My mate

1979 Words
JESSICA'S POV -- My heart starts racing as we head further up the stairs, my pulse is beating in my ears and the musky scent is intensifying. When we reach the top, there's an entire living room in the middle and then two halls, but the scent up here is stronger..."What's that smell?" I ask Louis without hesitation. He turns to me, his arched brows furrowing together, "The sweaty smell? Must be Nate, my alpha, but please, call him Alpha Nathaniel, he doesn't like strangers calling him Nate, or anyone else. As his best friend, I have perks." he winks at me, his smile so genuine and he seems like a totally different guy in his own pack than what he was at the party. I wet my lips and it still stings, it's taking forever to heal but I could feel it start from the inside. "Louis! Have you seen my phone?" Nate's voice comes from the opposite hall. "No, I've been out doing your job!" Louis yells back and the power lingering in the air is suffocating me. I'm stiff and upset about the stupid dress I thought would impress Nick. "Come.." Louis tugs me down the other hall, away from Alpha Nathaniel and once I enter his room, I'm shook. Everything is so white except for a few decorations. "Wow." I breathe out, his room is bigger than Nick and I's. He marches over to his closet and grabs a shirt, tossing it at me, "The bathroom is over there." he nods behind me and I turn, smiling before looking over my shoulder at him, "I'll be right back." he struts over to the door and I head inside the bathroom, the white marble walls knock the air right out of my lungs and I stand for two minutes and just look at everything. The bathtub looks huge, almost like a hot tub, the shower has benches built in and is large with great shower head equipment, the sink is built into a large white counter with beautiful engraved cupboards below it. I quickly undress and put Louis' white shirt on that fits me like a dress. I drape my dress over my arm and pick up my heels before exiting the bathroom, standing awkwardly looking at the bed...wondering if he'll come back to kiss me... I know I shouldn't think of it, but I've been feeling so alone...It doesn't matter if Nick slept next to me last night, his mind wasn't with me...he didn't want me in his bed...he wanted her. He didn't even come near me when all I wanted was for him to hold me, to tell me I'm still important too...but he didn't. When he climbed into bed, he turned his back to me and fell asleep, but it seemed forced, like he didn't want to see me at all. The door opens and Louis stands there, his eyes trailing me standing in his shirt. "You are tiny, aren't you?" he comes inside, holding out his hand and I take it, "Let's get that dress fixed." he grins and leads me down the hall again. Before taking the first step, a clearing of a throat makes us stop, "Louis, who's this?" Alpha Nathaniel's voice makes a shiver run down my spine and Louis turns first, "Jessica." he smiles and before he could explain anything, I turn, freezing when our eyes lock. My lips part as I stare into Alpha Nathaniel's beautiful olive orbs, his entire body language changes, his laid back look now tense. "Mate." he growls lowly and I gasp, fear and excitement mixing inside of me. My stomach flutters and Louis let's go of me, stepping aside, "Nate, I didn't know." he moves away from me and Alpha Nathaniel's eyes lock on my busted lip, his eyes flicking a bright silver as he looks at Louis, "What happened to her lip?" he grits out, anger clear in his tone. "Her...", "Wait!" I blurt out, looking at Louis with pleading eyes and Alpha Nathaniel's head snaps to my direction, curiosity visible in his gaze, "Why wait?" Alpha Nathaniel asks, his tone calm when speaking to me. "I just...I think I should tell you." I pick at my nails nervously, hoping that he wouldn't reject me. Louis walks over to me, "Give me the dress, I'll get it cleaned." he smiles and Alpha Nathaniel gives him a weird look as I hand it over. "Excuse me." Louis mutters before trotting down the stairs, leaving me alone with Alpha Nathaniel. "So, what happened?" he asks, his muscles tensing. I want to inch closer, every fibre of my being wants to be near him...but his gaze falls to my neck, looking at the mark embroidered into my flesh. "My mate his Louis for dancing with me and he accidentally hit me too...I was in the way." his eyes flash bright, anger written all over his face, "Accidentally?" he frowns, dragging his large veiny hand through his black hair. "Yes, I believe so." I gulp, his aura makes me feel like running away. "And you have a mate..." his eyes narrow on my mark and I feel the need to just claw it off. "My mate found his mate and now I'm just...the luna of our pack." My chin begins to wobble as tears form in my eyes. I shouldn't be crying, but I know that he won't accept me. I'm ruined...I'm marked, claimed to be someone elses... "Why are you crying?" he inches closer and only stops when he's in front of me. I want to fall into his arms, to beg him not to reject me, to save me, but how can I when I'm claimed... "You're going to reject me." my eyes squeeze shut as I suck my lips into my mouth. I flinch as his fingers brush over my cheek, wiping the tears away and sparks erupt in my face, sending a calm sensation down my