Chapter Twenty-Six

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“Nothing is wrong with you, you know.” Ruby told me softly. “At least we know why you’ve been acting the way you have been.” “That don’t make it any better.” I sighed warily. “Being able to feel the effects of the bond before there is even an official bond? Feeling drawn to him in the way that I have. Having him like the others try and kill me, then tell me what he did? How has my life come to this? Does this moon goddess of theirs have some twisted sense of humor? Does she get a kick from my pain? Is my life her own personal comedy show?” “Seraphina don’t say that.” Ruby chided. I just rolled my eyes. I didn’t understand why not. I glanced over at Hector. He looked uncomfortable and tense. I felt the same. I felt uncomfortable, and tense and stupid. I felt like a fool. Like I was making a mistake and possible the best decision of my life at the same time. How could that be possible? How could I make the best and the dumbest decision at the same time? And better yet. How could I help Hector figure out who he is? I barely even knew him. We’ve hardly spent time together. And the time we have spent together hasn’t exactly been spent in peace. “Your friends can join you here if you want.” Hector’s surprisingly soft voice caught me off guard. “Why would you allow that? And don’t say it’s because it’s I’m your destined mate.” I warned. “Even before I knew you were my destined mate; I would have allowed it. You care for them and they obviously care for you if they warned you of the search parties.” Hector’s features grew grim. “Search parties we need to prepare for.” “How exactly do you prepare for a dragon search party? I’m pretty sure Alexander isn’t going to be happy either. Not now that I’ve rejected him. Actually, to be honest he might go and try to finish the bounty that was on my head.” I grimaced at the memory. “He won’t get that close.” Hector said vehemently. “And you can stop a dragon?” I arched a brow. “Not easily.” He told me, scowling at the broken window as we entered the pack house through the front door. I couldn’t bring myself to care about the window. He shouldn’t have been following me in the first place. He should have just let me go. It was him I was running from after all. And if he thought I was just going to jump into his arms like some love sick puppy, just because he was my destined mate, he had another thing coming. Don’t get me wrong the pull was strong. Like really freaking strong. It felt like there was a magnet inside of me that was constantly pulling me towards him. Even Ruby was having trouble fighting it. “Alpha.” Michael’s frantic voice reached us seconds before he did. “We have a group of wolves approaching the northern border.” “Rouges?” His tone went flat and eyes hardened. “No, pack wolves.” His eyes moved to me. “Wolves from the North River Pack.” “They found me.” I groaned. “Great. Are they Elijah’s, Blaze’s or my father’s? Do you know?” “No, not yet. They won’t cross the boarder without the alpha’s permission. They know better than that no matter who’s group they belong to. It would cause an all-out war and no one wants to go to war with our pack. They’ll request permission first.” “How many are there?” “Three. Two males and one female.” “Wait. What did you say?” I rushed to step closer to Michael. “Three? That’s all?” “Yes?” He drawled, questioningly. “Tell them to ask them their names.” I demanded. Michael’s eyes drifted to Hector’s questioningly. Irritation buzzed through me. “Ask them.” “Do as she says.” Hector told Michael. We all knew he could have done it himself, but I knew this was his way of telling Michael I had power over him. It was Hector’s way of proving my place among his pack. A small display, a hint to Michael of my new position. Michael’s brows furrowed but he did as he was told, his eyes going distant for a moment before focusing back on us. My heart pounded in my chest in anticipation. “They said their names were, Max, Patrick and Hope.” Michael told me. “That’s them.” I turned to Hector smiling. “That’s my friends. Max is my delta from north River pack. Patrick was, is, my guard. And Hope is my best friend.” “Have one of the guards escort them to the pack house. But let no others through. More will be coming. We have people coming to look for Ria. They must not get to her.” “Yes alpha.” Michael inclined his head before rushing out the door. “Regardless of them being here we must talk.” Hector told me sternly. “I am well aware of what we need to do.” My smile fell, as the memories of his words flowed through my mind. “Ria, listen to me.” Hector took my hands in his. “Even before I knew of our bond, like you I felt the pull to you.” A heavy sigh fell from his lips. “But when I found of you true identity so many harsh memories hit me at once I