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DRIP...DRIP...DRIP "Huh... that’s cold. Wait? What?" my eyes fly open to see a smiling faceabove my head with a glass of ice-cold water. "ERIC!" I yell bolting up in a sitting position while Eric jumps back with mischief written all overhis face. "You're such a d**k!" I yell at him while I wipe the water off my face and hair. "You awake now Cupcake?" He asks. I make a grab for the glass but he steps back more, wiggling his eyebrows playfully at me. I hop out of bed towards him and he tries to make a run for it but I’m too fast and jump on his back, piggyback style with one arm around his neck and the other trying to grab the glass out of his hand that he has stretched out of my reach. "Gimme the glass!" I say laughing while he tries to keep his balance with my weight on his back. I try to make another grab for it when the door bursts open to find my mom and Mac with shocked looks on their faces as we freeze on the spot. Well, I’m sure this looks awkward. I think to myself trying not to laugh. "Dad... I can explain." Eric says with a look of all seriousness on his face. “I was minding my own business when all off a sudden a screeching banshee attacked me and tried to take advantage of my innocent self... OUCH!" He yells as I hit him on the head. I giggle as I slide off his back. "Well, I’m glad to see you're feeling better." says doctor Missy, coming into the room with a smile. "I guess it's safe to say she's fit enough to go home today." you only need to sign her out at the front desk." she says turning to my mom. "Thank you doctor." said mom. "Let’s get those stitches out so that you can get changed and go home." Doctor Missy said, motioning me back to my bed. I hop on the bed and the doctor starts taking out the stitches one by one while mom comes to stand by my side next to the bed. Eric stands at the foot of the bed grinning like an i***t while his dad stands next to him with his arms behind his back looking at my mom with a strange look in his eyes and I catch Eric's eye. He also seems to have picked up on it and just winks at me, still grinning like an i***t. "There, all done, I’ll leave you to it to get changed then you can go home." Doctor Missy says and packs away her stitch kit. "Thanks doc." I say and get of the bed and start getting my things together. "Come on boys, let her have some privacy to get changed." The doctor says, ushering the men outand closing the door. Just as I was about to unbutton the gown the door opens and Eric sticks his head in the room, startling me. "Sure you don't need help there, Cupcake?” He says with a devil smile. Before my mom and I can chase him out, Mac grabs him by the ear and Eric winches in pain. "Eric! you sod, I’m gonna..." Macs words trail off as the door closes shut once again. I shake my head and mom and I laugh at their goofiness. "Seems you and Eric are getting along nicely." my mom comments. "Yeah, I like him a lot." I reply with a smile while mom looks at me, raising her eyebrow. "Oh... I- it's not like that... just as a know? it's just that he has this calming aura around him that makes me feel safe and he doesn't pity me or is afraid to say something wrong because I’ll shatter into a million pieces... With him I feel I can be myself... know what I mean, mom?" I say and look down at my feet. "I know what you mean Sky.” He reminds me of your father actually. They both do." She says as her eyes tear up. I walk around the bed and give her a hug just as she starts crying. "I miss him so much Sky." she sobs. "It's painful to get up each day knowing that I’ll never be able to hold him again. He was everything to me and I don't know what to do." She sobs into my shoulder. "I miss him too, but dad wouldn't want us to stop living just because his not here anymore and you've still got me." I said also crying. "I love you Sky, I don't know what I’d do if I were to lose you too. I won't be able to bare it.” She says. "I'm not going anywhere mom, I promise. I'm safe now. We are safe." I say comforting her. "Come on, lets finish up here so that we can go home. I don't know about you but I'm starving.” I say wiping off my tears as she gives out a laugh. We pull away and I take the clothes she gives me and enter the adjoining bathroom. I strip and turn on the shower and get in and quickly was my body and hair. I turn off the shower and start drying my body and rub my hair dry before wrapping it in a towel. I get dressed in a navy-blue skinny jeans and black long-sleeved shirt to hide my scars again and I slip on a pair of knee length boots and towel rub my hair again before combing through it and letting it hang to dry by itself. I step back into the room and see my mom waiting for me. We check out at the front desk and push on through the entrance doors. There we find Mac and Eric waiting for us in his silver double cab pick-up truck. We hop in. Mom sitting in the front passenger seat, me behind her and Mac in the driver’s seat and Eric behind him. "You girls hungry?" Mac asks. We both nod while he starts driving. I know this little diner close by that makes the most delicious burgers." We all agree and get on our way. The rest of the morning was spent talking, joking and goofing with each other. *** DEVON POV. I breathe a sigh of relief when our pack's border comes into view. I'm sitting in the passenger seat next to Charlie who is driving, he is one of my pack warriors and good friend. I can't wait to see my parents and to sleep in my own bed. The only thing I’m not looking forward to is going back to school. Seriously? I say to myself. I'm the future alpha of the Blue moon pack. Why do I even need to finish school? It's not like I’m going to be doing something else." I speak. Because we need an alpha who can think with his head and not with his dick." Bronx growls out at me. Finally talking to me again, are you? Took you long enough. I snap at him. He