chapter five

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Ten years ago ,New york city Victoria Philip I walked down to my class which was located by the right side of the school. As I passed by the sounds of moan filled my eyes making me stop and follow the sound. With every step I take the sound of a female whimpering and moaning paired with a male groaning grew louder and louder. I walked into the room located by the other side of the hallway to see who it was. A part of me thinks it was Noah having a good to with another women when he stood me up like an i***t on Friday night. I entered the empty room were the voices we're heard, switching on the light just to see one of Noah Williams buddy. Samson Dickens. Dickens was a much bigger player than Noah was. Dicken slept with anything that works or move both male or female. How did I know ,it was a secret I found out unfortunately just like how I found him now. "Why don't you like to minding your business." Dicken spoke in annoyance. The blond girl by his side quickly picked up from clothes from the floor and wore it. Isn't she the assistant cheerleader?. She hid her face in shame and move to the back. What he meant by me not minding my business was because I saw him doing this exact same thing to a man in this same room. Couldn't he find a hotel or something and not actually do it in school. "I guess I'm just always curious so see what you are always up to." I said mockingly. " Haven't you heard curiosity kills the cat" he said my name one by one getting me angry. " I'm not a cat I'm a women."he snorted at my last statement. " You are no lady Victoria." "How would you know when you don't like females." I hit back. His face turned into something unreadable. "Just watch your back ...and be careful of who you mess with."with those last words he left me in the room. It's not like I was a gossip,I wasn't going to go around the campus to expose his secret. I love minding my business. Then why are you standing here. This was a different case,I didn't know he was the one that was in this room ,I thought it was Noah. Especially because it was a girls voice I heard not a man groaning. Didn't he like men again. I left the back to my class in a rush. I was already fifteen minutes late. Noah Williams was in his usual sit but not alone he had a company, a girl was standing in front of him ,her beautiful nails on his chest. It seems like the professor was also running late, lucky for me. I arranged my book preparing myself for the Lecture. "Hey beautiful." I look up to see the handsome face of Noah Williams and what ever anger I was holding against him flew out of the window. "Hey..Hello." I stammered already feeling my face heating up from the attention he was giving me. "Sorry I couldn't make it I was busy with some other things but don't worry I'm here to make it up to you.. beautiful." He flashed his million dollar smile at me and I swear I felt my heart shut down for a second. "" "Obviously the professor isn't coming in today so we are free."he smiled again. " Hmm...ok...I mean sure." I said uncertainty,I was happy he could take he out on our date even if he didn't say it's a date. He walked out of the class without waiting for me and I did the same . I followed him like a lost puppy out of the class ignoring the curious stares of my class mate. His mine suckers. I followed after him ,his legs were long moved with purpose. He walked to the parking lot were his white lamogini car stood probably. "Up in." Was all he said. Just up in,he didn't even open the car door for me like a gentleman. What was I expecting too much from Noah Williams. I felt like I was forcing myself on him. I felt cheap. "Aren't you getting in or what?." "Coming." I muttered lowly. I entered his car and the smell of sandelwood hit my nostril. His car was nice looking but I have seem better. My personal garage had all the lastest car parked inside just for decoration, this car was one of the least. "Nice car." "Thanks." "I brought this baby last week for 80,00 dollars." He bragged. I roll my eyes internally at him,he was a daddy boy. It was obvious he hasn't done any odd job in his life. My daddy may be the richest man in the world but he made me work as a commoner to see how hard to earning a living his if you weren't born with a silver spoon,so you wouldn't take money for granted. "Am sure this is you first time entering a car that looks as awesome as this." " No..I mean"he raised his eyebrows at me questioning my hesitation." " I said no because I'm already in your car. So it not my first time" I smiled at him hoping to convince him but the look he was giving me told me otherwise. " what would you like to do before we go to my hotel room." "Excuse me?." I said surprisingly with out stammering. His hotel room that fast. " I said what would like to do?do you want to eat or shop for clothes before we round our date up." He said ,he eyes were glued to the road in concentration. What would I like to do?or what should we do together? isn't it a date?. I cracked my brain but got nothing, looking out of the window unconsciously I found an ice cream truck. "Let eat ice cream." "Yes ice cream Noah..any problem." I said gaining a little confidence from the anger within me. He stood me up on Friday night and here I was thinking he was making it up to by planing something more special. But nothing. He sighed and parked his car by the side of the road. I jumped out of the car in happiness of finally eating and doing something I like , ice cream. "I would like to have two vanilla please." I said impatiently to the ice cream man,the thought of consuming it made me excited. " Sure ." He scooped two vanilla ice cream into a cone and gave me . "What about your boyfriend,would he like some." The man asked. I looked at Noah to see him frozen at a spot at the mention of him being my boyfriend. "He isn't my boyfriend...his my friend." I answered unsurely back to the man. You won't blame him for thinking we were both dating from the looks of things. I was buying ice cream with a boy by myside it sure looked like a date. "Wow..but you both would surly make a nice couple."
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