said things I didn’t mean. Emotions I haven’t felt for many years assaulted me. Yes, I took them out on you and I shouldn’t have. I am sorry for that.” Hector looked around, noticing others starting to enter the room. “Come on, let’s go to my office.” I followed Hector into his office, curious about what he had to say. I guess I couldn’t blame him for that. He had been through a lot back then. He was right though. He never should have taken things out on me. I had nothing to do with what happened to him. I was an infant, innocent of anything other than being born. He knew this, I even pointed it out to him. But in that moment, it didn’t seem to matter to him. I’m not even sure he has time to properly think about it, but he did seem truly sorry. The moment Hector closed the door I found myself encircled in his arms. I was so stunned I couldn’t move. I was frozen. frozen by the overwhelming sensation of buzzing from the electricity flowing through my veins, his powerful scent of caramel and coffee and the strength and feel of his body pressed against mine. It was like my mind had completely shut off. “I am so sorry Ria.” He whispered into my hair, squeezing me tighter. I was afraid I was going to snap in two. And yet, I still couldn’t bring myself to move. Not an inch, not a millimeter. “My past has always paralyzed me. For so long I have had it locked away in the deepest recesses of my mind. Long forgotten. When it all came rushing back bringing all the emotions with it, it over powered my self-control.” He buried his face into my hair breathing in my scent. When I was finally able to move, I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around his waist and press my face against his chest. “Hector, I can’t stand here and say I forgive you. Not yet.” I whispered, teared stinging my eyes. “What you said hurt. It broke my heart. At the time I didn’t know why, I didn’t understand. Now that I do, it hurts all the more. However, what I can do.” I moved away just enough to look up into beautiful azure eyes. “Is say I will try. We can try. I can give you another chance. We can go slow, work through this and try to make it work. I don’t want to lose you, lose what we could have.” I shook my head and gave him a sad smile. “Ever since I met you, I never could picture myself without you again. I never did understand why. But I just couldn’t imagine myself ever leaving you.” “Would you allow me to announce to the pack that we are mates? Destined mates?’ he asked me hopefully. It was the first time I had seen such vulnerability in his eyes. Yes, I’d seen him vulnerable before. I'd even seen him in tears. But somehow this was different. This was rawer, and it made my heart soar and butterflies erupt in my stomach. “Are you sure you want to?” I asked. “I want nothing more but for them to know who you are to me.” “Then Yes.” I beamed up at him. “I would love for you to tell them. But won’t they question why you haven’t marked me yet?” “They will. But it is not their concern. Our personal life is just that. Ours.” “WHERE IS SHE!” I heard max bellow, his voice echoing through the pack house. I looked up at Hector in amusement, before bursting out in laughter. “That would be my overprotective delta.” I told him, moving out of his arms and to the door. “He better not touch you.” Hector growled. “Don’t be mean.” I warned. “I will hug them and nothing more.” I told him seriously. “They are just friends. More like brothers.” I opened the door and stepped out just in time to hear a crash. Uh, oh. I took off running down the hall and the stairs just in time to see Michael rush Patrick. Max was already fighting another wolf grappling on the floor across the room, while Hope was trying to desperately keep up with an angry Emily. “ENOUGH!” My command rang out across the room, stopping all movement in the room, the command impossible to ignore. “What’s going on here?” I demanded making my way down the stairs into the chaos of the living room. It was a complete disaster. I turned to Michael who was the first person I was charge Patrick. “Michael. Why did you attack Patrick? What happened?” “The three of them came in demanding to see you. We tried explain to them you were speaking to the alpha but they wouldn’t listen. That one attacked one of the guards.” He pointed towards Max who was walking towards me. He pulled me into a tight hug before pushing me behind him and blocking me from the rest of the room. I laughed, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Max. It’s okay. No one here is going to hurt me.” I told him gently. “They already have.” He growled, looking over to Hector accusingly. “That has already been settled. It’s alright now.” “Michael, you have to understand Max here is my delta and it is in his nature to protect me. He can’t help it. His actions can not be