“You’ll talk to the gyppos?” Eddie said. “Will do. See you around.” Eddie turned back to Diana. “I’d be glad to show you around.” “Maybe later, when I get to the front office. Today I literally just want to get the lay of the land.” “Be my guest.” “I’m a stockholder and daughter of the owner, not a guest.” “Of course,” Eddie said, blushing again, much to his own dismay. Many circles of the sun ago, the n***d ones cut down Tunia at the edge of our grove. Tunia had lived three thousand circles around the sun. Her earth-net used to span the world once upon a time, interrupted only by Samudra, the gathering of the waters. We were able to send food to her through our sister Kulaaya, whose fine white filaments spread faster and farther than our roots, feeding us as we fed her and sending