chapter three

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Ten years ago, New york. Noah Williams. Easy was what she was.She was easier than I thought. I was thinking she was going to reject me then give me a hard time like in Samson book I had read to find out what happened at the end of the story. The main male character was a bad boy and the main female character was a nerd. Cliche I know. The bad boy was a player but was dare to make the nerd girl fall in love with him. Bullshit. The different between us is that the main character felt attracted to the girl in question but I myself can't stand the sight of her. She was the easiest of them all,just a glance at her ,heart and love were written all over her face , stuttering like an hormonal teenager.I summoned courage ask the ugly girl on a date which am still regretting. I don't even know her name and didn't bother to ask. Speaking of regretting, Dicken barged into my room unannounced. We were all done with school for today,it's was the thursday ,we still had school tomorrow which was Friday the last day of school for the week to relax and have fun from all the homework and assignment. The day which I was to take my supposed date whose name I don't even know out to a restaurant before finalizing the deal at my hotel. "How the f**k am I supposed to go on date with her if I don't even know her name or have her phone number." I said,my hands on my waist , I watch him make himself comfortable on my bed with my pillow in-between his lap. The boys and I lived in the house my generous kind and lovely grandfather left for me along with some billions I could receive once I turned twenty one. I inherited the house as soon as I turned eighteen last two years as stated in my grandfather's will. The boys and I make used of this place as a sanctuary for peace especially from our nagging parents,each of them having a private room. The mansion was beyond large so it could house the four of us and even five more people. "You are lucky I have the whole thing planned out already. With the help of my money once again I was able to find out some information about her from that hot secretary in school." I gave him a weird look. Why is he taking this whole thing serious. What his deal. I have never seen him put effort in things before. He was talking this too seriously by going as far as to find out information about the girl. "So you were able to get information about her from the school secretary. Isn't that illegal or something." " Yes it is but like I said there nothing money can do."he grinned at me using his hands he to motioned me to come closer to him. Patting the spot by his side like he was taking to a little kid. "This all all you need to know." He pointed to the screen of his phone were a nerdy girl with glasses showed. "Victoria John studying business administration, phone number 242453 ,only daughter,loves dogs,love Italian food, favorite color blue,eye color blue-" he rambled. " I don't need to know all those things that are irrelevant. All I need to know is her name and number . " I stated getting up from the bed back to the chair I was sitting on before he walked into the room uninvited. "All this are important if you want to win her heart." " I don't want to win her heart ,I just want to win the bet Dicken." Noah Williams never loses anything not before and definitely not now especially because of a nobody. "Don't you know the slightest details matter if you want to win this bet. Girls like when a guy know things about them especially when there weren't the one that provided them that information." He said angrily getting all worked up. I don't see why he wants me to do this. Yes I agreed to the dare but he his taking it too personal for my liking. "Here's my phone,take a look at the details on your own. I will go book the restaurant for your date." He said winking then walked out of my room. I let out a sigh. What his deal with this?. I looked at his phone in my hands taking a glance at the girl. Victoria what a coincidence she had the name of the girl I was secretly inlove with,only my best friends knew who I was inlove with. The name doesn't suit the nerdy girl with glasses in the picture. It's doesn't suit her at all . Why ? Because that name belongs to the women i am secretly inlove with Victoria Philip. Have you seen her? She looks like a Goddess out of this world. She is my dream women and I must have her. Victoria Philip the American princess. She has only come out once in her life during her eighteenth birthday were I was fortunate enough to get a glimpse of her unique beauty. Long wavy light brown hair ,deep blue eyes that drown you and make you commit murder,she was skinny but also have the right amount of flash you could grab. She was my dream girl. And I will have her in my arms. That if I don't faint when I actually see her. Victoria John however was the opposite of her in everyway. Short black hair,huge glasses and irritating braces not to forget her horrible church clothes she wore. Yes she dresses as if she was going to attend a funeral in the church. I kept Samson phone on the table and looked at the beautiful goddess picture on my room wall I was able to take during her birthday day party and put it into a frame. I was astonished by her beauty and wise enough to take a picture of her before it was too late. Till this moment, nobody as ever seen her, It's been a year. I looked at the beautiful picture hang on my wall as she also stare back at me. I didn't even realize when I fell asleep until the loud knock on my door the next morning by Dickens making me realize something. I missed the date! Oh s**t.
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