Chapter 12

4256 Words
Fallon POV I’m still alive, this is not fair. I wanted to die, so badly wanted release. Instead I was lashed for being saved by him, the guard told me what happened, they are more scared of him than of the master, so they dared not defy him. Now I’m back in the dungeons, alone, cold and in pain. Strangely, it hurts, but not as much as I thought it would. Maybe it’s because my body has gone numb. At one point I get food, it’s nice but I can only manage a few bites. “Princess, please you need your strength” he pleads pushing the plate back to me. I just shake my head and turn my back to him “Don’t give up, you’re our only hope” he says and I squeeze my eyes shut “Not anymore” I say softly. I listen to his steps fade and again it’s just me and the lonely darkness. I hate darkness, I hate cold floors, I hate this place and I hate him. With a blazing passion I hate the so-called master “He needs me weak because he knows I’m his match” I whisper, pulling my legs closer to my chest I fall asleep. I know by now when a day has passed. They only serve dinner, so I know I’ve been here for six days. Six f*****g days. He said he’d do his best, I believed him. But it was probably just a lie, like everything else, a falsehood, another form of torture. Giving me hope, then ripping it away just for the sake of seeing me suffer. Well sorry to disappoint you, I am broken now. I give up, it’s been almost two years since I was taken, there’s no more hope left.   Leo POV We’re having breakfast with our friends and family when my I hear familiar voices coming closer and I look up smiling “It’s mom” I say standing and walking toward her “Hey mom! How are you? We’re just-“ “Leo, honey Fallon has been kidnapped” The rest goes over my head as I stumble grabbing onto the wall for support. No. This is not happening “Leo!” I hear her voice calling “Mom” I say and she grabs my hand looking me dead in the eye “I’m so sorry, we didn’t know. We’re going now, please we need you” she says and I nod “Honey” “Yes we’ll be there” I say and straighten my shoulders. Callan and Vi flank me looking at me with worry “She’s been kidnapped. They have Fallon” plates break, gasps, crying, yelling. The place breaking out in chaos but I just stand there, seeing my daughters smiling face “Love you daddy” I hear her little voice. My body is shaking, I glance down realizing Callan is gripping my shirt crying profusely “It’s okay, she’s fine” I hear someone say “How can you say that?!” she yells “She’s strong” he says again. Who’s pulling at me? “Leo goddammit snap out of it!” she yells and I blink, is she angry? “Leo!” Vi yells and I look at her. I step out of their grip, turn and walk to the dungeon, buzzing myself in with the chaos drowned out, silencing their pleads for me “Morning Tank” Kaiju greets me happily “Hi” I whisper and he stops smiling “Sir, you look pale” he says and I fall to the floor “Mahli!” he calls and she together with two guards run up to me and she crouches down “Sir? Sir are you alright?” she asks scanning me for injuries “He took her” I say finally and it feels as if time has stopped “Took who sir?” she asks and I look up “Fallon” her face pales and she falls back her hand clutched over her mouth “Shall we fetch him?” Kaiju asks his voice like venom “Yes please, Mahli dear get Burt for me please” I say and they dart away. The guards struggle to get me on my feet “Sir, you need some water?” one asks but I shake my head “No I’m fine thank you” Cayden bursts through the door knocking me over “Oh s**t sorry Leo, I just heard” he says helping me up “It’s okay” I say dusting off my hands “Brother” he says and I look at his concerned face “We’ll find her. He f****d with the wrong family” he growls, his eyes glowing gold but I smile and pat his shoulder “Yes, it seems he had. Excuse me for a while. Oh can you call Zia and Kit for me please?” I ask his face turns into a confused expression “Leo, you okay?” he asks stepping closer “Yes, she’s fine. She’s okay, we’ll just be a minute” I say and leave. Walking toward the interrogation room my brain is not functioning, this is not happening. It’s a nightmare, like the others. She’s safe, I’ll wake up and all will be well. The problem is, after hours of interrogation he refuses to say a word, the reality of the situation now settling within me, my anger rises. The fear and anger I hoped never to feel again overtakes me “Allistair, do you know where she is?” I ask calmly, he just smirks at me “No, and even if I did