Chapter Six

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Lights blinded me as I woke making me groan and cover my face with my pillow. Where the hell I was I? On the sun? Why was it so bright? Slowly I moved the pillow from my face to let my eyes adjust to the light making them water in the process. It was then I noticed a steady beeping from beside me, and something was in my arm restricting my movements. I could feel the presence of someone on each side of me though I didn’t know who. I couldn’t exactly look. Right now, I was kind of blinded at the moment. “Seraphina?” My mom’s sleepy voice called from my right. I looked over to her finally being able to see a little between the black splotches in my eyes. Even so I could see she was tired. Black circles were around her eyes almost making her look like a racoon. She had bags under her eyes and her usual bright brown eyes were dimmed and glassy and her brown hair was messy and tangled. She looked bad. “Mom? What happened?” I asked, squeezing her hand back. Her grip was tight around mine and her eyes watered. “You almost died, that’s what happened.” She said, a sob breaking her voice. “You were the first to sense the rouges, one of the first to dive head first into the fight. You saved many lives, but at the end you protected Caroline with your life. You barely let us near her. Your wolf snapped at Blaze when he tried. You finally moved away from her but the moment you did you collapsed. You’re in the packs hospital.” Wow, well that was a lot to take in. I faintly remember the fight, the vampires and werewolves. The pain of shifting. I remember smelling something that didn’t belong. Things would have been so much easier if I could have communicated like the others. Being able to speak telepathically would have made things so much easier, I wouldn’t have to communicate through growls and whines. “Is everyone alright?” I finally asked turning to see who was on my other side. My brows reached my hairline when I saw it was Blaze. What the hell was he doing here? I was still pissed at him for his words. Where was my dad? “Where is dad? And why is he here?” “Darius is helping Elijah and the pack clean up. Blaze is here because he was worried about you.” “Worried about me?” I scoffed. “He told me I was nothing. Told me he was the king here and I was nothing but the dirt beneath his shoes. He has no right to be worried for me, no right to care in the least.” I growled. “Your wolf feels differently.” Mom chuckled. “She was quite adamant to protect him. Urged him to run since he couldn’t shift even saved his life.” “Yeah, well Ruby has her own personality. Her own likes and dislikes. I just hope she’ll listen to me when it comes to Blaze. I just got here and he attacked me because I protected someone his friend was tormenting. He doesn’t even know me.” “You might want to rethink your position on him.” Mom advised. “I am not saying what he said was right, and I’m sure the words were hurtful. But this boy here hasn’t left your side since you got here.” “But why? Why has he stayed?” I whispered in confusion as I turned and looked at the sleeping man beside me. I would be blind if I said he wasn’t a beautiful man. His blonde hair was messy and sticking up in all directions, his closed eye lids hid amazing amber eyes. His skin was a natural bronze, he had a squared jaw, and high cheekbones. Awake he always had a hard don’t give a s**t attitude and his features always expressed this without fault. But right now, his features lay in a soft manner. He looked kind and dare I say innocent. It would be nice if he looked like this all of the time. Like Elijah. Elijah knew how to use the fierce angry look. Blaze however always had that look on him. Except now. Now he looked like a man I could spend time with, get to know. I looked closer at him and noticed a few things I didn’t before. His blonde hair though in disarray was greasy like it hadn’t been washed. Dark circles lined his eyes and he almost looked older than he did before. I also never noticed his hand was gripped tightly around mine. I didn’t know why, but the small notion made an odd warmth spread in my chest. Oddly enough I didn’t like seeing him like this not matter how much I disliked him. With a sigh I leaned over to him and gently shook him by his shoulder. “Blaze. Blaze wake up.” I lowly spoke to him not wanting to spook him. I hated waking up frightened by something loud. To my dismay Blaze didn’t move, he didn’t even flinch. He must be really exhausted. “Ruby. Do you think we’re okay to get up?” I asked her softly as I gently moved some of Blaze’s hair from his eyes. How could someone be so cold and yet look so gentle in sleep? “We are fully healed.” Ruby told me proudly. I couldn’t help but laugh at her. “Good. Do you think we could lift him and let him rest on the bed since he won’t wake up?” “Of course. It should be no problem. Since you’ve shifted your strength, speed, everything is heightened to a much higher level.” I nodded not answering her as I slowly climbed out of bed. It took me a second to gain my equilibrium since I’d been in bed a while. Once I was sure I was steady (I was still feeling a little weak.) I gently picked Blaze up and lay