The Wedding Lullaby: Chapter Two-1

2001 Words

The Wedding Lullaby: Chapter Two Wife? He wants to marry me? For real? Laurel’s pulse picked up speed, and her dry throat got even drier. He couldn’t be serious, but the intensity in Brett’s eyes said he was. She wet her lips. Three months ago, she would have given anything to hear him propose marriage. Three months ago, she would have said yes without a second thought. Three months ago, she would have wanted him to bail her out of financial ruin. But all that had changed. She had changed. With a child came responsibility—financial, moral, the works. She hadn’t planned on having a kid so soon or alone, but now that a baby was growing inside her, Laurel had to do right by her son or daughter. She wanted to be the kind of mother her child could respect. Not the kind who needed handouts

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