"I really think you are stalking me."

1376 Words
Joyce’s P.O.V I was stumped, I have never came across a woman that has handed back an expensive item like a necklace to me before? The woman I usually deal with accept them no bother, even if I am just doing it to keep them sweet to f**k them. I have certain woman I go to when I need s*x if I have no time to find a new one or I am horny. Well none until Freya? What is that all about? I have millions...so a necklace at a couple of grand is nothing to me but she wants flowers? I do not do flowers, they are too romantic and cheesy for me but maybe I could act like they aren’t if it helps me get her? I would find someone who would happily take the necklace but right now? Freya is the one I am after. I decided to head down for an afternoon drink, don’t usually drink in the afternoon, today I will just to get under Freya’s skin. I pulled on jeans and tee, keeping it casual. I headed down to the bar, taking a seat and looking for her but I couldn’t see her. “Freya is on a short break.” The person behind the bar said l, the one I seen when I dropped Freya’s gift off this morning A break already? She only started a little over an hour ago, then again they never really seemed that busy at the present moment “Where is she?” I asked “Outback, having a cig.” She said “no guests are allowed out there.” She added “I don’t do rules sweetheart.” I smirked getting up and headed out back Freya was sitting on a grassy area, smoking her cig and lost in her own little world. I crept up behind, crouching down behind her. This woman needs to learn how to be more aware of her surroundings, I could be anyone “Hey gorgeous.” I said prodding her side “WHAT THE f**k!” She squealed jumping I chuckled loudly, Freya looking over her shoulder, glaring at me “Can I help you? No guests are allowed out here...staff only.” She said “What have I ever done or said to make you believe that I follow rules of my sort? Unless they are my own.” I said Freya rolled her eyes, turning away from me. I let out another small chuckle, sitting down next to her. She was refusing to look at me or talk to me. Is she still mad at me for the necklace? “Cig?” she said holding the packet to me “Thanks.” I said taking one from her and she passed me her lighter too “Are you still mad at me?” I asked “Yes you are an i***t buying someone you barley know something like that necklace but do you know what pissed me off even more? The fact that you thought I was the sort of girl that can be bought.” She said looking at me for what felt like the first time since I joined her “Most people can be if the price is right.” I said, soon regretting my words “Well I am not f*****g most people. I am not a damn hoe you can’t pay to get my services Jayce.” She hissed, quickly jumping to her feet and stormed back inside. Seriously what do I need to do to get her? I finished of the cig before heading in after her. When I arrived she was busy serving. I took a seat at the bar and when she looked up seeing me I hear her mutter to herself before she came over, she never had a choice I was next to be served “What can I get you?” She said sweetly through gritted teeth “A scotch on the rock please beautiful.” I winked “Whatever.” She said going to get my drink for me When she sat it down on front of me, I placed my hand over hers making sure she wouldn’t get away “Come on Freya I am sorry, don’t ignore me.” I said making sure to look her straight in the eye She whimpered when I did this, getting lost in my eyes ...a trick that always worked just have those kind of eyes...those Irish eyes that all the woman seemed to love. I gentle stroke her hand with the pad of my thumb, Freya swelling hard as I did “Let me make it up to you?” I said sweetly I was far from sweet but I can play that part when and if needed “How you gonna do that?” she finally managed to breathe out “Whatever you want." I said I was soon regretting those words, words you never say to anyone cause that is an opening for them to take advantage. I see a smirk appear on her lips, f**k this could go badly. “I will have a think about it and get back to you.” She said smugly pulling away from me going to tend to other customers I think that is worse, when she is gonna take her time to think about it. I was got be nervous until she decided. I did not like her having all the control now. I need to find a way to get it back, her having it will not do one bit. ******** I had been down at the bar for a couple of hours, deciding to eat while I was there...Freya had been doing her best to avoid me, sending the other staff over to see to me, though that didn’t stop her stealing glances my way when she thought I wasn’t looking. I was though, been keeping a close eye on her, especially when she was serving other guys, wanted to make sure they were not gonna swoop in and get her before I do. “Freya you can take you tea break, everyone else had had theirs.” The woman who I am assuming is either the shift manager or bar manager “Ok.” She smiled grabbing her bad and heading for the exit. I quickly paid my tab then headed out after her but by the time I did she was gone. Where the heck did she go? “Looking for someone?” I heard a familiar Scottish accent say from behind me “Yes... You “I said sternly moving in closer to her “I am seriously beginning to think you are stalking me Jayce. Everywhere I go you are there.” She said with her arms over her chest, tapping her foot on the ground “I wouldn’t need to if you would stop f*****g ignoring me.” I said annoyed “I thought I made it clear I don’t like being ignored?” I added sternly Freya rolled her eyes at me and shrugged. I clenched my fists at my side. She really was very disobedient...it pissed me off and turned me on at the same time. “And I don’t like being stalked…what can you do?” Freya said walking away from again I groaned in frustration, getting very inpatient, see if she was mine she would be over my lap and my twitching palm would be against her ass…I have never met a woman who can get under my skin like Freya. I stood, watching her disappear into the deli, two minutes later a text came through Freya: You can start by buying me a coffee I laughed, shaking my head…she really was gonna be a pain in my ass I knew she was Jayce: OK x I sent the text before heading into the Deli to join her. I had a feeling this was only the start of how I can make it up to her.
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