Chapter 60

1606 Words

Lena Anita had tried assuring me that it might not be what I think but I couldn't help the bitterness that settled at the pit of my stomach seeing them kissing. It doesn't look like it was set up. The rest of the afternoon went by with the thought of Uncle and Genevieve doing all sorts of things together. The amount of eagerness for class to end for the day couldn't be measured. I don't know why of all days, the professors decided to choose today as a day for revision. We have less than a week to exams. Students have been busy preparing, same goes for the school board. I won't say I had covered all the courses but I have studied enough that I don't mind exams starting the next day. I know for a fact that the unknown was trying to rile me up by sending that picture. At this rate, my s

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