back. "You might be marked, but I can fix that." his hand brushes my raven hair back over my shoulder, his thumb dragging over my mark and it slightly stings because he isn't the man who gave it to me... "How?" I stare up at him with teary eyes, "We remove it." he shrugs, his eyes filled with lust. I step back, "How?" I never heard of a mark being removed...and if someone did, they sure as hell didn't survive to tell the tale. "It's a rare ritual, but you seem tough enough." he shrugs, making my blood run cold...I'm not tough...I was an omega before being a luna... "I was an omega before being a luna." I blurt out, feeling like it's a fact he has to know. "But you are a luna, it changes your status. Didn't you feel yourself change?" his fingers drag down the side of my arm before he takes my hand and I feel like I might just jump him right here. "Let's get you out of Louis's shirt...I know he's kind but you smelling like him pisses me off." his eyes widen, his jaw tense and I follow him without hesitation. Walking into his room is like walking into a fancy black interior design room, the walls are black, his bedding his black, his cupboards are black...everything is black with beautiful gold detailing. "Wow." I breathe out as I absentmindedly march over to the double doors and just open them without asking. I step outside onto the patio, staring at the dark forest that surrounds us. We're far from the ground and I turn, looking at the dark exterior. Alpha Nathaniel joins me outside with a black t-shirt, not that I expected anything else, "Here, this will suit you much better." he grins, handing me the black shirt. "Where's your bathroom?" he frowns at my question, "Inside." he nods to behind him and I smile up at him, his emerald eyes glistening as he watches me pass him. I could feel his eyes on me as I disappear into the bathroom and it's even bigger than Louis'... I find it extremely weird that the guy who brought me home is my mate's beta...for Goddess sake...I thought of kissing him! I take a few minutes to glance around the bathroom, staring at myself in the full length bathroom mirror across from me. My lip is almost fully healed at least... Nick...oh Goddess, what do I tell Nick? Zola scoffs, 'He didn't think about us, did he?' she snarls and I just shrug it off...She has a point, but I'm not like that...I loved him since we were young and now I just have to let him go...It seems impossible and now I would be breaking that promise too. A knock on the door makes me jolt around, my hand clutching the shirt over my heart that's hammering in my ears. "Everything alright in there?" Alpha Nathaniel's voice soothes my racing pulse. "Yes!" I yell through the door, only realizing after that I probably could have spoken normally and he would hear me. He's a lycan, his senses are way more superior than any wolf's. I quickly change shirts and walk out again, finding Alpha Nathaniel sitting on the bed, his knees spread wide, elbows resting on them as he leans forward, staring at me right when I walk out of the bathroom. "Did you and Louis...kiss or anything?" the question drops like a bomb, like if we did, he'd explode, "No...I thought we might, but no." I shrug, being honest and I watch as his jaw tense. "I'm sorry, I was just being honest." He stands up, his length towering over me, "A simple no would have been good enough." he clears his throat and I watch his apple throb. "Sorry." I glance down at the floor and he grabs my chin gently, "Are you going home?" he tilts my head up, making me look at him. "I have to." I don't want to, but that is my pack and my life. "Stay, just for tonight." I would like to think he's asking, but something tells me he isn't... "I can't...I..I don't want anything to happen yet." I step back, his hold on my chin disappears and his hand drops to his sides. "Meaning...You don't want to kiss me?" he raises his brows. "I do." I blurt out, my cheeks heating in embarrassment. A smile creeps up his face, forming a simple dimple in his cheek. "But I can't..." I continue and his smile falls. He turns his back to me, "You love him." he grits out, pointing out the obvious. "I do...he was my best friend." I sigh, making him stop and turn to me again, "Was?" , "What?" I frown, "You said was." he inches closer again and I silently wish that he would keep his distance. It's hard to control myself. "Yes..." I did say that, but what is he getting at. "Are you still his best friend?", "Probably not, he doesn't even acknowledge me unless I dance with someone else." I snort, "How about we go back to this party...You can show me who it is." he smiles, making my blood run cold. "Alpha Nick, we're from the West Pack." His eyes widen like he realizes who I am talking about. "You know him.", "I have met him." he points out, "And?" I ask, desperately wanting his opinion of my mate. "He's a good alpha." is all he says, "But what do you say?" his eyes glisten. "You changed the subject." I point out, "You did it first." he grins and I sigh, looking around, "Fine..." I really don't want to go back after everything, but my lip is healed and I guess my dress would be done any second. "Let's get you a dress." he grins, "Wait here." he mutters before leaving the room.
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