The Wedding Lullaby: Chapter One-1

2002 Words

The Wedding Lullaby: Chapter One She’d made it. Over two thousand miles. On her own. Laurel smiled, one of the few real, teeth-baring smiles that had graced her lips in almost four months. If she didn’t feel dizzy from the exhaust fumes of the Tri-met bus pulling away from the curb in downtown Portland, she would spin around and celebrate. Making the trip from Chicago and arriving in one piece was a huge accomplishment. A success she should be proud of. If only there hadn’t been so many failures… A mist dampened her face. Laurel hadn’t expected rain in late July, although Oregon was known for its wet weather. She quickly wiped the water away. She refused to let anyone think she’d been crying. Her days of tears and feeling sorry for herself were over. She had too much to do and too litt

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