Chapter 11- Safe

1677 Words
As soon as I arrived home, I saw Sophie at the breakfast counter, eating the foods I had made for her earlier. The crepes were finished so was the bowl of fruits I left in the fridge. She was silently munching the veggies while looking at her phone. “Hey!” I greeted her, “How is it going?” I asked, locking the door. Sophie merely nodded and glanced at me. “Hey,” she unflappably muttered before returning to her eating business. Right then and there, I knew she was still upset. Being the bigger person, I calmly walked over to the fridge and took a bottle of cold water. “Did you like it?” I asked her after drinking the water. I was trying to open a conversation to ease up the awkwardness between us. “It’s great. Thanks,” Again, in her casual voice. “What did you want for dinner?” I asked her again, opening the fridge once more to check for a snack. “I don’t know,” “Oh, come on, girl,” I puffed, “You need to eat before your shift,” I said, closing the fridge after taking a cup of yogurt. I felt famished and tired after walking for nearly an hour. “Whatever you want, El,” Sophie replied, “I know you have plans tonight with Kyle, so please don’t mind me,” she added. I inwardly gasped after hearing what she said. I didn’t know where she got that info since I hadn't told her yet. I was about to answer her when she spoke. “Kyle messaged me and apologized. He invited me too, but I can't go,” Sophie said, standing up to clean the plates that she used, “I needed to work, you know. I have rent to pay,” she casually continued. “Sophie,” I heaved a deep breath and sat on the chair, “I’m done with my checklist. We can send them now,” Sophie looked at me, “El, go on with your plan. I…I… just thought that maybe I would skip this year and continue my application next year,” she declared with sadness in her eyes. “What do you mean?” “Grandma is sick and in the hospital again. There’s a chance that Aunt Mely would ask me to go to Florida to look after her or perhaps help her with hospital bills,” Sophie gloomily answered. “Sophie…” I mumbled and stood to hug her, “I can help you….” I offered. I didn’t know how, but I would find ways to help her. “How, El?” Sophie asked, “I know you don’t have much money either, and please continue even if I don’t. I will do my best to stay here for work,” she conveyed. “Sophie, I’m sorry,” I embraced her tightly, reassuring her that everything would be alright. I knew how much she wanted to carry on with her studies, but the situation was complicated. She and Sawyer have been doing their best to help their grandma ever since she got sick. “Does Sawyer already know this?” “I called him earlier, and he said we will talk about it,” Sophie answered, breaking the hug. “I hear you,” I smiled at her. Just like that, I knew Sophie and I were okay now. Though it wasn’t ideal, knowing the circumstances of her life at the moment. “I need to prepare now, girl. My shift will start at six tonight.” “Okay. How’s your tummy?” “Much better. Thanks for the yummy food,” Sophie smiled, “I’ll go ahead.” “You are always welcome,” I sighed. While Sophie was inside, I started cleaning the little mess in the kitchen before sitting down on the couch to rest my legs. While relaxing, I couldn’t help but think about what happened when I saw Kyle earlier. The beautiful lady he was talking with was nothing but casual, but the strange encounter with the blondie was mysterious. Kyle’s demeanor seemed to change instantly, something I wasn’t really familiar with. “You okay?” I heard Sophie ask. She was standing in front of me, eyes narrowing. “Spacing out again?” “Oh, I’m sorry for spacing out,” I flinched. “It’s fine. I was just asking you where you have been this afternoon,” Sophie asked, rummaging the pantry this time. “I had a good sleep that I didn’t notice you left,” she added, taking a pack of chips. “I went to the park and finished the scarf I made for Nana Delia for her birthday,” I answered, taking my bag to check my phone. “How is the lovely old lady?” “Doing good. She’s sad but seems fine. I am planning to visit her next week.” “That’s awesome. I miss my granny too, but Auntie updated me minutes ago. She will get discharged from the hospital tomorrow, and she will have her own nurse at home,” Sophie added, brushing her hair. “That’s such a relief!” “I know, right!” Sophie exhaled a breath of relief, “I'll just wire them the money and see them as soon as I have my day off next month,” she said, returning to our bedroom and then to the living room with her belongings. I heaved a breath, “Great plan,” I murmured while checking my phone to see if Kyle had messaged me. I saw nothing, so I tossed it on the couch, “I’m still waiting for Kyle’s message,” I mumbled. “I thought you were doing it at his home,” Sophie sat next to me and fixed her stuff inside her bag. “Yeah, I’m not sure,” I shrugged my shoulders. “Elisha…” “Yes,” “I know you like Kyle, but please try to focus on your goal,” Sophie advised, “It's only been a month since you met him, and I want you to be careful. Do you hear me?” I nodded. “I am careful. We haven’t kissed again since that night, and he’s such a gentleman,” I stated as a matter of fact, “I know there’s s****l tension between us, but I know my limitations, girl, and he respects me,” I thoughtfully replied. Even though we met during lunchtime and we talked all day and night, Kyle was still calm toward me. He was the sweetest. He was aware that I had never been in a serious relationship, and he was my first kiss. “I know what you mean, El. Kyle seems nice and very charming, but….” “But what?” Sophie waved her hand, “Nevermind,” she snorted, “I’ll tell you once I am sure he isn't going to hurt you or play you in his hands,” she added, standing up. “Sophie!?” I grumbled, “Tell me!” Sophie gave me a smug look. “Elisha, I love you, my sister. I just want you to be careful. Guard your heart. I know Kyle is very into you, but I wouldn’t put my trust easily in him,” she calmly voiced her thoughts out. “I hear you,” I puckered. “I find him too good to be true, but I may be wrong or right,” Sophie bluntly told me, “You know what I’m saying, eh?” “Yes, mom,” I puckered. Sophie giggled. “But no matter what, girl. I will break his balls for you if he breaks your heart,” she winked, then wiggled her newly plucked brows. I couldn’t help but laugh. “We're still getting to know one another, and no, I don't completely trust him, and I'm still guarding my heart. It’s safe,” I partially lied when I said my heart was safe. The last few weeks had been amazing, and he had been in my thoughts constantly. I was conscious that I was gradually falling to his attention and charm. “I know you, but if things get heated up. Please use protection,” Sophie held, smirking. “You know what I’m saying, girl, huh?” “Yes! Condoms! Pills! What else, withdrawal! The morning after pills!” I laughingly stated. Sophie laughed. “Yes! Just be careful. However, I would love to see a little Elisha, but not now. Not this year!” she snorted. “I will be careful… I promise,” I assured Sophie. Kyle and I hadn't reached that stage. After our first remarkable making-out sesh, the closest one was just a kiss on the cheeks, forehead, or hair, not on the lips nor anywhere on my skin. “That’s a relief,” “Yes, trust me,” I smiled at Sophie. More chats and serious talks later, Sophie left the apartment. I took my chance to prepare myself after receiving Kyle’s message. He said that his driver would pick me up soon. “You look good, Elisha….” I told myself in the mirror. I wore my casual jeans, red flannel shirt, and slip-on shoes. I considered dressing up, but since we were going to cook at his penthouse, I opted to wear a comfortable one. It would be easier for me to move and prepare in the kitchen. “Hair up!” I smiled, tying up my long hair in a bun. I left some of my natural auburn hair streaks down to give it a hairstyle. “Then a little mascara, bronzer, lipstick, and you’re done!” I winked. I slipped my phone and a little cash into my jeans pocket once I felt ready and content with my outfit. I didn't bring anything special and instead chose to be myself. “Dinner time, Elisha!” I cheered, almost patting my own back. xx
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