Up in the nest, Logan and Zeff watched the whole thing through the high-powered binoculars. “So, Jess is still at it,” Logan said. “Of course,” Zeff said. “And she’s making a lot of progress. She’s now the head of EPIC’s litigation arm. And Woods—you remember, the dude—” “Yeah, I know who Robert Sutherland is, a.k.a., The Man Who Walks in the Woods. I’ve been gone, not lobotomized,” Logan cut in. know“Sheesh. Okay. Anyway, Woods thinks EPIC is getting too professional—or something—and he and Cecilia Lanman have been working on this Forests Forever thing—like a ballot vote that comes up in September. I don’t know.” Okay“Oh? Sounds promising. What’s it do?” “Like, limits the amount of clearcutting and adds more rules and regs that make it harder for the timber companies to do what they