Chapter 8

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Fallon POV His soft kind voice stays with me, I’m back in my room, didn’t think it possible but I’m now reduced to skin and bone. My muscles are gone, my once fit body now nothing more than a bony figure with pale white skin covering it. Softy carried me here, my legs wouldn’t hold out more than a few weak steps. The girls helped me take a bath, it was amazing to feel the hot water on my skin, my hair is clean but like my eyes they’re dull and lifeless. “Princess?” I hear her little voice and my heart swells “Katya?” I say and she bolts to my bed, throwing her little arms around my neck “Oh you’re okay” she cries, her mother enters and rushes to us. Pulling me to her chest I burst out crying “Oh darling” she says and I sob. I miss my mom “It’s okay, you’re safe now” she soothes, rubbing my back “Sorry” I sob out “Sshh, there, there” she says gently rocking us back and forth “You saved me princess” Katya says and I look down at her teary eyes “Be brave little one. We need to be brave” I say and she nods hugging me closer “Thank you princess. No-one has ever done anything like you did. It almost cost you your life” she says and I grip her arm “They almost did” I say and she sits back, scanning my face, but then her eyes fall on her daughter in my arms “Let’s just say I had a kind knight who gave me hope” I say and she nods “The one you call Softy?” she asks with a knowing look making me blush “No, he was different. His voice was thick, he had a German accent though. But oh he was kind and caring, he sat there keeping me company for two nights. Oh he’s handsome too” I say and her eyes go wide “You saw him?” she asks “No, not face to face” I say and she and Katya looks at me expectantly “He told me what he looked like, well sort of. I imagined his face and oh he’s so handsome” I say sitting back “You can do that?” Katya asks and I nod “I’m an artist, we can use our imaginations to create worlds unknown to any man” I say and she smiles brightly “Can you draw him?” she asks and I nod. She darts away coming back with some scrap paper and a piece of charcoal. I take it from her and start drawing, after a long silence I hold up the picture and her mother gasps “He is very handsome” she says “What else can you draw?” Katya asks and I take another piece of paper, sketching her. I hand it to her and her little eyes go wide “That’s me” she whispers and I nod “Not even the best artist in the world can match your beauty little Katya. Never forget you’re are special” I say and she hugs me again before yawning “Oh I see it’s time for a certain princess to get to bed” I say and they greet me, leaving me alone in the room with his picture. I look at it, hold it to my chest and sigh hearing his voice encouraging me to stay strong, nightingale. He never actually said it, but his actions did. My knight, my brave knight. The next day I am visited by everyone else, the two guards, even Softy was here quickly. They barely spoke to me but their presence was enough. They all just look at me with pity, and for the first time in my life I understand why my dad hates it. It makes you feel weak and inferior, I hate it too. Some told me the master was roaring in anger for days after I attacked him, but no-one could understand why he didn’t kill me, neither do I. Anyone else would be killed for much less, why spare me? Anyway, I’m folding the laundry I made them bring me and I look at the clothes in front of me, I’ve never seen these before, it’s bigger than the ones he wears, it’s someone else’s. I take a deep breath of the shirt and something in me stirs “Oh goddess” I breathe out and take another whiff “Oh my” it smells like… like pine cones and embers “It smells so good” I whisper sniffing the shirt like an i***t. I hear someone coming and quickly fold the shirt, the other clothes are a woman’s. Very trashy clothes, probably his mate’s. It reeks of cheap perfume, although it has been washed already “Urgh” I pull my face in disgust folding the skimpy clothes quickly. My door opens and the old lady enters with the cook in tow “Good day princess” she says and I smile at them “Oh wow this is a pleasant surprise” I say putting the clothes in the basket “We brought you some lunch” she says and nudges the cook, he places the plate on my lap smiling a little, I take his hand kissing his knuckles and his eyes go wide “Thank you kind sir” I say and his blush rises from his neck settling on his cheeks, he just nods and hurries out the door “Oh he can’t speak dear, or I’ve never heard him speak anyway” she says picking up the basket “Enjoy dear” she says heading out the door. I look at the plate, it’s much more than we are used to. I take a bite of the meat and moan as the savory taste floods my mouth “So good” I can only manage a few bites before I’m full. So I put it down and wait for Katya. A little while later she enters with a fresh batch of clothing and I wave her over “Here” I say and her eyes go wide “No it’s yours” she says but I shake my head “I’m stuffed, you must help me finish it” I whisper and she nods wolfing it down “Slow down honey” I giggle but she just scarfs it down with lightning speed, but she places the untouched loaf in her pocket “For