I’m happy she’s taken. Wished it was that little b***h Amala, but alas I’ll settle for second best” he snarls and I laugh. The guards and the others step away, their eyes wide in fear “Oh you insolent fool, do you have any idea what we do with runts like you?” I ask leaning forward “Screw you and your little w***e of a daughter” he spits out, laughing harder I stand walking out the door. My family standing there, red eyes, wet faces, the smell of fear hanging in the air “Bert, have your way. If he talks tell me okay?” I say laughing “Yes your highness” he says and walks in the door, shutting it behind him “L-Leo?” Callan asks quietly and I look at her “Yes baby?” “You feeling okay?” she asks and I laugh again, Cayden and Kit tucks the other woman behind them, they have no idea what’s going on. When I speak again it’s Ryker’s voice “Oh yes, we’re fine. But they’ll burn, all of them” we say. Her eyes are wide, shielding my son’s face “Let’s go, our daughter seems to be in distress” I say and walk off leaving them standing there trembling in fear. I walk out the door and are met with my parents concerned faces “Don’t look at me like that” I growl “Leo” my dad says but I keep walking. I hear Vi saying something but I don’t care, I need to get to her. I will not let them take her from me. When I step inside my house I walk straight to her room and kick down the door looking around. I take a seat on her bed, taking her pillow in my arms, I take a deep breath smiling as I place it back down “Leo?” I hear her voice and look up “Hey Vi” I say, she cautiously steps inside and stops in front of me “Honey, you realize what has happened?” she asks and I nod “Yes” “You going to start reacting or should I slap you?” she asks and I blink “What? No” I say scoffing. She places her hands on my shoulders, lowers her head to make sure we’re eye to eye “Fallon has been kidnapped, the person that alerted you via email went to your dad. He has all the info” she pauses and waits for the info to register “You need to be the Colonel now Leo” she says and I blink looking around the room “Vi” I say and she squeezes my shoulders “I’m scared” I say and she nods, tears brimming in her eyes “I am too, now your wife is petrified and so is your son. Leo honey, please listen to your parents” she says and I nod again “Cal” I call and she pops her head in the door “Come here Spitfire” I say and she enters. Vi steps away but I grab her wrist “Where’s Lennox?” “Amala took him” she answers softly and I nod, the tears starting to fall, wrapping an arm around both their waists pulling them to me. I fall to my knees and cry silently “Leo… baby please” Callan begs, her tears falling on my back “I’m scared… I’m so scared… I’ve only been scared like this once Cal… the day you died” I sob out and she sinks to her knees wrapping her arms around my neck, while Vi wraps her arms around my back, her head resting on mine “We got this Leo. Remember who was there? Remember what we did together?” she says and I nod “We are stronger together Leo, come on Colonel” she says. I wipe my tears, kiss my wife wiping her tears and sit back “We’re getting her back?” I ask looking into Callan’s eyes “They f****d with the wrong family” she says, and for the first time in so many years I see the Staff Sergeant I fell in love with “We have you right?” Vi asks and I get up, my brother, parents and my niece and nephew looking at me expectantly “Always” I say and the house shakes with growls “Always” they all chime “Let’s hear it dad” I say and he nods, telling us everything he knows. By the time he’s finished I’m f****d off “This is going to end badly. Zia” I say and she steps up “Get the strongest to go first, they need to leave in an hour” “Yes sir” she says and leaves “Kit” “Yes sir” “The Elites are with us, the Pauci Electi will follow in two days” he salutes “Yes sir” he leaves “Cay” “Yes” “I will leave Mahli and Kaiju here, we can’t leave them unprotected” I say “But she’s your strongest” he says “That’s why we’re leaving them behind. Mom” she looks at me and I can see she’s as pissed as I am “Time to call Granma” I say and she nods “I’ll call Hades, I don’t care if he has half the world on his side. They defy us, their royal family and then they take my daughter? Oh this will be fun. We move out in an hour” I say “We’re coming too” Vi says but I turn to her “No sweet cheeks, I need you here, should they attack knowing we’re occupied elsewhere” I say and she nods “I get it. But you listen to me Gigantor, if you die over there I will bring you back and kick your ass” she says and I smile hugging her “You know I always come back” I say and she nods “Now go get our girl” she says stepping back and we leave, my mom pulls Callan aside and I round the corner heading to our room. I’m coming princess, daddy is coming.   