Chapter Twenty-Four

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“UGH! What was wrong with me?” I shouted at myself as I flung myself onto the bed. The man had tried to kill me, he almost succeeded. No different than Blaze or Alexander. So why was I still so caught up on him? Why was I staying? It made no freaking sense. How was Hector different than my mates? How was what he done better? What because I allowed it to happen? No. There was just something about Hector that drew me in, in a way Alexander and blaze didn’t. I was attracted to Hector yes. There was no doubt about that, but there was something else about him. Something I couldn’t quit put my finger on. All I did know was now that I’m here, and spent time with him. I couldn’t picture myself leaving. I didn’t want to picture myself leaving. Even the thought of being away from Hector like that made it feel like someone was squeezing the life out of me. What was it about him that drew me in? I just lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. Blaze, though handsome never pulled me in like Alexander and Hector. He had always been an ass to me, cruel. Even after I almost died protecting his pack, his family, he saw me as nothing more than a threat. And he wasted no time in rejecting me when he turned eighteen and shifted. But unlike what other have told me, him rejecting me didn’t hurt. At all. I just felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I felt lighter, happier. Then there was Alexander. The dragon clan alpha. Strong and beautiful. The man’s physique still clear as day in my mind. His scent of autumn leaves and smoke still seared into my memory. But there was also the fact that he was paid to kill me, and he admitted that if I were not his mate, he would still come after me. That was my deciding factor. He may have invited me to his clan for a visit, and I may have saved him and his brothers. But I was still nothing but a target to him. A bounty. So despite his kindness, protectiveness and possessiveness after we found out we were second chance mates, it paled in comparison to his actions and words. I didn’t reject him though, and I could still feel the frail bond in my chest. I could feel whispers of his pain and regret. Whispers of his sorrow and concern. It wasn’t strong enough to affect me in any way, but enough for me to know I didn’t want it. The good things about mate bonds, was the books got them wrong. I could reject him whenever I wanted, he didn’t need to be present for me to break the bond. And he didn’t have to accept it. As long as one rejected the other, the bond will break. But I was scared to say the words. Scared to reject him. Doubts clouded my mind on whether or not I should give him a chance. A chance at forgiveness. Deep down I knew I didn’t want Alexander; I didn’t know if I wanted a mate period. Not after everything I’ve already delt with involving mates. Werewolves always spoke of mates as sacred, precious bonds between two wolves. Bonds that brough them together. Bonds that are full of love, compassion, hope, and happiness. The bonds have brought me nothing but pain and heartache. To me, having a bond wasn’t worth it. Having a bond with anyone wasn’t worth it. I didn’t want to hurt anymore; I didn’t want to doubt anymore. I wanted to be free. Free of those two men, free to be me. Free to train and find myself so I could go back to my birth pack. I couldn’t do that if I was tethered to Blaze or Alexander. Then there was Hector. He was a temperamental ass. He wore his pain as anger and used his anger to lead his pack. He pushed them to their limits when he trained and didn’t hesitate to kill anyone who he thinks deserves death. Hector didn’t tolerate disobedience and he commanded respect. Just walking into a room, his alpha aura demanded recognition. But there was a softer side to him. A side no one else sees. I doubt he even meant for me to see it. The man is in pain. His heart and spirit broken. The loss of his mate still weighed on him as if it happened yesterday. And my heart went out to him. I truly felt for him. He didn’t deserve what happened to him, and his mate didn’t deserve death. Hector said most wolves go mad when their mate died, yet he was strong enough to keep himself from slipping into madness. That was proof of how strong he was both physically and mentally. The man was an anomaly. And hope. My friend. I’d left her too. I knew I’d hurt her and it tore at my heart like a bear claw. She had so little when we met. She was bullied and beat, had little to no possessions, no friends. When I got there, she had come out of her shell. She had shown the pack who she really was, shown them the strength that lived within her. She was so much stronger than she ever knew she was. Max and Patrick. My other two friends. They stood by me and protected me from Blaze. Max and I had grown close in a very short amount of time, just like Patrick and I did. Leaving them, all of them left me feeling torn. They were as much a part of me as my mate would have been. I felt it in my soul we were all meant to find one another. That we were meant to stand by each other’s side. Still knowing this, feeling it, I left. Left them all behind. That was my biggest regret in leaving. PING! My phone brought me out of my own head and back to the real world. A world I was beginning to both dread and look forward to. I dreaded it because I knew my friends weren’t with me. I looked forward to it because it meant I got to see and spend time with Hector. That man made butterflies flutter in my stomach and my chest tighten as my heart beat out of control. I shook the thoughts from my mind and looked at my phone. Max: Nia! Where are you? Me: Safe, hidden. I responded, tears welling in my eyes. Max: please tell me where you are. Pat, Hope and I have been worried sick. Elijah has spent every waking hour looking for you. Max: Your parents have gone out searching but your trail ends with an alpha named Zak. Me: Yeah, I went to the bank to get money. No paper trails. Max: Let us join you. We’ll leave the pack, follow you. I could just picture how frantic he looked, how pained. Me: Why would you do that? Max: Because we belong with you. Me: I don’t know Max. What if you’re followed? What if Blaze and Alexander come after you to find me? Max: They’re too busy fighting over you and who gets to keep you. Both have sent their own search parties looking for you. They’re searching everywhere. Dread pooled in my gut. How far would they go to find me? How far was too far? What would they do if they found me? What would Hector do? I needed to tell him what was going on. He needed to be prepared for the search party should they arrive here. I don’t see why they would since only male alpha’s trained here. But they all know Hector trained alphas and I was a female alpha, one that could shift. They had to know the interest Hector would have in me. The curiosity. Me: How far are they searching? Max: Every pack they can reach. I was only several hours from Elijah’s pack. Close, but not too close. Still close enough to where I knew they would find their way here. Close enough I knew they would catch my scent if they got too close to the boarder. I had to tell Hector. Me: I will ask the alpha here if you three could join me. I doubt he’d let you, but I’ll see. I have to tell him about the searches. Max: I’ll get Pat and Hope to pack, just in case. Me: Okay. Be careful and don’t get caught packing. Delete these texts. With that last text I made my way to my door. Only to remember it was the middle of the night, Hector would be sleeping. I didn’t want to wake him. He seemed to be sleeping without nightmares. Unless he was still awake. This was one of those situations where I wish there was a pack link. If I went to his room and he was asleep he’d probably be angry that I woke him. If he was awake then I’d be able to tell him without too much repercussion.
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