mommy” she says and I nod “Take this back for me?” I ask and she nods happily skipping out the door. I take the next batch, this is the master’s clothes, I want to burn it, but I don’t. I won’t survive another round of torture. But to my utter surprise I find another one of his shirts. I can’t help smelling it again, it’s intoxicating. It makes my heart flutter, and my blood heat up. Before I know it I’m singing again “There's something in the way you roll your eyes Takes me back to a better time When I saw everything is good But now you're the only thing that's good Tryna stand up on my own two feet This conversation ain't comin' easily And darling, I know it's getting late So what do you say we leave this place? Walk me home in the dead of night I can't be alone with all that's on my mind (Mhm) So say you'll stay with me tonight 'Cause there is so much wrong going on outside There's something in the way I wanna cry That makes me think we'll make it out alive So come on and show me how we're good I think that we could do some good, mhm Walk me home in the dead of night I can't be alone with all that's on my mind (Mhm) So say you'll stay with me tonight 'Cause there is so much wrong going on outside” I jolt when I hear multiple claps and cheers and I look up finding everyone standing in the doorway “You sing beautifully princess” they say and I blush “Thank you” I say softly placing the last piece of clothing in the basket, I stand on shaky legs but I slowly make my way to the laundry room. They protest but I push forward. Stay strong Fallon. I’m almost breathless by the time I get there but I take another load and head back, I see the guards puff out their chests, silently encouraging me. I plop down on the bed taking a few deep breaths. You have to do this, you have to stay strong Fallon, all hope is not lost. Maybe your knight will come, maybe your family, but one thing is for certain I will get us out of here. I have to   Cayden POV “Get Leo” I say and Dimitri leaves. I look at the email again and I have this weird feeling in my gut, something is going to happen, and we’re not going to like it. The door opens and he walks in bowing “You wanted to see me your highness” he says formally and I gesture for him to sit “Dimitri, you too” I say and he takes a seat “I got a disturbing email” I say and they sit forward “To the royal family, I hope this finds you well. We are facing a threat from a tyrant named Stefan, his sister Lady Cordula threaten to overthrow your rule first in Europe then they intend to take it all. You don’t know me, as you should, but I know you. Your reputation as a fair and just family have reached far across the globe. You are respected far and wide, with that said I implore you to take this threat serious. Should they succeed it will have dire consequences far greater than anything Adrik could’ve done. Yours in good faith, A friend” I look up and I see Leo’s face is pale “Well?” I ask and Dimitri speaks “Your highness, this ‘friend’ could be working for them, what if it’s a trap, divide and conquer” he says and I nod “Yes I thought of it, but if he or she is indeed a friend, and we ignore it we could be faced with a devastating war” I say but still Leo is silent “Brother?” I say but he just sits there “Leo” I say and he blinks “Fallon, I need to get her home” he says and I nod “It would be for the best, I realize that she’s got her life settled there but we can’t risk it” I agree but he shakes his head, his hard expression set firmly on his face “No” he says and we look at him surprised “We need to get more information about this Stefan and Lady Cordula. We can’t go in there, exposing ourselves and her without intel” he says and I see Dimitri’s eyes glisten with pride “I agree Colonel” he says looking back at me “Well I’ve never heard of them” I say and Leo eyes me intently “Well, will you call them or should I your highness?” he asks and I frown “Dad Cayden” he says rolling his eyes “Ah yes, of course” I say dialing my father. It takes a few rings before he answers, he is a little out of breath. No don’t think about it “Hey son” he says catching his breath. No, bad brain, don’t assume “Your mom and I were just-“ I cut him off “Good, that’s good” I say and I see the other two biting their lips to keep from laughing “We just coming back from our run, goddess Cayden get your head out of the gutter” he says and the two men snort, struggling and failing to contain their laughter “No… I… it’s not that” I stutter and they burst out laughing, slapping each other on the shoulder “You made a fool of yourself in front of the general and colonel didn’t you?” my dad asks and I clear my throat “Yes, well it’s an honest-“ “You’re never going to live this down son, ever” he says and I hear my mother screeching with laughter in the background. Great, her too “Anyway” I say in my authoritative voice and everyone calms down, wiping their tears “I actually wanted to know if you know someone called Stefan?” I ask and he hums “Well, yes but I’ll need a last name” “Don’t have one, his sister is lady Cordula” and the line goes silent. A long stretched out silence, then the phone makes scratching noises and my mother speaks “Mi todo?” I hear her ask but he’s silent “Cayden?” she asks “Yes mama?” “Honey, just run that name by me again” she says and I do “Honey, we uhm, what’s this about?” she asks and I read the email to them. Again a long silence before my dad speaks in a quiet voice “We’ll be there tomorrow. Do not do anything until I get there. Am I understood?” his voice booming, making the speaker distort “Understood” I say and the phone goes dead “The hell happened?” I ask mainly to myself “I have a feeling that this is not going to end well. We need to prepare for war” Leo says and I look up “No, dad said-“he cuts me off “Dad said we shouldn’t do anything about that, he didn’t say anything about not being prepared. General I’ll be in my office, all training will be suspended from tomorrow. Your highness, the latest recruits must be sent home. The third years can join us. I will ensure that all is handled, good day” he says and leaves. Leaving Dimitri and I in stunned silence “Well that escalated quickly” I say and he nods “Dimitri?” I ask and he looks at me, an expression I’ve only seen once “He’s right, we are going to war, on what scale I don’t know. Judging by your father’s reaction, it will be bad” he says and I sit back rubbing my face “Great, why not? I mean we only had what? Four wars so far, what’s one more?” I say and he looks at me, like he wants to rip my throat out “Don’t make light of this, if your father and brother takes this seriously you should too. The princess is there alone, what if they find her first?” he says and I pale “We need information, gather the elders I’ll contact Melnar, maybe we will need Hades too” I say standing “Calm down, jeez from one extreme to the next, we need not alarm the whole world, let’s hear what your father has to say first. They don’t have her yet” he says and I nod “Make sure Leo has whatever he needs, we’ll sit tonight and decide on the best course of action. Being prepared will only help when we have all the information tomorrow” I say and he nods “As you wish your highness” he says and leaves. I open the link to him and Leo “Do not under any circumstances let this information get out. We need not upset everyone” I cut the link and walk to the window looking at the training grounds. It has expanded so quickly, but somehow my little brother, the monster has maintained his regime, making sure only the strongest qualify. “Alles” her melodic voice pulls me from my thoughts, and I turn smiling “Baby girl, what a pleasant surprise. Weren’t you supposed to be with Callan today?” I ask but her big electric blue eyes give away her fear “What’s wrong?” I ask cupping her face “It’s Fallon” she says, and my blood runs cold “She’s in danger, I can feel it, but it comes and goes. I have the most dreadful feeling in the pit of my stomach my love. I have only felt like this once” she says and looks away “When?” “Before you went back to capture Adrik, I knew before I heard the guards talking about it. I know now too, we’re going to war” she says. My insides knot and I take a shuddering breath “We are. Here” I say and lead her to the desk, she reads the email and gasps “No, Cayden” she looks at me with terrifying fear in her eyes “We’ll make sure she’s safe baby girl, my parents are on their way, they’ll be here in the morning. Leo and Dimitri are organizing the troops as we speak” I say calmly “I’m not sure we’re going to survive this” she says but I wrap my arms around her “We will. We always do” I say kissing her head “Cayden” she whispers and I look down at her “Promise me you’ll come back” she says and I frown “I always do baby girl” I say and she nods. Why is she afraid for me? I’ll never walk into battle alone, not again. The next morning we’re seated in the conference room, looking at my father expectantly “Callan and Mila not joining us?” my mom asks but Dimitri and Leo just give her a look “Oh I see” she says and my dad clears his throat “When you phoned me yesterday and spoke about Stefan, I had no idea who you were talking about. Then you spoke about his sister, and I remembered. I know who they are” he says and his eyes start swirling with gold and dark blue “Their father was the one that started the Great Lycan war, they killed my family” he growls out. For the first time ever, we were all stunned to silence. No-one moved, spoke or even blinked. It’s not noted anywhere who the instigators of the war were, just that most of the troops were killed and that my dad took over. Leo breaks the silence finally “Tell us everything” he says and my dad continues “Dirk Moltke was the bastard son of Count Einvigt Moltke in the late 1400’s. Unlike most bastards he carried his father’s name, because he was a spitting image of his father. No-one knew he was a bastard except the immediate family and a few close friends, my father was one of them. From a young age my father told Einvigt that Dirk had a dark heart, but he loved his son none the less. At an annual ball, my mother came with the then princess of the South continent, as her lady in waiting. Dirk saw her, and instantly fell in love with her. Little did he know that night at the ball, my father would almost break the castle down finding her, his mate. My father and mother were mated a few days later and well lived happily together. Einvigt contacted my father after