Callan POV “Callan honey” Isa says pulling me aside “Yes mama” “We’re going to need a plane” she says and I frown “Why?” I ask an evil grin spread on her face “We will come from the skies my darling, how quickly can you teach us to use a parachute?” she asks and I smile “It won’t take too long. But I’m fighting” I say and she nods “Oh yes you are, from the skies my angel, from the skies” she says and I feel elated. Finally I can do what I do best “We’ll have enough ground forces, they won’t expect you” she says and I nod “Yes mama, they won’t know what hit them” I say hugging her “Now go, we’re right behind you” “Oh no, you’re flying with me” I say and she nods “Very well, let’s go get her” she says and we split up. Two hours later we’re flying over the ocean, my mind is focused well kind of. I knew she wasn’t herself, I knew there was something wrong with her. Dammit, why didn’t I just go to her? “Hey baby” his gentle voice pulls me from my thoughts “Hey” “Want some company?” he asks and I nod. He takes the seat next to me, looking around the cockpit “You know what all these does?” he asks and I nod “Why didn’t we go Leo, I knew, the whole time, I knew” I say and he places his hand on my thigh “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you” he says, I switch the plane to auto pilot and turn to him “I told you Leo, not once, many times I told you she wasn’t herself. What if we’re too late?” I ask wiping angrily at my tears “Callan, I was wrong, I’m sorry okay” he says but I’m so angry I could boil an egg in my ass “You said we must leave her alone, you said that she needs this. Now look at where we are! She’s kidnapped LEO!” I yell and I see the anger flash in his eyes “I know Callan! f**k! I know, okay. Blame me if you like, hate me but I’m trying to fix it, I will fix it” he says, seething under the collar “That’s the problem Leo!” I yell and he sits back “What?” he asks “You always need to f*****g fix everything, but you never listen! You just do what you want! You never consider anyone else” I bark out at him and instantly I feel the pain of my words as they settle in his chest “Fine” he says, his face hard when he gets up and storms toward the door “Leo, I’m sorry I-“ “Save it, I’m done with this” he says and I slump forward with my head in my hands. Now we’re fighting, dammit! A long silence fills the cockpit and I sigh “I’m sorry, s**t” I whisper “Louder” he says leaning against the door “I’m sorry” I say looking at him. He crouches down taking my hands in his “I listen, I do, I just wanted to make sure she knows we trust her. I sheltered her Callan, out of fear mostly. I wanted her to know I believe in her, that she’ll be okay without me” he says and the tears fall on my hands “She has always been head strong, like you. Some days it was overwhelming. When she puts her mind to something, she always went the distance, never giving up. I wanted to keep her with me, with us but I knew you would’ve told me to let her go, so I did. It wasn’t easy, but I don’t regret one moment of it. We have a strong, capable and brave daughter Cal, but this fear, it ruined everything” he says and I lift his chin to meet his eyes “You did what any dad would do. And you’re right I would’ve said that. I’m also scared, I’m petrified actually. But she needs us to be strong, I didn’t mean to take it out on you” I say. He gives me his lazy smile reaching out his hand cupping my cheek “I love you Callan Patterson Reyes, and I’m so happy to know that you’ll be defending us from above” he says and I smile “To the death” “Forever” he says and kiss me again. I hear the air traffic control speak and I turn back, switching the plane back to manual he takes the seat next to me strapping in “Ladies and gentleman, this is your captain speaking, please fasten your seat belts and prepare for landing” I say and he laughs “Captain?” he asks and I nod “Since I will never make Captain I decided that for mission Fallon Fall I’m going to be a captain” I say and he nods proudly “Well Cap, take us down” he says and I nod, guiding the plane to the airstrip. He grips the armrests tightly, his knuckles turning white and I smile. “The first landing is always the worst” I say and