Chapter 10

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Lena As Uncle drove me to school, I couldn't help but throw a glance his way. I could see the lines of anger on his face. He hadn't spoken anything. His threats to the person on the phone lingered in my head. "Are you okay, Uncle?" I mustered up and asked. He briefly spared me a look before diverting his attention back to the road. "Yeah. I'm good," he said, flashing a smile. I said nothing again. By the time we arrived at the premises of the school gate, I turned my body towards him properly. "Why didn't you tell me Ian was the reason behind my low scores?" I confronted. He looked surprised at first before a smirk occupied his face, which confused me. "It had been taken care of, right?" "But you didn't tell me anything when I asked you. How would I face my classmates?" There was no doubt, I would be the topic of discussion in the class. A familiar warmth engulfed my body when he took hold of my hands. "Like I said, no one messes up with what's mine. I took care of it without causing a commotion but also made sure no one would bully you again. Trust me." The way he stared into my eyes was adding up to my already racing heart. And then he flashed me a smile, making the situation worse. "Now be a good girl. I will be quite busy today. So, I will send someone over to pick you up," he said, caressing my face with his thumb. I gulped down. If he knew how hard it was not to melt in his touch. I nodded my head and then proceeded to open the car door when he pulled at my arm stopping me. "Take care of yourself." "I will, Uncle." I was surprised when I arrived at class and no one approached me or even cast a bad look my way. Even the class drama queen and her squad were minding their business. "Hey," I said to Anita as I grabbed my seat next to her. "The queen and top student of the accounting department," she hyped. I passed her a glare in return. "What do you mean?" The first lecturer is yet to come. The class was noisy as usual. "Well, you deserve the hype. So, tell me, how was your night?" My mind wandered off to last night. The way Uncle took me to cloud nine. I wanted to say it was splendid but chose a simple answer. "Normal as usual." "Are you sure?" Anita pressed on again, her eyes squinting at me. I narrowed my eyes on her. "What do you expect me to say? It was bad?" "No. But-" She didn't get to say whatever she wanted to say when the lecturer made his presence inside the class. The class was going on, but all I could do was just stare at the lecturer. I had no idea what he was going on about. It was as if he was teaching himself. It was boring. "How long is this man going to be in the class?" Anita boringly muffled out beside me. "I wonder. It's taking forever." I glanced around the class, seeing most of the students were keeping a boring expression on their faces. As my eyes landed on Ian, I felt a surge of anger. He seemed to be the attentive one. Or pretending to be. After about forty minutes, the lecturer rounded up the class. I closed my book and slid it inside my bag. "I will be right back," I said to Anita, sighting Ian making his way out of the class. "Ian," I called, stopping him in his tracks. "Can we talk?" We walked to a quiet corner close to an empty class. I closed my eyes and opened them again. I won't vent my anger on him. Not yet. "Why did you do it?" I commenced. He didn't look surprised at my question. "I'm sure my reason should be obvious to you. You know why I did it." He didn't even try to pretend. He was claiming his wrongdoing. "It is, but why would you play such a cheap tactic just so you would be the top student? I do not compete with you or anyone." He scoffed. "You don't?" "Yes, Ian. I just want to graduate with good grades, that's all. Not to compete with anyone. You're still at the top. Why would you bother surpassing me?" Something flashed in his eyes. "You think I don't know your plans. You are just playing pretense. You want to be at the top. I had to do something to protect that." I thought confronting him would make him apologize for what he did, but here he is spouting nonsense. "But you know your reputation and Mr. Phillips's might be ruined just from what you did." "But it didn't. I must say your Uncle is one powerful man. He threatened to expose me if I don't apologize to you." He briefly glanced around the surroundings before shifting back to me. His lips curved up. "I don't regret what I did, but I had no choice but to comply with the school authority rules and your Uncle's demands. Sorry." An annoyed chuckle escaped me. He was testing my patience. "Is that a proper way to apologize? Is it because I'm being calm right now? Apologize properly or I will make sure my Uncle fulfills his threats of ruining your reputation." I charged, my anger simmering. His eyes widened a bit. "Yes. As you said, my Uncle is a powerful man. You will be shocked when you get expelled." Bragging about how powerful my Uncle was wasn't part of the plan. But as far as it'd get Ian to apologize for his action, I don't mind. I heard him take a sharp breath. "Okay, I'm sorry for what I did." This time around, I was the one smirking. "Better. Work extra hard if you want to regain your position because I'm not going to go easy on you. Good luck." With that, I walked away, leaving him standing with a task to work on. ** Anita and I walked to the gate as class ended for the day. I was already exhausted from all the boring classes. Surprisingly, Mr. Phillips didn't show up for his period, giving us free time to leave school early. I don't know whether he was ashamed or if something different came up. I couldn't care less. "So, you challenged Ian?" Anita asked as we marched out of the gate. "He pushed me to. By the time I get my grades up and get the top student position from him, he'd be sorry for himself.” "I can proudly call you my friend. You know what you want and you fight for it. Including your uncle." I stopped my movement and turned to her. "Uncle isn't mine. At least not yet. Last night was just-" I stopped talking, realizing I was about to spill the beans. However, Anita was giving me a suspicious look. "What happened last night?" "It's nothing. See you tomorrow." I said, peeking a glance at my phone. Uncle George had sent me the phone number of the person that would pick me up earlier. I had called him. He should be here at any moment. "Won't you tell your best friend what you and your uncle did last night?" Anita pressed on again. I shook my head. "I am not ready. Go away. Don't blame me if your boss deducts from your pay for being late." And that made her roll her eyes. "You're right. Get ready; I won't free you tomorrow." She pointed at me with a warning. I could only smile. Anita left, and my uncle's familiar car pulled up in front of me. Uncle George didn't come back home till dinnertime, looking all stressed out. "Martha, bring my dinner to my room in fifteen minutes," he said to the maid. "You looked stressed out Uncle," I uttered as the maid sauntered her way to the kitchen. I had already finished my dinner and had replied to the text my Dad sent when Uncle came in. "Yes Len, managing a business isn't easy. Let me freshen up then you tell me how was school today." He flashed me a smile and I flashed back. I watched as he alighted up before turning my focus back to my phone. Ten minutes had gone by when an idea hit me. Martha was preparing to go up with his dinner. "Let me take it to him, Martha," I said taking the tray from her hands. As I made my way towards his room, dirty thoughts ran through my head. The thought of him showering and pleasuring himself and also the image of him moaning my name while I suck the life out of his c**k. I shook my head discarding the thoughts as I arrived at his door. I gently pushed it open and stepped in. There my eyes landed on my uncle with a towel wrapped around his waist. His naked chest didn't frighten me. Instead, it made my mouth water. "Lena." "Your dinner." I ushered taking slow steps towards his bed and set the tray on the bedside table. He was standing in front of the vanity mirror. The urge to run my finger around his torso grew in me. “Come help me rub this ointment on my back." He said snapping me out of the trance I ventured into. I gulped down my saliva before walking towards him. He passed me the container. I scooped a small quantity on my palms before slowly rubbing them on his naked back. I stared at him through the mirror. He was looking at me too and my heart was racing inside. "Why don't I give you a massage all over your body?" I suggested and he gave me a smirk in return.
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