only gives me a growl and starts pacing restlessly up and down as we cross the border to our territory. He is quite the ferocious beast on the battlefield but can sometimes throw a tantrum like a five-year-old. We exit the road along the forest and continue up the paved driveway and come to stop in front of the huge pack house. My parents are already waiting along with other pack members. Mom comes down the stone steps just as I get out of the car and engulfs me in a big hug. “I’m so glad you’re back, I've missed you.” mom says as I hug her back. “Ha-ha. Come on You missed my pranks didn’t you?” I said back planting a kiss on the top of her head. “Yes, that too” she says letting go and smiling up at me. “Don’t worry, I got loads of new pranks lined up.” I said with a sly grin. “Don’t even think about it boy.” My father growls out in frustration and me and mom laugh because he somehow almost always gets caught in the middle of one of my pranks. “Welcome home son. I’m pleased with alpha Jeremy’s report on the rogue problem. Hopefully we should have some peace for now.” he says with pride in his eyes as he comes down to shake my hand. "He was actually hoping for a merging of the packs but..." My dad says, trailing of meaningfully but I just roll my eyes at him. “Dinner will be ready in one hour, so why don’t you go get cleaned up and meet us in the living room? We have two new pack members that will be joining us.” My mom informs me as we all head up the stone steps to the house. “And please, no funny business tonight, Devon.” My mom says looking at me sternly. “She used to be from this pack and is a very dear friend of me and your father when we were growing up.” She changed packs when she met her mate but he died a few years ago in a rogue attack so since then she and her daughter have gone through some… uhm… ‘difficulties’ and she asked if she could come back home. So please, no funny business tonight.” She warns further. “Okay, Okay, I’ll be good.” I reply with a smile. My mom looks up at me with narrowed eyes but continue to enter the house. “I’m going to go check on dinner while you boys do your business and don’t be late!” she says walking to the kitchen. “Well, you heard your mother.” No funny business and don’t be late.” He says trying to mimic mom’s voice. “I heard that!” My mom yells from the kitchen and pops her head around the corner into the hallway where we are still standing. “Yikes” My dad jumps and starts running for his office. I laugh and shake my head and start sprinting to the stairs and to my room. I open my door to see Nikole, one of my closest friends, laying naked on my bed. Okay, friends with benefits. I close the door as she gets up and walks to me swaying her hips. “Hello alpha, I missed you.” She purrs seductively and starts to undo my jeans. “I bet you did.” I say as I pull her closer to me by her hips and kiss her hard. Nikole is always a good f**k because she sometimes likes to be rough. She drops my pants and boxers letting my hard c**k jump free and grinds against it. I kick my pants away and lift her up to wrap her legs around my waist and thrust into her, slamming her hard against the wall. Her arms snake around my neck and into my hair, pulling on it painfully. This only excites me more and thrust into her harder making her scream out my name in pleasure. I feel her p***y tighten around my c**k and keep slamming into her hard as she reaches her climax and falls limp in my arms. A few more quick hard thrusts and I reach mine, spilling into her. I didn’t have to worry about pregnancies. Nikole was always safe in this regard. I pull out and put her down on her feet. “Thanks.” I say turning around to go to my adjoining bathroom. Luckily Nikole and I have an understanding of our needs and don’t waste it on small talk. There's always time to catch up on other things but when it comes to s*x, it’s just s*x. I close the bathroom door behind me and take off my shirt I still had on and turn on the shower. “You shouldn’t have f****d her or the other alpha's daughter.” Bronx growls at me while pacing up and down restlessly. “Oh, shut it will you? What’s wrong with you today? You’re starting to give me a headache with your restless pacing.” I said. “You’ll find out soon enough” he growls. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I snap back at him but he retreats to the back of my mind cutting me off. “Moody mutt” I mutter to myself and get in the shower. I quickly wash my body and my hair and step out of the shower to dry off. I wrap a towel around my waist and get back into my room. Nikole already left. I go to my walk-in closet and choose black jeans and a black t-shirt with matching shoes. I quickly dress seeing as I only had a couple of minutes before mom starts yelling for me to get my ass to dinner. I pull my fingers through my hair and grab my phone so that I can check on some messages on my way down. Once down I step into the hallway and I can hear people chatting and laughing cheerfully and suddenly the most amazing smell hits me. Fresh lavender mixed with wild vanilla. I’m momentarily breathless as if I got the wind knocked out of me but I quicken my pace as I follow the scent. I enter the living room to see my parents, some pack warriors, along with doctor Missy, Mac and Eric with a woman I haven’t seen before. She must be my parent’s friend that will be rejoining our pack but my attention immediately gets captivated by the young girl standing between her and Eric. She has the most beautiful forest green eyes with a cute nose and full cherry pink lips with a heart shaped face covered with straight raven black hair. We make eye contact and she gasps out loud. The room goes silent and everyone turns to look at us. She grabs Eric’s arm and a shot of possessiveness and jealousy washes over me. "MATE!" Bronx howls excitedly in my head. "MINE!" I growl.
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