Chapter 2

4863 Words

Gideon arrived at the gallery at ten-fifteen, as promised. Cole greeted him, escorting him into his office. On one wall there were shelves holding a variety of Native American artifacts—from bowls to arrowheads to what appeared to be tools and axe heads. Bookshelves lined the second wall. A quick perusal showed Gideon that most of them related to Cole’s line of work. No surprise there. Cole’s desk took up most of the third wall—a state-of-the-art computer setup in the center. Next to the doorway was a small seating area with two chairs and a coffee table, as well as a low chest with a coffeemaker on top. After Cole offered Gideon coffee, which he declined, they sat. “I hope he shows up,” Cole said. “Why wouldn’t he? Especially if the bowl is valuable.” “If I were to buy it from him, I’

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