How dare she

711 Words
I hated it when Damien smiled at Nora, I hated it when he would try and find any excuse to be with her alone. Why wouldn’t he smile at me the same way he does with Nora, why wouldn’t he try to find some alone time with me and not her. What does he even see in her huh? Am way prettier than that b***h. Flora sat down quietly thinking while looking at Damien and Nora leave to where ever there were going. She couldn’t take the sight of them together that she grabbed the nearest mug and smashed it on the floor causing the entire dinning hall to quite down. “What are you all looking at huh? Never seen a mug being smashed before you idiots?” Flora angrily shouted at her fellow mates. “Go on and mind your f**cking business before l plug off each and every one of your eyes balls out.” All the other kids quickly averted their attention away from her with fear in their eyes praying she wouldn’t come for them. And when they finally saw her walk out of the hall, they all sighed with relief. Smashing a mug didn’t quench Flora’s anger so she decided to follow them and see what that b***h Nora was up to. And Flora almost lost control over herself when she saw Damien holding and kissing Nora’s hands, it took a lot not to walk up to that slut and rip her face off for touching Damien. HOW DARE SHE TOUCH HIM “Just you wait you witch soon enough he wouldn’t even want to touch those dirty hands, neither would he want to look at that ugly face. I promise you Nora I will make him hate you to the core.” Flora quietly mumbled to herself while quickly following them closely. She walked for about 40 minutes and finally stopped when she saw where they were actually heading. “This witch actually had the guts to bring Damien here, so far away from the orphanage building so that no one would now what the hell they were doing.” Flora angrily chuckled. “Well watch and see how am going to use this little secret of yours against you dear Nora.” Flora lifted her head a bit from where she was hiding to peak at what they were doing and what she saw next made her blood run cold. Damien was holding Nora from her waist and lifting her from the ground to pull her close to his chest, he pulled her so close to him that their lips almost touched. “N… no ….. no l won’t let you you b***h I won’t let you kiss him not even in your dreams.” Flora started panicking desperately looking for a way to not let them kiss. She desperately started searching around her for anything of help till finally her eyes landed on a rock, she quickly lifted it and started moving 5 steps back and dropped it to the ground with a loud thud. She quickly ran and hid to have a look at if her plan worked. Flora looked over at them and saw how they quickly distanced themselves from the noise they heard. “Ha you thought he would kiss you Nora huh? You thought you would finally claim him huh? He is mine, soon enough he would kiss me and l will make you watch Nora just wait and see.” Flora thought while quickly making her way back to the orphanage. ***** 45 minutes later***** Flora ran straight to the dinning hall where there were some kids chatting together. “Listen up you punks and listen up carefully, go around and spread the message am about to convey.” Flora pantingly said. “And make sure Nora nor Damien hears about it do you hear me.” The fellow kids shakily nodded their heads after listening to what Flora said. They couldn’t help but feel sorry for both Nora and Damien for having such a two faced “friend”, they had no idea who the real Flora is. Sadly they couldn’t say a word or they were afraid she would come for them next.
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