Chapter 5

4600 Words
Fallon POV Five weeks, I’ve been working here for five weeks. I’m stronger than I was when they first took me out of the dungeon, but I’m still very skinny, the cook makes sure we get a little more food so that I don’t have to share mine with Katya anymore, it didn’t bother me actually, she reminded me of Lennox. Oh goddess I miss them, my family and my friends. I just can’t understand why no-one has come for me yet. I’ve been missing for almost ten months now, how the hell did they not notice. Pepper must’ve said something, surely she’d let them know I’m gone. “Hey!” Asshat yells from behind my closed door and I saunter over pulling it open “You yelled?” I say with a sweet smile. My head whips to the left violently, my cheek stinging as I try to regain my footing “Don’t take that tone with me” he growls stepping inside “Wow, what a man” I say looking him dead in the eye. He aims to punch me but I dodge, his fist connecting with the wall “Aaarrgh! You’ll pay for that you b***h!” he yells and I laugh “Really? What’s he going to do?” I coo, the next moment my head is rammed into the door, cracking the door and my skull I think. My vision blurs, the iron taste of blood filling my mouth “You need a lesson” the one holding me against the door hisses in my ear. I struggle but he’s strong, or rather I’m too weak “You intend to teach me?” I growl and he steps back, fisting my hair and pulling my head back “Yes, you’ll like it” he hisses and kicks me in the back. I roll out into the hallway, multiple gasps and then her little voice “Fallon!” she yells but I hold up my hand “Stay back darling” I look her in the eyes, big crocodile tears forming in them “Listen to the brave princess you little runt” another growls kicking me hard in the side. SNAP “Aah!” I cry out in pain as the bones snap, clutching my side “Princess!” I hear her little voice again, forcing a smile I glance up “Go inside honey, please” I beg her and she reluctantly goes back “Useless just like her father” the one says, a pain shoots through my head as he punches me in the jaw “Say it to his face you coward” I breathe out trying to stand “I intend to” he says and grabs my hair pulling me down the hallway. I struggle against his grip, kicking and screaming all the way “Let me go!” I yell over and over but he just yanks me harder. My scalp stinging and burning with pain “Time to get off that high horse” he says and throws me in a room. It’s dark but not as dark as the dungeon. I get up slamming my hands against the door “Let me out!” I scream at the top of my lungs. Then I hear it, movement. I spin around, trying to pin point the sound. Holding my breath for as long as I can, I turn my head to figure out. Sweeping, scratching noises. The hell is that? I take a step closer, then an excruciating pain cripples me and I grab my leg “Aaah!” I yell out, then another. Their long sharp fangs sinking into my flesh, ripping at my skin as their fangs retract. Snakes, oh s**t. I stumble backwards, my back hitting the cold wall, but the predators advance, quickly striking over and over. The smell of my blood mixed with their venom fills the room as I cry out in pain. “HELP ME!” I yell but there’s no help here. What do I do? Snakes were never a threat to us, we don’t know what to do. My brain is running through a million options when I hear a familiar voice “YOU WHAT?!” he hollers. Bite “Aaah!” I cry out again. The intense pain becoming unbearable “OPEN IT!” he commands. Bite. Bite “Oh goddess!” I plead, my legs giving out, I struggle to stay still, the snakes striking where ever they can, their cold smooth slithering bodies glide up my body “Princess!” he yells and then I hear a loud CRACK. The door bursts open and a blurry figure rushes toward me. “For f**k’s sake! Help me you useless waste of oxygen!” his voice now sounding as if he’s speaking in a can. Robotic, static, like it’s a bad connection. I will my eyes to stay open, but the venom is pulsing through me, burning my veins “Ah dammit!” one says and throws the snake away “Get her out now!” is the last words I hear before my eyes close, I become weightless. I feel my heart rate slow, slower, slower. Beat…beat……beat…..darkness   Unknown POV “You did what?!” I yell at the guard and he trembles “Sorry master I-“I slap him, sending him flying to the side clutching his cheek “Did I not make myself clear?!” I yell and he nods “Answer me you fool!” I growl, the windows tremble, my claws extend and he comes into clear view “Y-yes master” he says in a pathetic voice “Hurting a defenseless woman! Dealing out punishment as you see fit without authorization!” I turn my anger toward the other two “You’ll pay. Oh you’ll pay dearly, I have no mercy for trash like you” my voice low and threatening “Master please” they plead making me laugh “Did she not plead?!” they only nod “Did she not call for help?!” again they nod “Did you hear it?” I whisper and their eyes squeeze