Chapter 66- Gifts

3134 Words

The following day, Sophie, Layla, and I woke up early to start our Sunday morning. I thanked heaven for a morning without vomiting. Sophie was in charge of breakfast while Layla and I talked about what had happened to me in the past month. I told her everything Kyle did to me, from breaking my heart on the day I was supposed to surprise him to my being homeless to the day I decided to end my life. Like yesterday, we cried once more. The sadness and pain weren’t as heavy as before. Perhaps it was because I had been retelling the sad story repeatedly, and my heart eventually became numb. “Oh, God! I cant wait to see that fucker’s face!” Layla grittily stated. She was so livid that I could see her nose fuming in ire. Layla looked like Sophie in the scandalous video that went online when

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