Chapter 4

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James' POV  "Did you hear there was a flood at Midnight River? Their entire pack house is gone. Luckily, no one was killed. Now the other Alpha’s are scrambling to find an alternate location for the summit." "No, no I didn't!" making sure to keep an air of surprise in my voice, as if I wasn't the one that had our resident witch send the flood. It was all part of my plan to get the location of the Alpha Summit changed to Emerald Sky, so I could get a look at their Luna firsthand. It would also make a tempting opportunity to take her. "Alpha Connor is in a panic at what's happening." "I think I have an idea of where we can have the summit," I told him. "Where's that?" "Emerald Sky." Cal looked at me confused for a moment. He might be in on my plan to capture their Luna, but he only knew what I wanted him to. "You want to go into Emerald Sky guns blazing? And what of your informant, won't he give us away?" "He'll act as naturally as he can and pretend he doesn't know us. You gave me a year to capture her, and the clock is ticking. I think it's been long enough that our informant should have her full trust. From what he's told me, he's become very close to her." "Not too close, I hope. Will he be able to do what needs to be done when the time comes?" "Yes, he's fully committed to the plan. He's ready to come home." Alpha Cal sat back in his chair, looking at me. "Don't you think it's a little foolish to go into the pack we're trying to steal from?" he asked. "No, they don't suspect anything and this way it will be easier for my informant to help carry out the plan. Plus, I'm sure the other Alpha's are curious to meet this primordial and see what she's like. I know I'm curious." Cal surveyed me, questioningly for a moment. Keith and I were worried he was going to say no. Even though this was my plan, he was the Alpha and I needed him to push the other Alpha's to make Emerald Sky the location of the summit. I couldn't do it as only the Beta. "Okay, I'll call Alpha Connor and suggest Emerald Sky for the change. I would like to see this she-wolf with my own eyes as well." "Great, I'll call my informant and tell him what's happening. Make sure to remind Alpha Connor that Emerald Sky hasn't held an event in many years, so it's about time. That might make his decision easier." "Thank you, Beta James. You really have done a wonderful job as Beta this last year. Secure this primordial and sell her for a high price and the job is yours permanently." "Thank you, Alpha Cal., It's been an honor to serve under you." "Are you kidding? No, it hasn't!" Keith shouted. "All we've done is run around and try to clean up his messes and try to keep this pack afloat until we can get our hands on the primordial." "Will you shut up! I'm trying to act my best here, and you're not helping." "I'm just speaking the truth!" I rolled my eyes. Keith was angry we still hadn't acted yet, but we had to wait for the proper moment. "You can go," Cal told me. I got to my feet, bowed my head, and left his office. Going directly to one of the offices to make a phone call. Dialing my informant’s number, I waited for him to answer. "Hello?" Came his voice. "Good news, I managed to convince Alpha Cal to change the location of the Summit to Emerald Sky. He's going to talk to Alpha Connor to make it official." "Excellent. What are you planning to do once you get here?" "I want to assess her powers and get a feel of the territory. Your information has been great, but I want to see things for myself." "You're not planning to take her yet, are you?" "I'm not sure yet, although if the opportunity arises. I'll use it." "Have you asked my mother for help yet enchanting some silver to strip her powers away?" "Not yet, I wanted to wait until I got the location of the Summit changed. One task at a time, but we need to start getting this plan rolling, we're running out of time and this pack is running out of money." "I know, I've been here for far too long. Have you heard from Brad at all?" "Not much. As a rogue now, he keeps mostly to himself. If he knew what we were doing, I'm sure his greedy a** would be right here trying to help." "That would be a disaster. If she took one look at him, she'd blast him into the next millennium." "How are things going there? Any new updates?" I asked him. "Not much to report on my end. Sierra has been working a lot and Aaron is on his way home from a business trip tomorrow. Her research about her abilities has been slowed because of her work, which is good because she hasn't been able to figure out how to detect if people are lying or not." "Let's hope she doesn't figure that one out any time soon. Ask her to train with you, keep her as