closed “Did you?” I ask again “Y-yes” they say and I roar in anger “Gunther!” I call and he appears in the doorway “My lord” I point to them “They need to learn respect. Laying a hand on a woman, dealing out punishment without my consent. What do you propose?” I ask my voice calm, although my insides are vibrating with anger “Cut off their hands” he says calmly and I smile “Yes. If they don’t have hands, they will not be able to strike a lady” their eyes go wide, tears running down their cheeks “No master please” they beg “If she dies, you will die. Take one hand each” I state and they scream being dragged out of my office “Master” the one that brought them bows “Yes” “Master, the girl she’s injured very badly” he says and I run my hand through my hair “Take her to the hospital, tell them to do all they can. Spare no expense, she might be a servant but I will not let someone die because three fools couldn’t keep their anger at bay” I state and he runs out “Gunther” “Yes sir” “It seems our men have forgotten their place. Make sure they understand that I will not tolerate this kind of behavior” “As you wish my lord” he bows and walks out. I turn to the window, the beast still stirring in anger inside me. Through the years I’ve learnt to control him, but when things like this happens he is harder to keep at bay “We should be dealing with them” his dark voice echoes in my head “No, it’s best they do it” I state “They should know who’s in charge” “They will” I say looking at the mountains. When I close my eyes her smiling face greets me, this calms us both down “We need to see her” he urges “I know” “Let’s go then” “Not now, we have to make sure she’s alright first. I can’t bear knowing she might not be alright” I answer honestly “Soon then?” “Yes, as soon as we’re sure” I say and he seems to be satisfied. I feel the anger subside and take a few deep breaths, calming my nerves.   Fallon POV Beep. Beep. Beep. Shut up. Beep. Beep. Beep. Make it stop. Beep. Beep. Beep. Oh for crying out loud. I slowly open my eyes, the light blinding and I groan “Princess?” he speaks and I try to turn my head but something is in my throat “Get the doctor!” he says and I feel my hand warm up “Oh princess, thank the goddess you’re awake” his tall blurry figure looms over me, my eyes can’t seem to focus, so I blink a few times and slowly the room comes into view “Keep still princess” another voice says, he grabs the thing from my mouth and I gag as they pull it out. My stomach turns and I try to sit up but I have no strength at all. “Get her up, gently” a woman says and I’m lifted up, my face shoved into a silver bowl. I keep gagging, but nothing comes out “Deep breaths princess” the woman soothes, I try and fail. The bile rises in my throat and I finally puke. The sour taste of my stomach acid flooding my mouth and I gasp “Here” the bowl lowers and a glass with water is there. My whole body is trembling and I struggle but manage to get two gulps down. Only then do I look up, all their faces covered with the same black masks “Thank you” I croak out as they lay me back down “You gave us quite a scare there princess” the man, who I assume is the doctor says “Sorry” my throat burning as my voice box vibrates. A shaky pale, bony hand covers my throat “Don’t apologize. You didn’t go in there by yourself” the doctor says and the kind guard growls lowly “They were punished, they’ll never touch you again” he says and I nod, giving him a weak smile “You’re a good man” I say to Softy and he nods “Thank you” his voice soft “Rest please, it’ll take a few more days for the venom to leave your system” the doctor says and walks out “Call if you need anything” the nurse says and I nod. They close the door and I look at the room, it’s a small plain room, but it’s bright at least I can see. The warmth is still on my hand and I glance down, seeing his gloved hand still holding mine. I give his fingers a light squeeze, making him look up “Thank you for saving me” I say in a hoarse voice “They had no right to do that, I’m sorry” he says “I did break the rules” I say and he looks at me “What do you mean?” “I was uhm, insubordinate” I say and he chuckles “Still, we never use that room unless we want the people dead” he says and I nod. A long comfortable silence settles in the room “When you passed out I feared the worst” he says “Gonna take more than that to kill me” I joke and he looks up, tears in his eyes “I was really scared. I thought I…” he trails off and I frown “Tell me” “I thought I lost you” he says his voice but a soft whisper “Who are you?” I ask and he sits back shaking his head, his hand not letting mine go “Nobody” he says “That’s a lie” “It’s all I am allowed to say to you” he says “But you want to tell me” I say and he looks at me with pain in his eyes “I wish I could” he answers and I see the honesty in his eyes “Can you tell me what happened to my boyfriend?” I ask and anger flashes in his eyes. He