he laughs nervously “Not that bad” he says, his eyes glued to the landing strip coming into view “I can see that” I say and his head whips up, his eyes wide “Look where you’re going, not at me!” he whisper yells, I throw my head back and laugh, glancing between him and the landing strip “Don’t worry honey, I’ve only done this like a thousand times” I say “Callan please” he breaths out, the panic in his voice making me feel empowered “You know I’ve always had this fantasy” I say “Later… please Spitfire I beg you” he says and I chuckle again, leaning over and placing my hand over his “Hey I got you, relax” I say, I flip the switch and his eyes widen more “Landing gear” I say focusing on my task “Flaps down” I say telling him everything I’m doing, calm and steady bringing in the plane for a perfect landing “And touch down. Control this is F157W, taxi to private hanger 100-88-565” I say and his chest falls, heaving out a breath “Copy F157W, clear for taxi” the controller says and I turn toward the area we must taxi “Copy control” I switch on the lights indicating they can get off and unbuckle my seat belt. My dear husband doesn’t move “Leo, baby we’re here” I say getting up. He grabs my hand and pulls me forcefully into his lap “OH!” I exclaim but I have no time to react, he crashes his lips to mine in a bruising kiss and I twist on his lap straddling him “Leo-“I wave Cayden off “Oki-doki” and I hear the door close “This the fantasy?” he asks, planting kisses down my neck, his teeth grazing my mark and I moan rolling my hips “Part of it yeah” I say breathlessly. He unbuckles the seat belt and gives me access to the part of him I need most “You know that was sexy as f**k right?” he asks unbuttoning my shirt, his lips not leaving my flushed skin “You should see me in a jet then” I say gripping his hair and forcing him to face me “Tell me” he says between hungry, fervent kisses “What?” I ask, my hips rolling relentlessly, trying my best to get the friction I need “The fantasy” he says and my shirt falls to the floor “Mile high club” I say and he growls lowly. My back hits the floor, making me gasp “Wow! If I knew flying did this to you we’d be living in this thing” I joke, his eyes raking over my half naked body making me feel hot “We can arrange that” he says and pulls my pants down. His strong hand cupping my mound and I moan in pleasure “You know they can hear us right?” I say biting his neck “Yeah” he says and struggles getting his pants off “We are making fools of ourselves” I say and he laughs, his tone louder and much more prominent “Had to listen to all of them when I was younger, so they can wait in the hanger if they don’t want to hear me ravishing my wife!” he exclaims and I laugh “Oh god that’s hot” I say and kiss him fiercely “So commanding” I say between kisses and he nods “You like that?” he asks finally freeing his member, as hard as steel and I moan “Oh yes” I moan and he pins my wrists above my head “Keep still Captain” he commands and I nod “Yes sir” I breathe out. His lips worshiping my body, his fingers finding that spot, and he goes to work “Goddess Callan” he says and he sinks his fingers inside me, I writhe in ecstasy “It’s been weeks Leo” I breathe out again and his eyes meet mine “That’s on me. Let’s see how many times I can elicit that wonderful sound from you” he says and then the first orgasm hits me “OOOOOHHH” I moan out and he smiles. He doesn’t stop, he doesn’t even give me time to recover “s**t Cal, I need that like I need air” he says biting my mark, sending me over again “Leo!” I cry out, then his mouth finds mine and he thrusts inside me, I see stars, then a kaleidoscope of colors as he starts moving inside me “Goddess baby, I’ll never get tired of this… of you… all hot, wet and wanting” he says in my ear “Don’t stop… please” I plead between thrusts “Kiss me Captain” he instructs and I do, with everything I have. He turns, still pumping and pulls my leg up a bit, opening me up for him and I cry out, that guttural cry he loves so much before he growls out my name as his body jerks his orgasm slowly fading as we lay there catching our breath “Totally inappropriate behavior Colonel” I say tracing his jaw “I’m good with it” he says and leans over me, looking deep into my eyes “I’m sorry if I made you feel neglected” he says and I kiss him again “I never felt neglected babe, I feel alone” I say honestly and his eyes reflect sadness and regret “s**t Spitfire, I’m so sorry, I’m too busy, I will make more time. I never-“I