Chapter Two

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Chapter Two It wasn’t her first date since she’d kicked Graham Bradley to the curb and called off their wedding, but dinner that evening went better than any previous outings with a man other than her former fiancé. Earlier, after he’d gone home to shower and change, he’d returned in slacks and polo shirt, the clothes still casual but well fitted. Shaved and with his hair clean and combed, he looked even more attractive than he had earlier. That stern, solemn expression remained, though, and it made him just a bit intimidating. Thank goodness she’d brought a nice sundress and pretty sandals with her. He took her to an elegant restaurant not far inland from the beach, serving exquisite food. The prices matched the quality of the food. She planned to offer to split the bill. Over a wonderful dinner accompanied by an excellent white wine, they talked and talked—about books, movies, television, childhood adventures, education, and more. They didn’t agree about everything but had a couple of lively discussions on political matters where they differed. He respected her opinions even when he didn’t agree with them and conceded gracefully when she made a good point. By the end of dinner she felt that she knew him at least as well as she’d ever known Graham. But look how that turned out. The niggling doubt refused to go away, hard as she tried to push it aside. He refused to let her pay half the bill. “I asked you out,” he said. “And it’s been a real pleasure. Don’t worry, though, I can afford it.” It was dark by the time they got back in his car and returned to the beach house. “I have a nice bottle of Cointreau in the trunk of the car if you want to invite me in for a nightcap,” he said. “We could sit on the deck and sip and watch the moon over the ocean. But if it’s too late or you’re too tired I won’t be insulted or even take it for a brush-off. Unless, of course, you mean for it to be a brush-off.” Mary laughed. She’d laughed several times during dinner, too. She hadn’t laughed so much in one day, or even in one month, in a long time. It felt good. “No brush-offs will happen here. You had me at ‘Cointreau’ and cemented the deal with ‘moon over the ocean’.” He laughed as well, something he seemed to do rarely. A few minutes later they were on the deck of the beach house, each holding a glass of aromatic orange-flavored liqueur. On a cloudless night, the moonlight lay a wash of magical, glittering white light along the rolling dark surface of the Atlantic Ocean. A fresh cool breeze floated hair around her face. They sipped in comfortable silence for a few minutes. “Why did you choose this particular house?” he asked. “I had some friends who stayed here during the summer. I came to visit them for a day and thought the beach was great and the house delightful. When I called to rent a place for this retreat, I asked for this house, but it was too pricey, even at off-season prices. But then a few weeks later the rental agent called to say that the owners of the house I did choose had decided to use it this week, and since this one wasn’t rented they offered it to me at the same price as the other place. I jumped all over it. It’s a great house.” “It is. Annie and I used to sit like this on occasion.” He said it almost tentatively as though not sure of her reaction to the confidence. Or maybe his own reaction. “Not often enough. We took for granted we’d have the rest of our lives to enjoy it.” “The lesson being don’t take anything for granted.” “And don’t assume you have all the time in the world for anything.” A slight tinge of bitterness underlay the words. “Which is why we’re celebrating starting again. You never know how much time you have, so it’s a shame to waste any more than necessary on anger and regrets.” He was silent for several minutes, making her wonder if she’d inadvertently insulted or offended him. As she was ready to apologize, he said, “What’s your plan for moving on?” “Not a plan so much as a change in attitude. I’ve always been the good girl who did what I was supposed to, took care of everyone, never took any risks. Look where that got me. So I plan to venture out more, try new things, be a more relaxed and open person.” “When does this start?” “It already has.” He smiled. She saw it mostly as a gleam of white teeth in the silvered darkness. “Me?” “Well, yes.” “Fitting, I suppose, since I’m doing the same thing.” He leaned over to refill both glasses. The liqueur brought a pleasant buzz in her head and languor to her limbs, relaxing her in a way she hadn’t felt in a long time. She marveled at how easy and pleasant it was to be with Tom in the magical moonlight, with the waves playing a soothing, rumbling percussion in the background. His voice sounded huskier when he said, “It’s a lovely night for a fantasy, isn’t it?” She didn’t quite know what he meant by that, but made a humming sound that could pass for agreement. “Have you ever played out any of your fantasies?” Alarm shot through her relaxed haze. “What do you mean?” “I saw the books you’re reading.” The gentle tone settled some of her fear. “Those are your fantasies, aren’t they?” The words held only curiosity, no judgement, no expectations. “Yes. And, no, I’ve never tried anything like that. I’m not sure I would have the nerve.” “But this is a new you, a more open you. And you’re interested.” “Are you…” She couldn’t