him on the bed making sure to cover him up in the process. As I turned, I saw my mom looking over at me with a smile so big I would swear her face would split in half. “What?” I demanded. “Oh, nothing.” Mom shook her head. I shook my head turning from her to look at Blaze again. How long had I been here to make him and my mom look so tired? And why does Blaze look worse than mom did? Has he been here longer than her? No, that didn’t make any sense. Why would he be here longer than my own mom? Well, dads not here so maybe he has been her longer. “How long have I been here?” I asked mom, not turning from Blaze. “About a week. The fight really did a number on you. You lost a lot of blood and you were slashed to ribbons. You scared the life out of us, we didn’t think you’d make it.” “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. But I also couldn’t just stand by and watch those rouges destroy the pack. Speaking of. This is a rather large pack, where were all the warriors? Surely what we fought with wasn’t all of them. We almost lost.” Mom sighed. “No, that wasn’t all. Elijah said they hadn’t been attacked in a while so he sent some warriors to another pack to help them with a rouge problem they were having. Somehow, they must have found out and turned their attention to us. Unfortunately for them they were not expecting a pure blood female alpha to be here. And a rather large one at that. Did you know that your size is incredible? No female alpha or not has been as been as large as your wolf?” I shrugged. “So? My size does not make me special. So, what if I am bigger? I am still just a wolf like everyone else.” “But you’re stronger, faster than the others.” Mom protested. “That only means I am better able to protect the pack and everyone I care about. I will not place myself above anyone else just because I am bigger or stronger or faster. None of it means anything to me. I am a wolf, same as everyone else.” “Okay honey. Why don’t you come with me and we will get some food in you? You can shower and put on fresh clothes.” “No.” I shook my head. “Please have food and clothes brought to me here. I can shower over there in that bathroom and eat here. Blaze didn’t leave me and I won’t leave him. Even if he isn’t hurt, he deserves that much from me.” “I thought you didn’t like him?” Mom said, a hint of something in her voice. I rolled my eyes. “Okay mom. First don’t try and set me up with him. As you said I have a mate out there somewhere. And second, I don’t. At least I think I don’t like him. I don’t know anymore.” I sighed looking over to Blaze. “I can see something there mom. A kindness, compassion. I can see he is more than he lets others know, but the way he presents himself.” I shook my head sadly. “I don’t know if I can handle the way he makes people believe he is. I don’t think I can handle the hurtful things he said. Did you know my shift over took me painfully after what he said to me?” “So that’s why you changed so quickly.” Mom murmured. “He hurt you and you wanted to get away.” “I guess. I know I wanted to hurt him like he hurt me. But Ruby. Ruby likes him, she wanted to protect him. So did I and I don’t know why.” “Because you are an alpha and an alpha protects her pack.” Mom said as she came up and hugged me. She was right, I knew she was but I couldn’t help but think there was more to it than that. There was more than just my need to protect that urged me to Blaze. I hated and loved it at the same time. How was that even possible. To love and hate something at the same time. I have never been as confused as I am now. I didn’t want to like or trust Blaze, he said awful things to me. My mom had left at some point and came back with some fresh clothes for me. I thanked her and sat the clothes in my lap. I just couldn’t bring myself to get up yet. I knew I needed a shower, I stunk and my hair felt like a gallon of grease had been dumped on it while a rat made its nest in it at the same time. It was awful. Finally, I shook my head on a sigh and got up. Cleaning myself was much more important right now than waiting on Blaze to wake. Why was I even waiting on him to begin with? It made no damn sense. I needed to knock myself out of whatever stupor I was in because I can’t do this s**t. I probably took longer in the shower than was necessary. I knew I was clean; I’d basically scrubbed myself raw. My head even felt tender from how much I scrubbed. I hate being dirty. Now I am no girly girl by any means but that did not mean I had to be dirty. I liked getting down and dirty, I liked fighting and being one of the guys. But I also liked being clean, I liked to dress up and go out with the girls. I liked to do my makeup and make myself feel pretty every now and then. Getting out was harder than it should have been. I guess I just didn’t want to face whatever was going to meet me outside that door. What feelings. I needed to resolve myself, prepare myself. No way was I going to give in to this ridiculous emotion. It’s not me, it never will be me. I’m not the fall for a guy the first time I see him type of girl. