7. Who's asked you to dress like a sl*t, Aurora!!

2008 Words

7. Who's asked you to dress like a sl*t, Aurora!!! Aurora's POV Nervously with a thumping heart, I was walking toward the main hall where the loud noise of the music besides the laughter and chattering of the guests were coming. I saw the place filled with people I have seen in magazines and 'Daily wolves' newspaper that writes about all the famous wolf celebrities as well as models. I was amazed to see Mr. James Wilbert, the well-known actor who gave a blockbuster movie, Howl. I had a crush on him when I was in school. I used to collect his pictures and articles from the newspaper. However today, he doesn't look more handsome than alpha Damien. My eyes were looking for him as I Quietly, with small steps, moved further. There by the side of the staircase was standing the famous model,

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