my birth saying that Dirk had gone mad, he tried to kill him and his wife, luckily it failed. When my father gave them sanctuary, he told them everything. How Dirk loved my mother, how he intended to kill my father and us to have her, there’s was no reasoning with that mad man, my father said” he sighs and stands, turning his back to us looking out the window “He tried reasoning with Dirk, but he didn’t want to hear any of it. It was her or nothing. For years we trained, readying for war, but it never came. By the time I turned 12 everything had quieted down, the Moltke’s moved away back to their place of birth and all was well. Until that fateful night, I still believe my mother knew, she knew it was him under that helmet, he wanted to kill me, but his rage took her, he killed her instead. After I recovered, we searched for him, we had a name, several of his soldiers confirmed that he indeed led them to war with us, thinking that we were weak” he says and Leo speaks again “How do you know these are his kids?” he asks and my dad turns, tears in his eyes but we can all feel the hatred in his heart “His wife was Cordula. It’s not a common name, when we found her the boy was but a month old. I was enraged, hated them with all I had in me, but I couldn’t do to him what he did to me. She sat there, looking at the little girl playing and holding the small boy looking content. And I wanted to kill them, but I couldn’t. I would’ve been a worse man than him if I did, who kills an innocent child?” he says and I sit there stunned by this revelation “So you let him go?” Dimitri asks but my dad shakes his head “After almost 200 years, yes. He never posed a threat to us again. Maybe killing my mother somehow made him realize that forcing someone to love you is never the answer, or maybe his mate helped him I don’t know. I pulled the scouts after 200 years and never looked back. Until yesterday” he says and I see his face harden “He’s dead dad” Leo says standing, placing his hand on his shoulder “What?” he asks and Leo shows him something on the phone “Dirk Einvigt Moltke, died on 22 June 2014 of heart complications in his home, Copenhagen Denmark. He is survived by his son lord Stefan Moltke and daughter lady Cordula Moltke” he reads out loud. The look on his face is nothing short of horrified “But then I don’t understand, why would they want this then?” he asks “I don’t know, we tried tracing the email address but it was sent from an untraceable source” I say and they turn “If his son, or rather children have a vendetta against us, then we have to act” my mom says and we nod in agreement “But how? We can’t just go there and walk into their territory without a legal reason” I say and my mom looks at me with fury blazing in her light blue eyes “Like hell we can’t. We’re the royal family, they threaten one of us, they threaten all of us, then they threaten our kingdom” she says standing. Her power radiating off her in waves “Mama I get that you’re-“she glares at me “I will not stand down, none of us will. I almost lost you two, because people can’t keep their noses out of our business. All I ever wanted was to live in peace, with my family near me. Hell will freeze over before I let them disturb my peace” she says, her eyes burning a hole in my head her gaze is so intense “Yes ma’am” I say and glance at Leo. He’s strangely calm “Mom” he says and she snaps her gaze to him, but he’s unfazed “Speak” she says and he sighs “I can’t believe I’m saying this but I agree with Cayden. Let me find out what’s going on first. Callan spoke to Fallon not two hours ago, she’s safe. We can’t risk what happened with Adrik again” he says and she deflates, then she looks at me, her eyes soft and caring again “Fine, but until then we’re staying here” she says and walks out “She’s scared” my dad says and we turn to him “She was like this when we got the news that night from Dimitri when you called for help Cayden. This is what your mother looks like scared out of her mind” he says and we glance at each other “If that what she looks like scared, imagine her when she’s terrified” Amala says softly and we burst out laughing. She looks up, a blush on her beautiful face “Yes well, that I won’t know. Never seen, no wait I have. Anyway, let the past stay where it belongs. Dimitri” he says and he stands “Yes your highness?” “You will make sure we have all the relevant information?” he asks and Dimitri nods “But dad I-“Leo start but my dad turns to him “Son, I know you’re brave, I know you have a job to do but listen, you have to tell Callan. Don’t hide this from her, let her decide how she must react. Go home and tell her what happened” he says and I see a glimpse of fear in Leo’s eyes, he glances at Amala and she smiles “Don’t worry, we’ll be waiting” she says and he nods “But if she’s fine…” “You’ll head the operation, like you always do brother” I say and he nods “Fine, excuse me. Your majesty” he turns and Amala kisses my cheek heading out the door with him trailing behind her. This is going to go down about as well as swallowing a cactus. We move to my office and spend the rest of the day researching everything we can, by nightfall we’re faced with a dilemma, a big one.
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