Chapter 2

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Sierra’s POV One month prior "Can I hide in here?" Danny asked, sticking her head inside my office door. "Sure, go for it," I told her, glancing up from the long and arduous manuscript I was editing. "I swear, this pup is trying to kill me before she’s even born." Danny slid down onto my couch, putting her hands on her swollen stomach. "Not a good day?" I asked, putting my pen down. If you didn’t give Danny your undivided attention when she talked to you, she would get very emotional in the end stages of her pregnancy. "I mean if you call, throwing up 3 times before noon, swollen ankles, having to pee every 5 minutes, constant heartburn, and fatigue not good, then no it hasn’t been good." "Yeah, I think Aaron and I will wait on that whole situation for a while," I joked. "Doesn’t mean we can’t get some good old fashion practice in," Brooklyn purred. Danny chuckled slightly. Not being able to train or shift was really hard for her. She hated feeling like she wasn’t able to do things for herself. Caleb was trying his best to make sure she was comfortable, but pregnant Danny was scary sometimes. "I don’t know what would make you say that," she joked back. "What are you working on?" "Just looking over a manuscript before I send it over to Ivan for his final edits." "When is that jerk brother of mine going to just make you an editor already? You already do basically everything. You only have to send things over to Ivan as a courtesy." "That’s exactly what I’ve been wondering too," Brooklyn added. "He can’t. At least not right away, that’s what I’ve told him. I don’t want people thinking I got into my position because of my husband." "Who cares? He owns the place after all. Not to mention you’ve been working there for a year now, isn’t that enough time?" Aaron had said the same thing, but I insisted on working my way up the ladder just like everyone else. "Did you need me for something?" I asked, changing the topic of discussion. "No, I just needed to get away from Caleb. He's trying to do everything for me. I feel like everyone looks at me like I'm going to break if I just bend over. It’s driving me up the wall.” She leaned her head back and rested it on the back of the couch, letting out a long sigh. "Try to cut him a little bit of slack. He loves you so much, and after all the time you spent trying to have a pup, he just wants to make sure you both are well taken care of." "I know, it is just so annoying,” she whined, closing her eyes. "Well, feel free to hide here as long as you want. I'm just going to be reading through this most of the day." I went back to reading through the manuscript, marking out what I thought didn’t need to be there. Fixing any issues I found with the grammar. After a couple of minutes, I looked up to see Danny had fallen asleep. I got up, took a blanket from the rack beside the couch and covered her. Knowing what little sleep she was getting at night, I decided to take my work to our apartment and do some of it there, so I didn’t disturb her. Gathering up my papers, I tiptoed from the room as quietly as I could. The hallway was quiet, everyone was either training or working. My apartment was empty as Aaron was currently away at a conference. He had been gone for two days but was coming back tomorrow. That left me, Danny, and Caleb to run the pack. Caleb and Justin were out training a new batch of young warriors who had just started. I settled myself down at our dining room table and picked up where I left off. I was due to get Ivan this revised copy by 5:00 tomorrow, and I was only halfway through. After reading for what felt like an eternity, I finished the last page. I placed the rubber bands around the pages to keep them together. "Goddess, I thought that story was never going to end," Brooklyn complained. "It was ridiculously long and convoluted, wasn’t it?" "Do you think they’re actually going to publish that?" "I don’t know, that’s not up to me." "Well, it should be. It’s stupid we’re not an editor. We know what we’re doing better than some people who are." "Give it a year," I told her. "Then we can think about moving up. Let’s go check on Danny." Heading back to my office, I opened the door, but she was no longer on the couch. "Danny, are you okay?" "Yeah, I forgot I had one last doctor’s appointment before the big day." "Gotcha, meet you at dinner?" "Yeah, I’ll waddle my way there eventually." I wanted to laugh, but not in our link. Setting everything on my desk, I exited my office and headed for the dining hall. When the elevator doors opened, I saw Austin heading into the dining hall. "Austin!" I called out. He turned and smiled at me. "Hey Sierra." "What have you been up to