cherish. All she f*****g cares about is herself. I could feel my wolf fading, like she's going into hiding and, to be honest...If I could do the same, I would because I am tired of this awful feeling. I don't know why the Moon Goddess would be so cruel as to fate me to this...I never did anything wrong, unless she too thinks like the rest of the high-ranked wolves and deemed me unfit for the Luna position...but I always did everything right, or at least I tried to. I skipped dinner and was hauled up in my room, waiting for Nick to come beg me for forgiveness, even though I won't give it to him, I want him to try...I want him to fight for me, but I sit there for hours till the early hours of the morning and when the clock hits three am, I realize that he's not coming and it's all because of her... I lost my mate, my best friend and the love of my life...all because of one spoiled self centred brat that got everything with just pout.
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