Fiancé for the Night: Chapter Nine-1

2018 Words

Fiancé for the Night: Chapter Nine The next morning, Cassandra woke to the sound of Troy’s heart beating in her ear and her hand on his stomach. His woodsy-with-a-hint-of-mint male scent teased her nose. The hair on his leg tickled her calf. She snuggled closer, basking in the warmth of the security he provided. He felt so good. After a yawn, she let the soothing rhythm of his breathing and heartbeat lull her back to sleep. She and Troy—a real couple. What a wonderful dream. Her eyes sprang open. Sunlight filled the room. Oh, no. This wasn’t a dream. Cassandra stared at Troy, a night’s growth of whiskers covering his face. His eyes were closed. His chest rose and fell with his breaths. His hair was disheveled. Asleep, he looked so young, but he wasn’t a boy. Troy McKnight was a ful

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