say the words. “Offering to help you explore your fantasies? Yes.” “But—Why?” “More than one reason, but do you think you’re the only one with those kinds of kinky fantasies? Only I hope you want the submissive role.” “Yes. No, on thinking I’m the only one. But—I don’t know.” “It’s only an offer.” Tom raised his glass, and moonlight glittered off it. “I won’t be insulted if you don’t want to. Or prefer to wait. I’ll still want to see you again. We have a lot in common, and there’s a spark of something between us. At least on my part there is. I want to continue to explore that, whether we do anything else.” “The spark’s there for me, too.” She stared out at the ocean, watching the streak of moonlight ripple along the surface. “And I worry that this could mess it all up.” “And if I promise it won’t? Are you intrigued?” “Of course I am.” Her pulse raced and a bit of sweat broke out on her temple just thinking about it, contemplating him doing some of those things she’d been reading about. Doing them to her. With her. Her slit began to swell and throb. Oh, yes, she wanted it. But it wasn’t sensible or smart to do it with someone she’d just met. Even though it seemed like everyone in town knew him and liked him. This was the new her. The one who was more open to life with all its risks. “All right. Let’s try it.” “Wait, I wasn’t trying to coerce you or guilt you into agreeing.” “I know. It was an offer. The more I thought about it, the more I liked the offer. I want to take you up on it.” He didn’t say anything for so long she got nervous. “Want to withdraw it?” she asked. “Oh. No. Just thinking.” He stayed quiet for another moment. “Okay. Thought experiment. What’s your favorite fantasy or scenario?” The darkness hid her blush from him and this time she was silent for a bit. “I’m a thief—not a criminal, not really—but I’ve been blackmailed into retrieving something for someone else. And of course, I get caught in the act. I beg the man who catches me not to call the police. I promise I’ll do anything he asks, take any punishment he wants, if he won’t turn me in.” “And what will he demand in return?” His tone didn’t offer any clue to his reactions to her revelation. “Well, obviously, there would have to be a rather harsh punishment. She has committed a crime, after all. A spanking, perhaps.” “Hand, brush, paddle, strap, or belt?” She sucked in a breath that stuck in her throat. “I don’t know. Maybe—all of those?” “That would be a harsh punishment indeed.” The words came out flat, expressionless. “Though fitting, I should think, for someone who’s committed a crime and wishes to avoid more official penalties.” “Are you appalled at the idea?” His mouth quirked into a wry smile, barely visible in the moonlight. “My dear, if I were appalled by it, this conversation would never have happened. In fact, I’m quite intrigued. Would you like to try it out?” Yes. Yes, she would. But it was hard as heck to say that out loud. “I think I would.” “And you’re terrified of it at the same time. Have you ever played this way before?” “No. Have you?” “A little bit. Before Annie got sick we started experimenting with it. But it went on hold.” He stared at the moon while taking a sip from his glass. “You’re right to be cautious and a bit fearful. When done properly it can be intense. When not done properly it’s just dangerous.” He gave a harsh laugh. “We’ll attempt to do it properly, but there’s a lot of learning as you go with it. First, do you know about safe words?” She did, from her reading, and said so. “Good. Will yellow light and red light work for you?” “Yes. Fine. When do we start?” “Tomorrow.” He saw her reaction and his mouth quirked in a small grin. “We’re both tired tonight, and have had a fair amount to drink. You need time to consider this when you’re fresh and sober.” “I’m not sure I can do this when I’m fresh and sober.” “Then your heart really isn’t in it and we shouldn’t do it at all.” “But—” He stood and drained his glass. “It’s getting late and I should be going.” He extended a hand to her and drew her upright. “We’ll talk more about it tomorrow. Yes, this is part of my being dominant. I don’t want to be an asshole, telling you what to do and not do, but we need to be smart about it.” A cloud obscured the moonlight for a few seconds as he leaned down to press his lips to hers. Perhaps the lack of light intensified her reaction, but the touch of his mouth roused startling, tingly sensations that built into heat and a buzzing in her head. Lips brushed over hers and his tongue swiped. She moaned deep in her throat and relaxed against him, cuddling closer to his heat and strength as little electric charges zipped along her skin. It felt so good, she didn’t want to move except to get even closer and feel even more of him. She put her arms around his neck and dug her fingers into his hair. That was an added pleasure. But after a while, he drew back. His breath came in short, sharp pants and he had some difficulty getting words out. “That was the best thing I’ve felt in a long time. But we’d better stop now. If I don’t I won’t stop at all and… It’s better if we wait.” He kissed her gently on the brow, then escorted her back in, locking the front door behind them. She still suffered from the bemusement of the kiss. He went out the back door, saying that he’d see her the next day. Mary sighed and headed for bed.

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