stands abruptly turning his back to me “He was your boyfriend?” he asks “Yes” “He’s gone” he says and slams the door when he leaves. Alone in the room, with only the beeping of the monitor next to me I drift in and out of consciousness for days. He never comes back, and I feel a tinge of sadness. I might have hurt the only guard with a heart in here. He’s never shown me anything but kindness and respect, he might’ve been the only one able to help us get out of here. Five days later I’m placed back on my bed by two new guards. They’re tall and strong, but they don’t speak to me. Even when I thank them they just nod and leave. My wounds are healing, slower than normal and this reaffirms the fact that Enzi is indeed gone. “P-princess” her little voice speaks and I sit up slowly “Hello honey!” I say happily. She walks up to my bed her head low “I’m sorry they hurt you” she says in her little soft voice but I reach for her hand taking it in mine “Hey I’m fine, look” I say and her tear filled eyes meet mine “See, as good as new” I say but she blinks, sending the tears rolling. I pull her to me and she gently climbs on my lap. It hurts, but she doesn’t have to know that “Don’t cry Katya. This old body of mine is stronger than it looks” I soothe but she shakes her head “Mommy told me what is in that room, the viper room. You could’ve died” she says, I pull her to my chest hugging her “But I didn’t. Hey you wanna hear a story?” she looks up wiping her tears “Like a fairy tale?” she asks but I shake my head “No, this is a true story about a strong king” I say and her little eyes light up “Katya” I hear a harsh whisper from the door “It’s okay, she’s here. I was about to tell her a story” I say and her mother enters, looking guilty “Sorry princess, I did not mean to disturb you” “No, please. I’ve been alone for five days, I’d love some company” her eyes roaming my body, I see her grimace but she stays quiet “It’s time for dinner, will you join us?” she asks and I nod “Finally, some real food” I say and Katya giggles “Let me get help” her mother says and scurry out the door. Soon three ladies enter and they help me make my way to the dining room. We sit down and even the old cook’s eyes light up when he sees me, like always he doesn’t speak but I get a shy smile and a nod from him before he leaves “Tell the story please princess” Katya asks and sit back “Many years ago there was a strong and mighty king, he was the ruler over the largest kingdom in the world, the Lycan realm” they smile and scoot closer “He was handsome, strong and fair, but he was lonely. He never had a mate” her little eyes go wide “Then one day he went to the city and as fate would have it, saw the most beautiful woman in the whole world” I continue telling them the story until we have to go to bed. The next few nights are spent telling them about the king and the love of his life “That king and queen ruled for many years, and you know what?” I ask and she shrugs “They still do” “Wow! You know them?” “I should, they’re my grandparents” I say tracing her happy little face “No way!” she says in awe “Yes way, tomorrow I’ll tell you about their oldest son, my uncle King Cayden” and she claps her hands excitedly “I’m sorry this happened to you princess, do you know how they found you?” an older woman says “Well, my identity is hidden well. Seems not well enough” I say playing with the hem of my shirt “They’ll be looking for you dear” another says “If they know I’m missing” I say and swallow the lump in my throat “If anyone can save us it’s you dear” she says squeezing my hand. I place my other hand over hers patting it lightly “I thought so. But I’m weak, my Lycan is gone, I’m as human as they get I’m afraid” I say and I see the disappointment on their faces “Good night, I wish I could be the savior you’ve been praying for. But I was taught not to lie, I’m sorry” I say my voice breaking and I leave them rushing to my room. I fall onto the old mattress and cry into my pillow. Hard jerking sobs escaping me, all the fear and longing rushing out of me in the form of tears. This is not right, this should be different. Why don’t they look for me? Can’t they feel that Enzi is gone? Then I cry for her, for Enzi, my truest friend. She’s always been there, to help and support me, to encourage me or guide me. “Enzi!” I cry out into the small dark room. My throat and heart hurts, heck my whole body hurts. My soul hurts more, I’m so alone, so lost “Sshhh” someone says and I feel a hand rub my back soothingly “It hurts” I cry out “I know baby girl” he says and I turn my head “Dad?” “Hey princess” his eyes glistening in the low light “Oh dad!” I wrap my arms around his neck squeezing as hard as I can “Don’t worry I got you” he says hugging me back “You found me” I sob out holding on for dear life “I’ll always find you honey” he says and I pull back, scanning his face “I missed you” I whisper “Why?” he asks and I frown “Because I’ve