Chapter Two

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Chapter Two “Bastard,” Sirena cried then dropped her phone onto the mattress before she gave in to the overwhelming, violent urge and threw it against the wall. Kenyon disconnected the call with some lame comment about strategizing before she could voice any of the myriad emotions assaulting her—shock, disappointment, embarrassment and a whopping dose of anger. And underneath it all hummed the constant, unsatisfied ache. Flopping back onto her pillows with a dramatic sigh, she flung her forearm over her eyes and struggled to hold back tears. She flat-out refused to contemplate a life without orgasms. The phone s*x thing had started out great. He’d brought her right to the edge but then once again she’d been left hanging. If she didn’t know better, she’d say he was getting off from the sounds he was making. While she wanted to blame him, Sirena knew where the problem lay. There had to be something that would work. She’d tried toys, stimulating creams and gels, along with a variety of men in every conceivable s****l position. Maybe one of those vibrating c**k rings would do the job, help her partner last longer and provide extra sensation right to her clit? Or what about a woman? She hadn’t tried it but perhaps she should go lesbo? Hysterical laugher had her rolling on the bed, hugging her aching ribs. Oh hell no! Not that there was anything wrong with it but she sooo was not into women. Sirena got up, pulled on a silk robe and dropped the defective toy into the trash. “What a waste.” Kenyon was more than your average s*x toy retailer, he also designed his own line of products. The Platinum Powerhouse had been one of his creations, made with her in mind after countless hours discussing different toy features she enjoyed. She’d had such high hopes only to remain unsated. Booting up her laptop, she considered working on the new graphic Kenyon wanted for his website but instead googled “difficulty reaching orgasm”. Holy s****l dysfunction. A significant portion of the population must share her problem since the search returned more than one hundred thousand hits. Following one link after another, she ended up on a b**m website where she became engrossed in a promising article on edging—orgasm control—a practice in which the Dominant delayed or withheld the submissive’s release. Apparently by repeatedly building a woman’s arousal then holding off her orgasm the eventual release could be rapturous. Interesting concept but did it have a chance of working for her? She sure had the holding off part of the equation down. Edging was worth a try but where would she find a Dominant out here in the boonies? And considering the fact she had not one submissive bone in her body, overly dominant men just pissed her off. Her nape suddenly tingled and every hair on her body stood on end. Sirena’s head snapped up and all her senses prickled with awareness. To accommodate her lioness, giving her freedom to shift at will, Sirena had built her home on a remote piece of private property. Protected land safe from hunters deep in the Texas hill country. She didn’t get visitors. Especially unexpected visitors late at night. But every instinct told her someone was nearby. Someone with an intriguing scent. Her nostrils flared as she drank in the most intoxicating aroma, compelling her right out of her chair and straight toward the front door. Inside, her cat paced and whined, desperate to be unleashed. She longed to shift, slip out the back door and greet the visitor in her feline form, but impatient curiosity got the better of her. She disengaged the lock and shoved the door wide. That amazing scent drifted in on the cool night air and wrapped around her, tantalizing her and sparking unexpected desire. Sirena greedily breathed the aroma deep into her lungs, savoring the luscious scent. Her breasts grew heavy, her n*****s puckered and a wash of arousal dampened her thighs. For long, anxious moments she stared into the darkness. After an excruciating wait the shadows shifted then parted to reveal a dark masculine shape. He stalked forward with predatory animal grace, each step making her heartbeat accelerate. Anticipation spiked as she recognized the feline qualities of the man. Instinct screamed to life and she didn’t have to ask, Sirena knew why he was there, along with who and what he was—if not his specific breed—even though they’d never met. Not in person. But she knew him well. Intimately. Adult toy expert. Male feline. Kenyon Fort. My mate, her cat purred. “Why didn’t you tell me?” His familiar voice washed over Sirena and she didn’t have to ask for clarification. She knew what he wanted to know. “Umm…yeah,” she snorted. “During a conversation with my erotic toy salesman I should just casually bring up my rare biology. Hey, by the way Kenyon, I happen to be a lioness. You have any toys designed for shifters? Or better yet, do you have a feline pheromone spray that will make my p***y sit up and purr?” As her cat currently purred, reeling from his heady scent and more than prepared to take the next step. The desire to shift, drop to her belly and thrust her ass in the air was overwhelming. Her cat wanted him to mount her while sinking his teeth into her neck, holding her in place for a hard f*****g. To finally be taken by one of her kind, to experience the pleasure when the barb at the end of a feline’s p***s extended and raked over that special spot deep inside her. Her p***y quivered, craving what only he could give her. Her cat may be ready but woman and animal were not in agreement. Sirena was in no way prepared to deal with a tomcat or submit to anyone. Kenyon stepped into a shaft of moonlight and her knees went weak. His looks were a perfect complement for his dark, seductive voice. He was dressed casually, a black shirt clung to a broad chest while faded jeans hugged trim hips and sported an impressive bulge behind the zipper. She even found his big feet, clad in flip-flops, to be sexy. Wavy hair ranging from blond to dark brown and every shade in between teased the top of broad shoulders and framed a rugged face, his square jaw shadowed by stubble. Sirena imagined that coarse hair abrading her inner thighs and shivered in anticipation. His shimmering bronze gaze heated every place it touched as he took his time giving her a thorough once-over, his devilish grin letting her know he liked what he saw. She idly wondered what kind of cat he was. With his arrogant posture and proud mane he had the look of a lion but she detected another elusive quality she couldn’t pinpoint. No matter what his breed, a smokin’-hot feline shifter stepped out of the night onto her front porch. Never in a million years had Sirena considered her s*x toy source might be one of her kind. She turned his question back on him. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He kept moving forward until barely enough room remained for air to pass between them. Kenyon’s intense gaze bore into her, leaving Sirena feeling exposed and vulnerable. “Wasn’t looking for a mate.” Ouch! What a prick! Okay, that was a bit harsh and hypocritical since she wasn’t looking for a mate either. Still, her chest tightened, cold sweat broke out along her torso and she audibly swallowed as a shaft of pain sliced through her. His answer was the very reason she had not searched for a feline lover. Typical of their kind, Kenyon would f**k her, claim her heart then chase after the next piece of tail to catch his eye without even a backward glance. And male cats were lazy, especially male lions, with no ambition or drive. Besides, any cat she chose other than a lion would be rejected by her sire. She took a step back, crossed her arms beneath her heavy breasts and glared at him. “And I have no use for a tomcat.” “That’s a damn shame, Kitten.” Kenyon knew neither of them had any say in the matter and their wants were irrelevant. They were mates and once he got a taste of her there’d be no turning back. She was his, whether she wanted to be or not. He moved forward, matched her step for step, never breaking contact with her golden gaze as he backed her into a corner. A single breath of Sirena’s potent scent had altered the course of his life. He’d been honest. He had not wanted a mate. Thirty-four, with his business starting to take off, he hadn’t even considered tying himself to any female who would take time away from his work. That had remained true until he’d gotten a whiff of Sirena’s delicious scent. The sight of her lush, toned body sealed the deal. He may not have been looking for a mate but he’d sure as hell found his. In all the months they’d interacted over the phone he hadn’t the slightest indication she was a shifter, much less a lioness. His lioness. Possessive instincts roared to life. No ifs, ands or buts about it, Sirena was his. Kenyon had every intention of claiming the beautiful cat and never letting go. She’d soon learn how different he was from other cats. The opposite of everything she knew. “You’re mine!” The words rumbled up from deep in his chest and came out as a harsh growl. “Spoken like a true tomcat. You see a female you want and you take her. Who cares what she wants. You won’t be around long enough to find out. Arrogant ass!” “Don’t push me, Sirena. I’m in no mood for games.” Lust rode him hard as he closed the remaining distance between them. He intended to explain things to her…eventually. There’d be plenty of time to talk—an entire lifetime—after he claimed her. He had to have her now. Kenyon thrust his fingers into luxurious tawny hair, grasped her nape and held Sirena still. He crowded her against the wall, scorched by the heat coming off her in waves. Her arms lifted, hands landing on his shoulders, probably to push him away, not that he’d let her. Her heat combined with the spicy scent of her arousal drove him beyond rational thought and had him acting on pure animal instinct. The desperate ache in his engorged c**k intensified as she stared up at him, heavy-lidded eyes darkened to burnished gold with desire. Her pouty lips parted and the pink tip of her tongue slid out to moisten the full curves. He had to taste her. Kenyon dipped his head and fused their mouths for a seductive kiss. He sipped from her lips, teased the sexy curve with his tongue. Feisty and impatient, Sirena nipped his bottom lip and the kiss drastically changed, taking on a feral edge. He pinned her to the wall with his bigger body and took control, dominating the kiss. Increasing the pressure of his grip, he angled her head to better suit him. His tongue pushed past pliant lips, tasting Sirena before sucking her tongue into his mouth, a silent demand she taste him in return. Her throaty moan was his undoing. Releasing her nape, he took hold of her hips, pulled her flush against him, making room between Sirena and the wall to get his hands on her ass. And what a fine ass it was, firm and round and perfect. He lifted her up and, never missing a beat, Sirena’s long legs closed around his hips as her arms clung to his neck. Far from tentative, her voracious kiss took what she wanted while somehow giving more of herself in return. Her fingernails dug into his scalp and shoulder, the sharp bite of pain turning his hunger for her into ravenous need. The blistering warmth of her p***y grinding against his c**k had him tearing at their clothing, frantic to remove the barrier keeping them apart. A dramatic shift occurred between one frenzied heartbeat and the next. Sirena went from trying to crawl beneath his skin and merge their bodies to not being able to put adequate distance between them. Nails that had scored his flesh as she struggled to get closer withdrew and her legs dropped. She gave a hard shove that took him by surprise and caused Kenyon to take several staggering steps backward. Sirena’s body shimmered as she unleashed her beast, shifting form and hitting the ground running. Running from him. His cat roared in displeasure and fought to break free of Kenyon’s rigid control as everything within him demanded he run her to ground and take what was rightfully his. As an intense battle between human intellect and raw animal nature raged within, he broke out in a cold sweat and his entire body shook. Shifters were rare and the possibility existed that she’d never encountered another feline outside her immediate family. While she couldn’t deny the instantaneous, volatile chemistry that had crackled to life between them, he’d seen the terror in her eyes. Sirena was running scared. He longed to shift and give chase. His larger feline would easily overtake the lioness and claim her in a primal mating, which required neither her consent nor acceptance. And dissolution of a mating wasn’t possible. Once the bond formed a mating was for life. She’d be his but the independent woman he’d come to know so well over the past year would hate him for such underhanded manipulation. Earning her forgiveness would be next to impossible and in the meantime she’d make his life a living hell. A far better strategy would be to take a step back, give her room to breathe and time to adjust. He had no delusions—walking away would be the hardest thing he’d ever done, yet doing the right thing was often the most difficult. His cat fought him tooth and nail, almost winning. But he knew both her scent and taste so she wouldn’t get far. Hell, she had nowhere to escape out here in the Hill Country. And one damn thing was certain, he’d be back. Soon!
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