helped.” “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Michael hung his head. “That however does not explain Patrick.” From the corner of my eye, I noticed Emily trying to sneak out the side door.” Don’t even think about it.” I turned to her saying harshly. “You’re next.” “You have no power here.” She snarked. “That is where you’re wrong.” Hector stepped forward this time, stopping by my side, wrapping his arm around my waist. “Ria here is my destined mate and your Luna. You will respect her and listen to her.” His voice was hard and unrelenting. Emily’s eyes widened as they turned to me, then narrowed in anger. “I attacked Patrick before he could enter the fight to help his comrade.” “Patrick is a warrior; he would not enter the fight of another wolf. He has honor and knows how to respect another wolf and their challenge.” I told Michael. “That is something you should know well.” “Of course, Luna.” Michael replied. “I apologize.” “Now you. Why attack Hope.” I turned to Emily. “For fun. And because she was, she is your friend.” Emily answered honestly. “Though you have never trained you are a wolf of higher rank, yet you attack an omega, and a guest omega?” I turned to Hector. “This pack has laws about attacking omegas am I right?” I questioned. I knew I was right. I had spent time reviewing the laws he had in place for his pack. He was very protective of his pack, especially the weaker of his pack.” Hector smiles deviously at me. He knew I had been going over everything about the pack. Not because I was luna or anything, but because I wanted to know more about the pack, I was in. He understood my reasoning and gave me everything I needed in order to understand exactly what it is I wanted and needed to know. For which I was grateful, especially now. “We do.” He said, removing his arm and descending the remainder of the stairs and approaching Emily. Before I could stop myself, a growl vibrated deep in my chest. Hector turned to me with a quirked brow and a smirk. I just shrugged. Hector did stop his approach however, turning to face her from where he stood. “Do you remember what the punishment is for your crime?” he asked her, eerily calm. “Y…ye…yes.” Emily’s voice quivered as she cast her eyes to her feet. “What is it then?” “It’s a choice.” She whispered. “Banishment. Or ten lashes by the omega that was challenged.” “Choose.” Hector demanded of Emily; his hard azure eyes boring into her making her whimper but Ruby purr. “Ruby stop it.” I sighed. “We’re supposed to mad at him.” “I know, but look at him.” She purred again. I just rolled my eyes. She wasn’t wrong though. Hector was ethereal. His aura, emitted power and dominance. His powerful frame and domineering presence making shivers run down my spine. Even his angry harsh tone and hard eyes done things to me that it shouldn’t. “Lashes.” Emily finally said, knocking me out of my lust fogged mind. “Omega.” Hector called turning to Hope. Hope whimpered, making Patrick snap to attention and rush to Hope’s side. He pushed her behind him, growling at Hector. Well, this won’t be good. I ran to them placing myself in between them. “Okay, let’s all calm down.” I placed my palm on Hector’s chest and looked over to Patrick. “He won’t hurt Hope Patrick.” I assured him. “Come on Hope, it’s alright.” I reached my hand out to her, smiling gently. Hope being Hope instantly gripped my hand allowing me to pull her towards me. I hugged her tightly before presenting her to Hector. “Hector this is Hope, my best friend.” I said smiling up at him. “Pleasure to meet you Hope.” Hector said unsmiling. “Are you willing to punish your attacker?” he asked. Hope looked over to Emily, her eyes hardening to stone. “Yes.” She replied without a second thought. I was proud of her. She had changed so much from when we first met. She was strong and brave enough to defend herself now to defend herself and take up foe herself. “I am so proud of you.” I said, squeezing her tightly. That was when I noticed something different about her. Her scent was different. She no longer smelt of lavender and rain. A light honey scent was mixed in now. I pulled away and looked at her. Actually, looked at her. There was a mark on her neck. She was mated. My eyes widened. Did I miss her birthday. “You’re mated?” I whispered. “I missed your birthday?” Her cheeks reddened as she nodded. I leaned in and smelt her again and smiled. “I am so happy for you!” I all but squealed, hugging her tightly. “What color?” I demanded. “Brown.” She smiled. “Congratulations. To both of you.” I said turning to Patrick.” “Thank you.” Pat said pulling me into a side hug before taking Hope into his arms. I was so happy they ended up being mates and Hope could shift. They were perfect for each other. Now all we had to do was find Max his mate.
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