been here for months” I say and he laughs “You’re crazy. We’re home” he says and I look around the room is indeed my room “How did I get here?” I ask sitting back “You live here silly” he says pinching my cheek “Where’s mom?” I ask and he looks down “Honey, you know she’s gone” he says and I move away “This is not real” I whisper and he looks up “Fallon?” he says but the room starts spinning “DAD!” I yell out grabbing for him but he breaks apart, swallowed up in the whirlwind “Princess!” a voice jolts me awake and I sit up “Princess, you were screaming” his kind eyes looking at me worriedly “Softy?” I whisper and look around. A dream, it was a damn dream “Softy?” he says and I chuckle “Yeah, since I don’t know your name I call you softy” I say and he chuckles looking down “Okay” he says then I feel it, he’s holding my hand again “Hey, you okay?” he asks and I nod leaning back “Yeah, must’ve had a nightmare” of my father, of all people “Oh, here” he says handing me a cup of tea “Thanks” I take a sip and moan as the hot liquid runs down my parched throat “Yes, well I should go” he says but I grab his hand “Why did you leave me in the hospital?” I ask he turns his back to me “I’m sorry, I should go” he says and walks out. Again I’m left alone, and confused. What the hell is up with this guy? I get up, finish up and make my way to the laundry room. That night I tell them about Cayden, they sit there and soak up the story like sponges, it takes a few days longer to finish since his story is so interesting. Then a week later it’s my dad’s turn. They laugh at the bits where I tell them about aunt Vi and his friendship, the part where my mom dies has us all in tears and then when she comes back they’re all elated knowing we got a happy ending. And so am I, then it clicks “I get it” I say standing and they look at me confused “They all had hardships, but they all have one thing in common” “What princess?” Katya asks and I crouch down looking into her yellow eyes “A happy ending. They never gave up, they endured. Hell my grandma was the only woman to ever complete the warrior trials, because she was stubborn” I say and they start to stand one by one “That’s what I’m made of. Amala survived Adrik because of Cayden, the prince that refused to give up” I say and I see the recognition spark in their eyes “That’s why I’m here, I have to save you” I say squaring my shoulders “He won’t get away with it, this so called master will pay” I growl out and then the world goes dark. Pain, no wait this burns, who’s screaming? “AAARRGH!” wow that’s loud. Why is my body on fire? “STOOOP!” it’s me I’m burning. My eyes can’t open, I need to get out, this is too hot “Please!” I yell again writhing in agony “Stop complaining” a deep menacing voice says and I turn my head “Who are you?” “Shut up! Again!” he commands and again the boiling hot liquid is poured over me “Aaargh! Please!” the smell of my burning flesh makes the bile rise in my throat “You will never defy me again girl” the same menacing voice says before I hear his footsteps retreat. My skin is on fire, it burns everywhere “Throw her in the dungeon” he says and then a door slams shut. Multiple footsteps, keys jingling “Aaah!” I yelp as they grab my wrists unlocking the restraints. Every movement is like a thousand knives piercing my skin “Slowly” one says but I don’t know this voice, I’m gently placed on something soft, but on my burnt skin it feels scratchy “Oh goddess” I whimper as I’m lifted up. Each step they take, makes the make-shift stretcher move causing my body to contort in pain. “Gently” the same strong voice says. Somehow they manage to carry me down without making it move too much. They place me down, the smell tells me exactly where I am, this is my old cell. f**k! “Thank you” I rasp out and their footsteps stop, then it comes closer again. They blindfold is taken off and a pair of the most beautiful brown eyes looks into my soul, it’s the two guards that brought me back from hospital. “Never do that again, please princess” he says in a caring voice, the other one is covering my body with pity in his eyes “Not sure what I did” I say, he closes his eyes for a second before speaking “Threaten the master. He’s not known for his mercy” he says and I nod, terrible idea “Gaaah” the air rushes out of me as the skin refuses to stretch causing unimaginable pain “No… please your majesty keep still” the other one pleads his hands outstretched like he wants to stop me from moving “Thank you again. You’re good men” I say and they turn away “No, we’re not. Please try and keep still, we’ll send the girls shortly” the one with the brown eyes say and they lock the cell, I listen to their footsteps growing softer and then there’s darkness. The cold floor helps a little for my inflamed skin. Slowly I move my hand, squeezing my eyes closed and gritting my teeth I run my fingers over my body “I’m naked” I sob out. They saw me naked, that is something