silence him placing my finger on his lips “No, it’s not what I meant. You’re home enough, I have more than I ever wanted. I felt alone when I kept telling you about Fallon. Never dismiss me like that again Leo, it hurt more than anything” I say and he nods closing his eyes laying his forehead against mine “I am an i***t. I was so used to doing everything alone, I never gave you a chance to be the mother you wanted to be” he says “No that’s also not true, Leo I just want to hear me” I say and he nods “I hear you, I promise I hear you” he says softly and I smile “Well, I guess we should get going” I say and he chuckles “Can’t we do this again, I still have places I want to try out” he says and I laugh “You know you bought me this plane right?” I ask and he growls lowly “Oh yeah, well let’s go then” he says standing and pulling on his clothes. We get dressed and he casually steps of the plane with me behind him, the others standing around looking at us and he clears his throat “Well?” he asks and they shake their heads mumbling under their breath “I would apologize for the wait but it was worth it. Now let’s go” he says his face stoic, gripping my hand as he pulls me to his side “No, no problem” Isa says and I think of my first drill instructor “Good, glad we see eye to eye on this” he says giving them all a sly smile “Thanks Callan” Cayden says and I smile “My pleasure” he is blushing profusely but I don’t care, my husband is handling this perfectly “You really heard us?” I hear his dad ask and he looks him in the eye “More than once, let’s not dwell dad” he says and walks toward the back of the hanger “s**t” I hear my father-in-law swear and I turn to him “Sorry dad” I mouth and he smiles looking at Isa “No problem” he says and she winks at me, sidling up to me she whispers lowly “That is something I need to try” she says and I choke out a laugh “Do, its fun” I say and we get in the waiting cars. Leo doesn’t let go of my hand, not once, in fact he grips it so tight I start squirming “Let up, babe. Let up” I say tapping his hand and he lets go “I didn’t say let go, just let up” I take his hand again “Sorry” he says and runs his thumb over my knuckles. He doesn’t say anything after this, not until we’re settled into our room and he’s sitting on the edge of the bed staring at his phone “Hey baby, you okay?” I ask draping my body over his strong back but freeze when I see the picture on his phone “I promised you” he says and I feel the heart ache when he speaks “Hey Leo” I say but he sits there staring at the picture of our little family when Callan was still a baby “Babe look at me” I say softly moving around him, the tears brimming in his silver blue eyes “No, hey this is not your fault” I say but he shakes his head “I promised to keep you safe, both of you, I failed Cal. I failed both of you” he says and closes his eyes letting his head hang. I pull him to my chest, lacing my fingers in his hair “No you didn’t. Stop blaming yourself” I say and he pulls back “I’m your husband, you got killed. I’m her dad, the one that always made sure she was safe. Where is she Callan?” he asks sounding angry “She’s alive, and what happened to me was not your fault, stop this self-destructive behavior Leo. I am also-“he gets up and punches the wall I hear the bones break “Leo!” I move toward him “I’m a failure” he says and I step back, square my shoulders and speak in the most authoritative voice I can “Stop this s**t. Get yourself together, or you’ll leave me no choice” I say and he looks at me “Yeah? What do you intend to do?” he asks mockingly and I lift my chin “Don’t push me, I was willing to write off my parents for you. I will give you that courtesy” I say and his eyes widen “No…please” he begs and I breathe out “Leo, I’m hurting too. Please don’t do this. We need you, she needs you, I need you to be strong” I say and he nods turning to me “I’m sorry” he whispers and I nod “Me too. I hate it when we fight” I say wrapping my arms around his waist “Me too, I suck at this” he says and I chuckle “We both seem to suck at this” I say and guide him back to bed “Come on, we need sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day” I say and he nods, quietly getting under the covers. But unlike usually, he curls up pressing his head to my chest, like a child seeking comfort and I oblige. I hum to him, running my hand through his hair like I do for Lennox when he has a nightmare. Hold on baby, we’re coming my love.
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