today? I haven’t seen you that much." "I’ve been training mostly. Caleb and Justin needed some help with the new batch of warriors." "How are they coming along?" "Not great. These guys don’t have the fighting mentality." "Maybe I can come to the training grounds tomorrow. Give them a little nudge in the right direction." "Seeing you use your powers might scare them more than they already are," he joked. "Oh, come on, I’m not that scary am I?" "Not to me, but you might be to them. Although it might be good for them to see a good fight. Why don’t you come tomorrow at 10:00?" "Sounds good, maybe I can take a break from these manuscripts." "Editing not all you were expecting?" "No, I do enjoy it. It’s just a lot sometimes with what I’m reading." Austin and I sat down at the head table. Since Aaron was away, he was joining our table with my parents, Danny, and Caleb, who were already sitting. After I had taken my seat, the omega’s started bringing out the food. Tonight, was an Italian feast with pizza and pasta. "Aaron’s gonna be pi**ed he missed this." Caleb said, diving into the first plate of food he could reach. "Have you heard from him today?" "Not too much, he had a bunch of meetings, but he’ll be back tomorrow afternoon." "Good, because I’m getting tired of picking up his slack around here," Caleb joked, winking at me. "Sierra, how was work today?" My mom asked from across the table. "Good, I spent most of my day reading a new manuscript that Ivan sent me. He wanted me to look over it first before his final edits." "They really should just make you an editor already," she remarked. Danny gave me an 'I told you so look.’ "I’ll get there eventually. I just want to work my way up like everyone else." "Yeah, but everyone else isn’t sleeping with the boss. There’s gotta be some perks to that," Caleb added with a mouthful of pasta. "Caleb, you're disgusting," added my mom. "Come on, Maria. If you don't know that by now, you're missing a lot," Austin joked. Everyone at the table laughed, including my mom. She didn't like to admit it, but she loved Caleb and all his sarcasm. After dinner, everyone went their separate ways. Caleb and Danny got off the elevator on the Beta floor while I continued my ride up to our floor. Walking into our apartment, I went straight to the bathroom to take a bath. "When are Aaron and Cole getting back tomorrow? I miss them..." Brooklyn asked. "I don't know, it depends how much they got done today. I think sometime in the afternoon. I'll text him and see." After running a bath and slipping into the warm water. I grabbed my phone off the side table and texted Aaron. Flicking on the TV that sat on the wall, I clicked through the channels until I found something to watch. Before I could text Aaron, my phone started vibrating as he called me. "Hello?" I said, answering quickly. "Hey love, how's it going?" "It's good, just spent most of the day reading a new manuscript for Ivan." "Was it any good?" "Not something I would enjoy, but what are you gonna do. How was your day? I haven't heard from you much." "I know, I'm sorry about that. I had a day full of meetings. Nothing really too eventful happened today, but we were able to get all the meetings done today, so I'll be able to come home early tomorrow." Brooklyn perked up in my mind. "That's great. We've missed you around here." "I've missed you too. Hopefully, this is the last conference I have to go to for a while. Next time I'll take you with me." "As riveting as that sounds, I didn't mind hanging around here. Danny's going stir crazy, she's ready for that baby to be out." "I don't blame here." He got quiet for a second. "Is everything okay?" "Yeah, I was just thinking about when we're gonna have a pup." "Um, excuse me?" Brooklyn said. "Did I just hear him right?" "Is that something you've been thinking about a lot?" "Just in the last month or so, I guess." "And what are your thoughts?" "I think it would be nice to have a little red-headed pup running around the pack." "I'm definitely open to it, but I still feel like I'm so young. Maybe we could wait a couple of years?" "I'm okay with that, it doesn't have to be right now, I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page with it." "I think we are. Brooklyn, on the other hand, is currently cowering at the thought." Aaron laughed. "Well, if Cole had his way, we would have knocked you up long ago." We both laughed this time. I'm sure what he was saying was true. "I've got to go; I'm getting another call." "Okay, I love you." "I love you too. See you tomorrow." "Okay." We hung up the phone, and I went back to watching my TV show, until I finally pulled myself out of the bath and went to bed.
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