that was reserved for my mate, and they took that from me. How could they? I lie on my back, in the dark, on that cold stone floor crying, my sobs the only sound in this desolate place “DAD!” I yell out “DADDY!” I call again, my heart breaking every time he doesn’t answer. I’m scared and alone, hurt and now I know that I’m never getting out of here. No Fallon, you have to, they’re depending on you. My brain argues “I can’t” I sob out, moving on my side I whimper in pain but manage to move “I can’t, I’m not them” I cry “Daddy please!” I yell again, then the light floods the place. I hear their quiet footsteps hurrying toward me “Oh goddess” the one I call Emily gasps “Look at you” Lilly says and the cell opens “Give her some privacy” Emily instructs and the guard turns around “Oh princess” they say kneeling down, scanning my body. I glance down, my skin bruised, glowing red in some places there are huge blisters other places the skin has peeled “Hey girls” I say through the tears “Princess, we… this is going to hurt” Emily says and places the white cloth on an open blister “Hhggrrr” I groan through clenched teeth, they stop and I open my eyes “Don’t stop” I say and they nod, my whimpering, crying and moans of pain fills the space, each time I see the guards shoulders jolt when I cry out “We need to stay with her” Lilly says and he glances at her “Not happening” “Please, we need to treat her” she pleads again and he groans “Let me get permission” he says and walks away “Oh dear goddess princess, we never thought they’d do this” Emily says and I give her a pained smile “Me and my big mouth” she gives me half a smile “What is that?” I ask as she places another cloth on my arm “It’s an old remedy, it works like a burn shield. My mother used to treat burn wounds with it” she says “Your mother was a witch too?” I ask but she chuckles “No, she was an herbalist, I’m not a witch, I’m part Fae. My father was a Fae, my mother was human” she says and I nod slowly “Thank you for helping me” I say closing my eyes “It’s our pleasure princess, thank you for giving us names” Lilly says and I smile “No problem Lilly, so you two been here for a long time?” I ask but they keep quiet “Girls?” they shrug “We were born here, we don’t know the outside world. Mother was an herbalist, my dad was a werewolf” Lilly says and I click “Oh so you’re sisters” I say and they nod “Yes, mother was captured when she was young, met my father here. He was killed when I was born, in some attack. Then her father came, he passed away a few years ago” Emily says and I look at Lilly “He was a werewolf?” “Yes” “How did he die?” “He was killed by the master, he tried leading a revolution. The master found out and had him executed” she says and I nod “Like Adrik” I whisper “Oh no, the master is not as bad as Adrik, from what you and the others told us about Adrik he was a tyrant. The master is not like that, he just doesn’t like being opposed” Emily says and I lay there looking at them. They have no idea how bad this really is, but you can’t blame them, it’s all they know “He never treats us badly, we get food and when the guards step out of line, like they did with you, they’re punished. He doesn’t tolerate ill treatment of us” Lilly says “Besides, he’s barely ever here. He travels a lot, they say he might’ve found his beloved” Lilly says and I sigh “Good for him” I say turning slightly “If he finds her, we will have better lives, they say he’s like this because he’s lonely” Emily says placing the last piece on my leg “He’s like this because he’s a bad man, girls you have to understand that” I say but they shake their heads “You come from privilege princess, you won’t understand” Lilly says “No, I do understand. In our realm no-one is treated like this, no-one is punished for defiance because no-one needs to defy us. My uncle and my grandfather are fair rulers, they despise people like your master” I say and their eyes snap to mine “He’s your master now too princess” they say and I scoff “I don’t have a master” I say closing my eyes “Never say that again” Lilly whispers. The door opens and I hear his footsteps come closer, long strides as he walks. 23, 24, 25, 26 I count his steps to figure out how far we are from the door “The master said she’ll be here alone for the night, you’ll come back in the morning” he states. Emily places a sheet over me and turn to him “Don’t look at her, you know the punishment” she states and he nods “We didn’t I swear” he says sounding a little scared “Good, we’ll be back princess. It’ll heal nicely through the night, just try not to move too much” “Thanks girls, good night” I say and they curtsy, turn and head to the door “Princess?” he speaks and I look at him “Yes” “Forgive us please, we had no choice” he says and I fist my hands “Orders right?” I say and he nods “Good night sir” I state and he shuts the cell, locks it and leaves.
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