Little Miss Virgin

1139 Words
I heard the honk of my best friend Emma's car notifying me that she was here. Emma has been my carpool ever since she had gotten her driver's license.   I exited my house to find her sitting in her red Hyundai i30, applying her bright pink lip gloss in the sun visor mirror before fixing up her blonde curls, like usual.   I opened the passenger door, throwing my bag in the back before taking a seat.   "I swear, everything you own looks the same." She comments pointing out my ripped jeans and another flannel I decided on. "We're going shopping together one day, and I will help spice up your life."   "No offense, Emma, but I'm pretty sure I won't look good in anything pink." I laugh pointing out her outfit which consisted of a light pink dress and a jean jacket.   "What? It's Wednesday, which reminds me. We're having a Mean Girl's movie reunion movie night, my place." She winks, flipping up the sun visor so it was out of her way before putting the car in drive, She turned on the music lowly as she hummed along to the melody.   "No way," I said, shaking my head profusely.   A confused expression filled her face, until a shot of realization hit her, relieving her facial expression. "I swear, Ryleigh if this has anything to do with Hunter..."   "I can't be around him, Emma!" I sigh frustrated. This year would be so much easier if he wasn't here.   "Screw him! I mean, don't screw him just...ignore him?" She fails to help.   "I can't ignore him, Emma...." I trail off, remembering the events that took place last night.   "And why not?" She arches an eyebrow towards me.   "Because he has my journal."    "You mean that old, ugly book you've had since elementary school?" She questions, letting out a laugh.   "Yes! It's not funny, Emma. This book has every one of my secrets and embarrassments, and I swear to God if he shares any of it with anyone, my life is ruined." I explain.   "Oh come on, I'm sure it's not that bad."   ***   "Okay, maybe it is that bad," Emma says raising her eyebrow at the view. We both stood in shock at what we were looking at.   I couldn't believe him.    There were almost a hundred printed pages of the one exact page in my journal, all around the hallways.    Kids were picking them up from the floors and reading them, looking in my direction and bursting out into laughter.   And that's when a redhead with black heeled boots approached us with her handbag around her wrist. "So, you are the school's virgin, aren't you?" She pouts her lips sarcastically.   It was then that we saw the familiar face of Madison Jones. The captain of the cheerleading team, and a b***h. She and Emma used to be friends until Madison slept with her boyfriend. Afterward, she dated Hunter, which only made Emma despise her even more.   "What?" I questioned nervously.   Emma grabbed one taped piece of paper on the wall beside us and read it aloud. "My name is Ryleigh and I'm a virgin. I've never even kissed a guy before..." She reads the words on the printed paper. I wrote that during my freshman year, but now everyone knows how much of a virgin I am.   She sighs, crossing her arms. "Boo. That's a shame. You know, if you tried those hip exercises I recommended for you one time, you'd probably have a chance with a lower class guy. I guess starving yourself works too..."    "Don't you have anything better to do then make fun of people?" Emma spits.   "Why in fact, I do! I'm glad you asked. I want your brother." She says.   "Okay, and who doesn't?" She questioned.   "Which is exactly my point! So either you help me get him back, or I'll do it myself." She replies.   Emma shook her head, folding her arms as well. "Well, gee. Maybe if you weren't such a backstabbing b***h, then I would help you, but I'm going to go with a hard pass on this one."   "Suit yourself. Oh and by the way, maybe if you were prettier, then he wouldn't have ditched you." She winks before blowing us a kiss and walking the other direction down the hallway as if it was a catwalk.   This was all because of an asshole named Hunter.   Hunter...   I gazed across the hall to find him smirking in my direction with his arms folded over his chest.   "Look, I have to get to class before Mr. Spencer throws a fit. See you during lunch?" She questions, and I nod. As she walks away, my gaze leaves her and goes to the mess around the room. I began picking up pieces of paper, crumpling them together to throw away.   I ignored the other laughs and pointing that was so blatantly obvious.   "Hey, there little miss virgin." Hunter's annoying voice appears behind me and I can already see the smirk on his lips that just scream victory.   "You're such an a*s. I didn't even do anything to you!" I argue.   "Oh trust me, this is not the worst I can do, babe. Think of this as more of a...warning." He tries to make me feel better but fails terribly.   "Give me my journal back, Hunter," I demand.   "No, I'm not done with it yet." He smirks.   "I think the school knowing that I'm seventeen and the only virgin in this school is enough," I say sarcastically.   "If you need someone to change that--"   "No, no way. I'd much rather die than ever have s*x with you, Hunter." I say, cringing at the thought of even thinking about his n***d body on top of mine.   "Relax, it was a joke. You're not my type." He winks.   "Well, if I'm supposed to be hurt by that comment, please do know that I'm not. Besides, why are you even talking to me?" I question, arching an eyebrow toward him.   "Glad you asked. I need my Biology and Calculus homework done by tomorrow." He says as he takes out two worksheets and a book before handing them to me.   "Yeah, well do them yourself," I say, pushing all three things into his chest.   "I don't think you understood that what I did today was only a warning." He reminds me. "Shall we tell the school about your little crush on Jake? Or I know! What about the time your clothes were stolen and you had to go home in a towel. Those photos were great--"   "Okay, okay! I get it." I stop him from bringing up those horrible memories. "Did you read everything in my journal?"   "Only the good parts." He says handing me his books. "As I said in the beginning, I'm back and I'm better."
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