distracted as possible." "I'll do my best." "Alpha Connor will be in touch with their pack soon about the change in location. That alone should keep them busy for a while." "Sounds like a plan. Have you found a buyer for her yet?" "I haven't asked around yet. My plan was to take her to the holding cells and have her auctioned off to the highest bidder. I think she'll get more attention and higher prices that way. Create a bidding war." "I think you're right. The more people see her, the more they'll want her." "Exactly, now I have to go before someone walks into this office. Call me with any updates you feel are important." "Okay." I hung up the phone but stayed sitting in my chair. Once we auctioned her off and had the money, I planned to come back here, and set it up to look like Alpha Cal had orchestrated this entire thing. Alpha Aaron would come looking for her, and my informant would lead him right where we wanted him. Once he killed the Alpha, I could take over the pack. Playing stupid and begging for my life like I had nothing to do with it. Or maybe I'd give Cal away and act like I had nothing to do with it. From what I was told, Aaron seemed like a pushover and wouldn't kill me if he didn't have to. I figured he would also be too busy trying to figure out where she was so that he wouldn't waste time with me. "You better hope so, because if he does kill you, all of this will have been for nothing," Keith said. "It'll be fine, this plan is much better than the one that i***t Mathew came up with. We have a fall back and someone to blame it on. We're going to make a much better Alpha than Cal." That was true in any right, a rock would be a better Alpha. This pack had been struggling for so many years and it was all because of him. He refused to step down from his position as Alpha because he didn't have a son. His mate had died giving birth to their only child, who died not long after. Usually, the pain of losing your mate would kill you, but I don't think he ever truly loved her like he should have. "Beta James, we're waiting for you on the training grounds," came the voice of one of our warriors, Travis. "I'll be there in a couple of minutes. Start warming up so we can dive right in when I get there." "Yes Beta." Many of our warriors were inexperienced. The Alpha had forgotten most of his duties since he spent most of his time shut in his office, trying to get us out of the financial mess he put us in. Since I was planning to take over, I wanted to start building our warriors up and training them to be good fighters. We might need that if Aaron came after us. Right now, I need to go find our pack witch and ask for her help. Usually, you could find her in her potions room, coming up with all kinds of new concoctions. "Hello!" I yelled, bursting through the door. "What do you want James?" Her voice was low, as if she was concentrating on something. She was bent low over her cauldron, pouring some red liquid inside. "Need me to send another flood somewhere?" "No, but that was for a good reason." "Care to tell me what that is?" She asked, glancing at me sideways. "What are you doing?" I asked, ignoring her previous question. "Working on something to strengthen the warriors. What do you need from me?" "I need you to enchant some silver chains to keep the primordial Luna of Emeral Sky from using her powers." She stopped pouring and looked at me. "Why do you need me to do that?" "Because I'm planning to take her from Emerald Sky and sell her on the black market." "Is that why you have my son gone?" "Yes, he's helping me gather information and he's going to be the one to take her." "I'm assuming this is also why you had me help them." "Yes, it was all part of the plan. Once Brad told me about her, I knew we had to act. This pack is in ruins, and he and I are going to fix it." "Are you now?" she asked slyly. "Yes." "You sound very certain of that fact." "That's because I am. Are you going to help me or not?" Her eyes narrowed as she contemplated. "If you do, your son will come back sooner." I knew using her son would encourage her, he was the only thing she cared about. "Fine, I'll help you. When do you need these chains?" "I want to take them with me to the Alpha's Summit. I got the location changed to Emerald Sky and I want to be prepared. I might end up taking her on the final day." "When is this summit?" "Next month. Can you do it by then?" "Of course, I can. Come back and see me before you leave. Now if you would kindly leave me, this potion takes a lot of concentration." Satisfied that she was on board, I left her potion room and went back outside. "This is perfect, with her on our side we should have no problems," Keith said.
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