Chapter 30- Lost

3769 Words

“Hey…why are you still sad?” Kyle’s sweet voice asked. He hugged me from behind while we rested in bed. We were at the beach house on a small island he rented for our weekend—miles away outside the city. Kyle spontaneously brought me here last night. He said I looked sick and pale and perhaps needed sun and seawater. “I am not,” I mumbled, sniffling. I was silently crying. It had been days since Sophie, and I talked about her decision to go to Florida for her grandma. Sophie didn’t want to go, but she got no choice. Aside from the nurse quitting the job, her granny’s health was already declining. As much as I wanted her to stay, I couldn’t be selfish enough to ask her. Sophie’s granny needed her, and of course, Sophie wanted to be with her granny's side until they got a new nurse.

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