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and stepped out into the room. Unfortunately, Blaze was awake and looking around the room in confusion. It was kind of funny, seeing him so taken off guard. “I moved you to the bed.” I spoke startling him. “You looked exhausted and I was fine, so I got up so you could rest.” “What? How?’ His legs were over the side of the bed and he was standing in the blink of an eye. “Uh, I picked you up?” I said questioningly, furrowing my brow at him. “No. How did I not wake up? How did I not know I was being handled?” His tone was turning harsh, his amber eyes hardening, making them look petrified by time. “I don’t know. I guess you were too exhausted to notice. You were out cold Blaze. I’m sorry if I offended you.” Derision seeping into my voice. “If you ever touch me again, you’ll regret it.” Blaze seethed. “You know what?” I said stalking up to him to where we were barely two inches apart. “f**k you Blaze. I was looking out for you, for two damn seconds I actually cared since you stayed with me when I was out. But you know what, it’ll never happen again.” Before he could say anything, I turned and left, slamming the hospital door behind me. I didn’t know this pack yet so I followed the smell of my dad back to the pack house. It didn’t take very long thankfully. I needed to put as much space between Blaze and myself as possible. “Seraphina, what are you doing out of bed?” Elijah’s shout startled me from behind. “I’m fine,” I assured him. “I just needed to get away from there, from Blaze.” I shook my head. “I’m sorry Elijah, but I really don’t like him.” “What do you mean? He’s been with you this whole time.” Elijah sounded angry, which only made my anger rise. “I don’t know what he was doing but it had nothing to do with me.” I growled lowly. “Mom told me when I woke up what he did. And yeah, I thought it was sweet. He looked so exhausted sleeping beside the bed I got up and lay him in the bed to help him rest so I could shower. When I came out, he threatened me for touching him, Elijah. I don’t know what’s wrong with him but what I do know is I want to be as far from him as possible. I will not listen to anymore hurtful things. He has made it exceedingly clear that I am no more than the dirt under his shoes. His words.” I turned away from Elijah and made my way to where my dad was. I liked it here, but I wanted to leave. I didn’t want to be anywhere Blaze was. My grades are good enough and thanks to the extra credits I got back in Los Angeles I have enough to go ahead and graduate. It would make things so much easier. I didn’t know what to do with all of this s**t with Blaze. “Mom dad.” I called gently as I opened the door. “Seraphina, your mother told me you were awake. How are you feeling?” My dad pulled me into a hug, squeezing me tight. “Yeah, I’m fine. But I do want to talk to you both about something.” I pulled away from my dad and smiled sadly at him before sitting on the couch patting the spot next to me. Both my mom and dad sat beside me looking at me with worried eyes. “You both know before we moved here, I have enough credits to go ahead and get my diploma. I want to, then I want to leave.” “What why?” My father balked as he jumped to his feet. “Blaze. First, he tells me I am nothing, no more than the dirt under his shoes. And now after I tried to take care of him, help him he threatens me. I can’t do that. I can’t deal with that every damn day.” “That boy cares for you.” Mom whispered. “I saw it in his eyes when he saw you were hurt.” “I don’t know what you saw, but it wasn’t concern or any emotion for me.” I struggled to hold the snarl from entering my voice. “Seraphina, please just stay until we officially join the pack. Then all you have to do is think about us and we can talk. It’s better than phones.” My mom mused. “When is the ceremony?” I asked. “Blaze’s birthday.” Dad answered. “Please tell me this is a joke.” “No, no joke.” My dad chuckled. “The ceremony will be around lunch time, after which a party will be set up for Blaze’s birthday. Since you’ve already shifted the party will end after he shifts and we go on a pack run.” “A pack run? As in the entire pack runs together?” I asked looking between my parents. “It’s not as bad as it sounds. It’s quick, and once over we can all return to our rooms and move on.” “Fine, but I still just want to get my diploma and not go back to school.” “Agreed.” My mom beamed s she pulled me into a tight hug. “Now. How is Hope and Caroline? Who even is Caroline?” I wondered. “Hope is doing good, she has a broken arm and had to get stitches but otherwise she is good. Caroline needed a blood transfusion but was good as new afterward. Caroline however is Blaze’s little sister, the alpha’s daughter.” “Ah. Well, I’m glad she’s okay. Before I go back to my room can you tell me how mates work? How we find them.” “Mates are usually found after you turn eighteen and your wolf emerges. Since your wolf has already come forward you should be able to find him now. There is a chance he is not a part of this pack, but don’t worry. The goddess always finds a way for us to meet our other half. There is also the possibility he may not be of age yet.” I nodded and gave them one last hug before turning and walking away. Not of age yet. That sounded a lot creeper than it should have. It actually made me cringe. I have