9. Reunion

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Riya POV After thinking about Naina's suggestion, I hope everything works well without any problems. I don't want any complications in my happy life, if the notes were from Sam's ex, then it will be easy for me to handle. But, if it is from my ex, then things will be out of my hand, as I can't hide from Sam anymore. Soon, our reunion day had come, I am so tensed for 3 days about how I should face him? I wore a black half-shoulder long gown, with a light shimmering of silver color, left my hair open with curls, and carried my black purse, and wore my black point heels. Babe, you look stunning, why don't you stay back? Both can party here? saying this, Sam started kissing me on my nape to my bare shoulder. Honey, it's your idea to go for the reunion, right? Huff... Yeah. Okay, after you come back then we can do our private party. What do you say? He started kissing me again. Babe, don't spoil my makeup and I will come soon for our party, I winked at him saying this and left the room hurriedly. Naina, where are you? I am waiting for you at table no.6, come soon. Hey Riya, How are you? Long time and you turned out more beautiful than before. I stood from my chair as a courtesy, and said, " Thank you Nikhil. I am good, how are you?" I am super good. Would you mind if I join you? Oh! No problem! Please come on, have a seat. Thank you, Riya. So, how was your life? and what are you doing now? Umm... I am very happy, and working as a partner in my husband's company as a fashion designer. What about you? I had my brand of footwear company, called " Fire ", till now it is pretty good in new collections and also positive from customers. That's so good to hear, congratulations. Sorry, I am not in touch with anyone from our batch, so I don't know. And what about your personal life, if may I ask you, Did you married? Never mind! No, I am not married yet. Where is your friend Naina? I am waiting for her, she told, will meet me here directly. But, still, she is nowhere... Hi guys, soon we hear her voice, as we turned in that direction, she is waving at us. After meeting us, she went to the next tables to meet our friends and happily joined with them. Hi...! I was shocked to hear that voice, which went shivers down my spine, I was scared to turn my head to see who it was. As I don't want to see him, and face him, the same husky voice, I had spent talking with him on phone. The only difference is, now, I can feel authority, charm, and power in that voice, earlier, I was soft, innocent, and charming. Nikhil stood and hugged the person of the voice, I can side glance from my side as I was facing the stage setup and avoiding him to look into his eyes. But, I know he is stubborn too, won't leave me easily. He started to walk towards me, now, I am damn sure, he sent me the notes. Hey Naina, how are you? I was surprised that, he didn't meet me and went to Naina. What does that mean? Did he intentionally avoid me? Or, Is he pretending, so I don't doubt him? Before I realize it, Naina and he started to walk towards me. I thought to escape from here, but no chance, they noticed me that, I had seen them. Why did you do this Naina, you know I can't face him? Hi Riya, sorry, I didn't recognize you earlier. How are you? I was dumbstruck by his question, I don't know how to make a sentence and answer for him. I expected him to be the sender and I am damn sure, he will play his witty side by giving me hints about it. But, on the contrary, everything changed with his approach. Is he acting, that I don't know to him? Riya, what are you talking about? I came out of my trance when Naina shook my elbow, they were looking at me as they were stunned by listening, what they shouldn't. What happened Naina, why are you all looking at me like that? Before I could speak, one of our classmates called both Nikhil and him over to him, so they went to him, giving one last look, as they are surprised by my sudden outburst. What happened to Riya, why did you said he is acting with you? Oh, s**t!!! Did I say it aloud? Believe me, I didn't expect that he would forget me already, as I thought he is the sender. So, I am thinking about it, and without my intention, it came out of my mouth. It's okay. Calm down, everything will be okay. And he didn't forget you, he just didn't recognize you, as you are looking different in this attire and hairstyle too. He just looked at your side angle, as soon he saw me, he met me and asked how you are? So, you told me that it's me? Yes. And, by looking at him, I don't think he did this. Just talk to him once, your doubts will be cleared. Okay. I should say sorry too, for speaking like that. After having diner with my friends, we started playing dumb charades, singing songs, and dancing too. While everyone was busy, he left the group to attend a call. I followed him and waited till he finishes his call. I cleared my throat, signaling him, that I was here. He was engrossed in his phone and noticed my signal. Overcoming all my tension, I called him again, " Rahman..." His body became stiff by listening to his name from my voice, which he is very fond of and I used to like it too... He turned slowly to me, and stared at me for few minutes without blinking his eyes, and said " You are beautiful Riya, like always..." I... was stunned with his sudden complement, and couldn't talk for what I came for. He slowly walked towards me taking slow steps which was just a 5 feet distance, and it's like deja vu, I too started staring at his eyes, without worrying about our surroundings. As soon we came face to face which is just a few inches away, he suddenly realized something and stood back with 3 feet distance. We stood there in the same position in the garden area, far from the event hall like that seeing each other. After few minutes of silence, he asked me again, " How are you, Riya? " Hearing my name from his voice, I felt goosebumps, and all our memorable moments came back. I know, it's wrong to think like this after I am married to someone. But, what we had is so special and he is too... Are you okay? He spoke again... and I said " No...! I am not okay. Please say, the truth? " About what ????
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