5. Mutual Partnership in Business

1081 Words
Riya POV We returned from my nanny's house directly to the flat we purchased to stay in after marriage. Our luggage was delivered by servants and placed neatly in our room, by the time we reached by 6 pm. Hi Riya, how is your Nanny? She is fine aunty (Sam's Mother) and thank you for arranging in delivering our luggage. That's fine dear. And you can call me anytime for anything. As this is your first day after marriage, Make a nice sweet dish for all of us. Yeah sure, give me 10 min I will just change and come. After getting freshen up, I went to the kitchen to make my special dish "Kalakand" which is made with milk. It takes nearly 20 min, as the diner was already prepared by the cook, so I made sweet peacefully. Done, it tastes yummy!! Hope everyone likes it too. I took the tray to the dining table where everyone sat and served my dish. I was so anxious about how it tastes for them. I don't usually cook food though I learned cooking that too only a few like Noodles, Pasta, Fries, Waffles, Cakes, sweets, and few other Indian dishes that we eat regularly. Mmmm...Yummm!!!!!!!! This is so good that the sweet shops sell. Too good love. Yes, Riya, this is awesome. Here, this is my gift to you for your first dish as a daughter-in-law. Thank you, Aunty. Riya, this is so good, and here is my gift for you. I got confused on seeing the papers in my uncle's ( Sam's Father ) hand and smiled awkwardly looking at him. Don't worry, take this and read, this is my gift. I took from him and was overwhelmed after reading the content. It's officially my partnership with Sam's Company, " Elegant Events " and also our clients will be offered my boutique collections with the package. This is so awesome uncle, thank you... thank you... thank you so much, uncle. He just nodded and smiled. Uncle John was not much expressive just like my father, but I know he did this for my happiness. Aunty and Sam are happy too and congratulated me on this new merge-up. But Dad, " Are you making me as a hen-pecked husband, as men are bound to follow his wife's rules." Everyone laughed at his comment, " Son, you should think about that when you decided to marry, and no one can escape from his wife. And also I decided this so you both can spend more time together as my dear son, is always a workaholic." That's so sweet of you uncle, and thank you once again. And Sam, where is your gift for Riya, as this is her first day. Hmmm... Mom, actually I forgot about it. Sorry... Riya. I was hurt and made a pout, but said "It's Okay." Soon he kept 2 tickets before me, I was surprised seeing them. Two tickets for Maldives honey, for 4 days and 3 nights, we will leave early hours of Thursday. Wow, thank you so much, as I had one day time, I will do all the shopping tomorrow. We ate our diner and went to our room. Uncle and Aunty went to their house which is nearby ours, just 30 min drive. We are living in a 4bhk house along with guest room and drawing room, kitchen with open dining, hall with attached balcony, sea-facing. It was a duplex flat, which I like most, and a very expensive one in Worli Sea Face, Mumbai. Though we asked them to stay, still they went, not wanting to become the third wheel. I like them, even before my marriage too as we are family friends. The next day, I got up too late because of the continuous 3 rounds of love-making from last night, I wonder what had he eaten after marriage that his resistance power increased more than before. I mean, we used to like this before marriage too, but after marriage he became insatiable. As soon I woke up, Sam brought a cup of coffee, " Wow, that's so nice of you hubby. " Thank you, My Lady. I smiled at his dramatic behavior and took my cup of coffee and enjoying it by watching the view from my floor-ceiling glass door in my bedroom. " Babe, get ready soon, so we can finish the remaining paperwork about your partnership before we leave tomorrow. " What's the time? It's 10.30 AM Oh, f**k!!! I need to go shopping too, okay, I will be ready in 30 min and all this happened because of your insatiable nature. Babe, then you should become habitual to get up late, as I am not gonna get enough of you. I laughed at his comment and soon ran to the bathroom before anything happens for being late. After paperwork and a small meeting in the office introducing me as a partner in the business, I left for shopping and returned by 6 pm. I called my mom to tell her about our plans for the honeymoon. Hi mom, how are you and dad? How is Nanny? We are fine dear, how are you and Sam? Is everything okay, there? Yeah, mom, we are good and leaving for the Maldives tomorrow on an early hour flight. Wow, that's a great place for your honeymoon, enjoy a lot and be happy. I talked with my mother about my partnership and my shopping while doing my packing. I soon realized a similar package to yesterday's surprise gift. I couldn't concentrate on anything my mom was saying, " Mom, I will call you later. " How did it come here in my wardrobe, who kept it here...??? " How was your wedding night? Will meet you soon, Hasta la vista. " Oh my god, Why does he need to do this after all these years? Narrator's POV In Maldives, private poolside villa, " Boss, we had prepared everything for them and anything else to do? " No, take a rest for the day, we had a very long ride ahead. Before leaving, inform them about our next plan of action, " After all they also need to enjoy this. " Okay Boss, Good Night, See you tomorrow. After the assistant went, " Hello, our plan is in action, I need to meet you soon. " Okay, Take Care. I will make justice for all, at once my dear, " GET READY. "
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