Chapter 10: The Bedtime Hour

717 Words

Chapter 10: The Bedtime Hour 11:37 P.M. “Are my sheet and comforter fresh?” Gillian asks from the upstairs bathroom, patting her face dry with a cotton towel after a fresh wash. “The last thing I want to do is catch bed bugs.” “Gillian, we have our differences, but I promise not to give you bed bugs.” I stand in the hallway outside the bathroom and retrieve a thick blanket and extra pillow from the linen closet for my night’s sleep on the sofa. The closet smells a little like Thad’s cologne, I perceive, or maybe it’s just my imagination playing tricks on me because I emotionally and physically want the football star here this weekend to deal with his two friends, Tom, and Saul’s shadow, Bernie. “Thad is dead,” I whisper to myself at the front of the closet, let out a sigh of discontent,

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