never seen myself with a younger man, not that it made any difference. Even so I hoped he was not younger than me. Call me picky if you want, I don’t care, I like everyone else have my preferences. I wanted someone older than me and taller than me. That’s really all. It’s not that much and definitely not as high maintenance as a lot of girls I know. As I made my way through the halls, I realized I really didn’t want to go back to my room. My birthday was soon, the ceremony and party was going to be in a few weeks and I needed a new outfit. I didn’t much like shopping, but I did like buying outfits for special occasions. I didn’t want anything formal or anything like that, but I did want something nice. I didn’t want to go alone though and I didn’t really know anyone here well enough to want to take them with me. I really didn’t want to go with my mom either that would be just plain weird. I’m not twelve anymore I don’t need her help shopping. I sighed heavily as I made my way back down the stairs trying to figure out what I wanted to do. I was new here; I didn’t even know where the closest store was to begin with. How was I supposed to go shopping if I didn’t know where to go? “Seraphina!” Was shouted down the hall before something barreled into me almost knocking me off my feet. I steadied myself at the last second wrapping my arms around whoever it was to stop us both from falling and hurting ourselves. I pulled back and looked into Hope’s glistening golden eyes. “Hey Hope.” I smiled pulling her back into a tight hug. “I am so glad you’re okay.” “Me?” Hope pulled away but kept her hands on my arms. “You’re the one who almost died protecting everyone. How are you? Why are you out of bed?” “I’m fine, fully healed.” I assured her. “I’m not there anymore simply because of Blaze. Please don’t be like everyone else and say he’s stayed with me the entire time, I know that. But when I woke and saw him, he looked exhausted, so I put him in the bed so he could rest and so I could take a shower. By the time I came out he was awake and pissed because I touched him. He threatened me. I want nothing to do with him.” “Wow. I knew he was nasty and spiteful I didn’t know he was hateful too.” “Yeah well, he can go and screw himself. After we are officially apart of the pack I’m leaving.” “What, why? No.” Hope’s eyes watered again as she looked at me with one of the most heartbroken look I’d ever seen. “I’m sorry Hope, I just need to get away from him. I won’t be gone forever.” “Maybe not but once you leave Blair and the others will come at me even harder than before. You won’t be here to help me anymore.” She cried. “Then come with me.” I shrugged. “I’m not leaving for another three weeks, there is plenty of time.” “You really want me to come with you?” She gaped. “No one has ever wanted me around, not even my parents.” “Hey, you don’t know that.” “I do. I was found in a basket in the middle of the woods with nothing but a blanket and a note that told them my name and birthday with a side note that said to take care of me.” She sounded angry and hurt. “That tells me they care. If they didn’t, they would have just abandoned you with nothing. No letter no blanket, just left you. But they cared enough to drop you off outside a pack, leave them your name and birthday. Even gave you a blanket as a keepsake. They cared Hope, it just seems like they couldn’t care for you.” Hope’s eyes were watery as tears slipped down her cheek. A new hope was in her eyes. I smiled realizing she had never actually thought of things that way and no one has thought to tell her. I know sometimes I thought of things differently than others, saw things saw differently. I wasn’t nothing special and I knew that, but sometimes it was nice to be able to look at things in ways others didn’t. “Let’s change the subject.” I recommended. “Come shopping with me.” “Shopping? I don’t have any money. I may work for the pack but I don’t get paid. I am given shelter, food, clothes and hygiene products. But not money.” I furrowed my brow. “That doesn’t seem right.” “Well, none of us really get paid.” She shrugged. “We all work for the pack, have different jobs to keep the pack running. We are lucky to have such a well off pack. The alpha owns several human companies that keep the pack on its feet. Families do get an allowance every month for anything extra they may want. Single people like me, don’t get that. If we ask the alpha will give us something as long as we tell him what we want.” “Ah, well that makes more sense. Don’t worry we have more money than we know what to do with.” “I don’t want to take your money Seraphina.” Hope protested. “Come on.” I begged grabbing her hand and dragging her to the door. “You won’t be taking it, I’m giving it. Let’s go.” Hope laughed as she allowed me to drag her out the door and to my Camaro completely ignoring the curious glances from pack members and scathing ones from Blaze and his little group. I did however look back long enough to cast a smirk over my shoulder. What’s fun about it you ask? Well, nothing for them but for me everything. Because no matter how hard they tried they would never know what that smirk was for.
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