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Epilogue Watching Cam and Cars horsing around outside washing the cars, I caught my reflection in the windowpane. A huge grin lit up my face and thinking about it, I realized it had become an almost permanent feature over the past several weeks. The more time I spent with my Valentine lovers the happier I became. And for the first time in my life, I felt at peace and content. I’d finally found where I belonged. Working at the shop with the cars brought me great pleasure. I had stopped thinking about finding a studio. No studio could compare to my current playground, the Davenport Restorations showroom. The staff had quickly pulled me into the fold and made me one of their own. Most of the guys called me darlin’ and Lindy dubbed me the Davenport Darling. One of my first projects had been a major overhaul of the website. Each specialty now had a page devoted to their work with pictures to show off their talents and bios to show clients the caliber of the technical geniuses creating the magnificent restorations. I’d even created video interviews that were a huge hit. As I watched, Cam got a wicked gleam in his eye that told me things were about to get interesting. He dunked a big sponge in the bucket of sudsy water, c****d back his arm and let it fly. The sponge hit Carson in the center of his chest, splashing water and suds over him from face to groin. He hollered something I didn’t catch, ducked down, grabbed the hose and popped back up shooting, drenching Cam. Chuckling, I glanced at the clock and wondered when Jase would be here. The guys had said he was stopping by but not why. They had a project they were being very secretive about. They’d flown out for a day to check out a car and, refusing to be away from me overnight, had come back late that night. While they were gone I recruited Jase to help with my own secret project. We’d driven Marilyn and Roxie to the beach and got great sunset shots of the two cars on the sand, the sky lit up with a stunning display of oranges and reds reflecting off the clouds. I’d even handed my precious Nikon over the Jase to take some shots of me with the cars. The framed prints were a mating present I planned to give them tonight, when I asked them to mark me and make this permanent. A huge step but one I was anxious to take. Camden and Carson had more than proven their devotion and love. I had no doubts or reservations about binding myself to them. That skanky feline Laila had shown up at the house again one day and made a last-ditch attempt to get the guys. She’d learned the price of trying to come between a female in love and her mates. The catfight had been short and one-sided as I opened a can of whoopass and went crazy on the b***h. And bonus, the guys had been so turned on by my fighting for them they’d carried me inside and we’d spent the rest of the day making love. A horn honked and I went out on the front porch to watch Jase pulling in with a trailer. The guys hadn’t mentioned him bringing a car. Curious, I walked out to meet him and froze when I got a good look at the trailer. “Oh holy Christ.” Climbing up on the trailer, I reverently ran my hand along the car’s huge wing and grinned like a loon at the Road Runner Superbird symbol. “Look at you. Poor baby, you haven’t been treated very well but you’re still stunning.” “You like her?” Camden asked. Not pausing in my exploration, I corrected, “No, not a her. This baby is all alpha male.” “So you like him?” Carson asked. “He is amazing,” I purred and opened the door. The interior had been gutted. “I love him.” “We were going to wait,” Cam said. “Fix it up first,” Carson finished. Jase chuckled. “No way would we be able to keep it a secret with you all over the shop. Someone would have slipped up, got excited and told you.” That hurt my feelings. “Why would you keep him a secret from me?” “We intended the Superbird to be…” Cam faltered and I glanced his way. He appeared choked up. Carson cleared his throat. “We intended to give you the Superbird as a mating gift.” Oh, my sweet precious males. Forgetting all about the car, I jumped down from the trailer and walked into their arms, holding them tight. “I have a surprise for you too.” A warm hand cupped my chin and tilted my face up. Cam swooped in and kissed me breathless before Carson took his turn. My toes curled in my shoes and I knew there’d be no more waiting. To hell with the romantic candlelit dinner I planned. Jase cleared his throat. “Okay, I’ll uh…I’ll take the car to the shop.” I heard a definite smile in his voice. “Not that anyone is hearing a thing I’m saying. Yup, I’m outta here.” The truck door slammed. By the time he headed down the drive, the three of us were inside the house and clothes were flying. I pulled back from Cam’s heated kiss and gasped, “Wait.” Carson unzipped my shorts, slipped his hands beneath the material and shoved both the denim and my panties down my legs with a rough purr. “No, I mean it.” I pushed their wandering hands away. “I have to tell you, show you.” Turning, I ran toward the spare bedroom. Feet pounded behind me; the guys were right on my tail. Ripping open the closet, I pointed to the huge wrapped package. “What’s this?” Camden asked. Carson c****d his head. “It’s not our birthday or anything.” “Open it.” I held my breath while the guys carefully moved the present into the room and took their time peeling away the paper, shooting me curious glances. As the wrapping fell away, Carson leaned the frame against the wall and they stood back, staring at the framed print of their cars placed as close together as possible with me lying on my side, half on each hood, giving the camera a provocative come-get-me smile. “Oh, Pussycat,” Carson breathed. “Incredible,” Camden purred. In a low, breathy rasp, I told them, “It’s a mating present.” As one, the twins turned toward me, hope and joy intermingled in their expressions. “Does this mean…” Camden started. Carson finished, “What we think?” I nodded, feeling almost shy. “I want you to mark me. Both the woman and the lioness.” Poor Camden. His mouth opened, closed, opened again as he sputtered. Then with his jade eyes twinkling, he let out a whoop and charged. I squealed as my world spun out of control, giving me a wicked case of déjà vu, and I found myself hanging over his shoulder as Cam ran down the hall. “Hey,” Carson shouted. “You can’t run off with our mate. You have to share her.” His happy laughter followed after us, trailing off when Cam flipped me over onto the center of our bed. The raw hunger in their eyes heated me up and I crooked a finger at them. “Come here, boys. Your mate needs to be barbed and marked.” With twin roars, they bounded onto the bed and made me theirs. First my Valentine lovers and now my mates.
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