1600 Words

 CYRUS: The entire Alsatian pack are all gathered to worship at the Sun-Source Chapel for their weekly service. They praise Helios, the Sun God above his sister Selene.    It doesn’t make any sense to me. Selene is our creator. Besides, Helios has a plethora of his own realms to deal with. I highly doubt that the Alsatian pack is even on his radar.   Legends say that Helios and Selene were born complete opposites. Their parents are both strong, immortal Titans and even they couldn’t manage to get them to get along. They became so frustrated, that they didn’t know what to do anymore.    When they got to the end of their rope, they turned to Zeus for help. He declared that he would bring them peace for a fair trade. From that day on, Selene would be responsible for the moon and Helios

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