Chapter Fifteen

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Or maybe I should just leave. Join another pack away from everyone. I could come back when I felt things have cooled down, when I was ready to face it all again. Maybe I should go to the red river pack. Elijah said they train alphas. Maybe they could train me. Then I could go and challenged the alpha of my home pack. Take back the position that should have been my birth right. I didn’t know anything about the Death Valley pack, but I could learn about it. About their alpha and their way of life. I could have my own pack; lead the way a pack should be led. And maybe, just maybe I could have a mate of my own. One that will love me, not try and kill me. “Sounds good to me.” Ruby grumbled. “Fine. We will pack a bag and leave after midnight when everyone is asleep.” “What about Max? He protects us at night.” Ruby said sullenly. “Not anymore. Elijah commanded him to until Blaze’s birthday. It’s not his birthday anymore.” “And if Elijah sends Blaze to the red river pack?” Ruby questioned. “I will get there first and explain everything. Hopefully they won’t accept him after that. The alpha there can’t be as bad as Blaze says. Not if what Elijah says is true.” Elijah was powerful in his own right. But I needed someone more powerful. Someone that didn’t know me and wasn’t afraid to push me. Someone who would respect me and not treat me like a freaking delicate flower or piece of porcelain. I wouldn’t bend, I wouldn’t break. I would rise above all threats, get stronger. I would beat anyone and anything that came my way. But I needed help. Red river was the perfect pack to help me. Elijah had already told me where the pack was. It was several states away in Oregon. I had my own money, my own bank account thanks to my parents. And I had more than enough in my account to keep me sustained the rest of my life. With my mind made up I jumped from bed and grabbed one of my duffle bags and started packing my clothes. Mostly training clothes, a few dresses. Jeans, tank tops, tennis shoes and sandals. I packed enough clothes for every occasion. I withdrew my stash of money I kept on me for emergencies. This will get me to the closest city so I could make a hefty withdraw and work with just cash. No paper trail involved. My trail would end here. I didn’t sleep. Toon afraid I wouldn’t wake up in time to leave before everyone woke up. Not knowing what else to do and conflicted over everything I sat and wrote a small letter. For Max, Patrick, Hope, my parents, Blaze and Alexander. I didn’t really know what to say or how to even say it, but I knew I had to try. For my three friends and Elijah at the least. They were the only ones who truly had been there. Max, I know this won’t be easy for you, and I’m sorry I did this so suddenly and without warning. But honestly, I didn’t know what else to do. I need time. Time away from the pack, Blaze and Alexander. Everyone was right. Alexander is no better than Blaze. No Alexander hadn’t been cruel to me like Blaze, but he tried to kill me just as much as Blaze did and I just don’t know how to handle that. I will come back though, I just don’t know when. I am writing you this separate than everyone else because I am giving you my number. Just you. I know when it comes to me Elijah can’t alpha command you to tell him, not if it might interfere with my safety. I look forward to hearing from you. ***-***-****. Please, burn this after you read it. I can’t risk anyone else getting my number. Patrick, Hope and Elijah, This shouldn’t come as too much of a shock. Not after what transpired yesterday. This is something I need to do. Blaze and Alexander both have caused a disruption in my life, threatened my life. I don’t know what to do with that information or what to even do with that information. Patrick, hope, you two are my two of my best friends, I hope you forgive me for my abrupt departure and understand my reasoning behind my decision. I will see you all soon. My parents, You out of everyone should have seen this coming. You both have lied to me my whole life. Dropping me being a werewolf on me a year before I was supposed to shift. Not only that, but you father tried to guilt me into rejecting Alexander. I don’t give a damn if my mate was a wolf or not. The only thing that should have mattered to you was my happiness, not my bloodline. I am sorry for leaving so suddenly, but I don’t regret my decision. Don’t look for me. You won’t find me. Blaze, When I first came here, I saw you as you watched your pack abuse and degrade a weaker member of this pack. You said nothing, but smiled as you saw Hope in pain. Shame on you. An alpha protects his pack, even from his own. But you didn’t. Then the pack was attacked. I saw the potential alpha in you that day. Your determination not to back down, to stand and fight for your people. Everything about you changed then. You became determined to kill me, and for that I can not forgive you. Alexander, Our first meeting was you hunting me for the vampires. You admitted to being paid to come for me, and I don’t know how to move past that. No, maybe we didn’t know we were mates then, but that shouldn’t matter. I was drawn to you from the moment we met. But I was terrified at the same time. Now. Now that I know we are mates, I feel betrayed and hurt. Bot of my mates had tried to kill me in one way or the other. Again, I don’t know how to get past this. To all of you, I am sorry it came to this. I wanted to find my mate, learn more about being a wolf. I wanted to train with the pack and help protect all of you. But I can not be in a pack where the alpha heir wants me either dead, or as a mate for power. I am sorry I have left the way I am but I am not sorry for leaving. I will return one day, I just don’t know when that day will be. Once one in the morning rolled around, I placed the envelopes on my desk, grabbed my bag, slinging it across my back before peaking out the window. There was no sign of any wolves, the air smelled clean, just a lingering scent of one of the pack warriors. Lithely I jumped from the window, landing in a crouch. With Ruby’s help we masked our scent and took off into the trees. The pack house and everyone in it faded in the distance. The familiar scents eventually fading, then disappearing completely. I was doing this. It would be hard, heartbreaking even, but it was my best shot. I had to do it.
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