Chapter Seven

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Emberlynne worried about what would happen when they finally went home. Jackson had been telling her that they would soon plan their escape from the pack. Mate or no Mate, he was not leaving his sister there to suffer. Jackson had no idea where he would take them. They didn't exactly have any family they knew about. Their parents had insisted throughout the duration of their childhood, that they were all they had. Though, Jackson had long had suspicions that his father was lying about being an only child, or that his mother had been an orphan. He had a theory that they weren't respected by their family and that was why they insisted they had none. Jackson drove his sister home, just a few minutes before school let out, on the off chance that those girls would try to hurt his sister again. He'd avoided them for now. They didn't know which ones they were, just that they were part of a popular group. He pulled up into the driveway, noticing that both of his parents' cars were already there, along with another vehicle that he didn't recognize. He sighed internally, this could not be good. Jackson walked in the front door, with his sister behind him, and noticed not only that his parents were sitting there waiting for him, but the Alpha and his son were there as well. "Good Evening, Alpha, Ryker." He regarded the father and son separately, while Ember only nodded her head to each in recognition. The alpha stood and looked directly at Ember this time. "It has come to my attention that Ember's prolonged presence in this pack has become an issue. We've tried to be patient, hoping she comes into her own power, but what my son does when he takes over might not be as kind as what I will decide to do with her. Your parents have been very kind and cooperative in this matter." Jackson sighed, knowing exactly what was coming next. "I told you, dad. You're going to retire. What I do with the pack is for our own good, to make us stronger. Having a runt living amongst us won't show other packs that we're strong. She's making us look weak. Even her wolf is a runt. She can't defend herself, and we can't have people working their asses off to protect her. It isn't fair to ask them to put their lives in danger." "Ryker! Quiet. I told you I would handle this, because I don't trust you to deal with it fairly." The Alpha was about to say something. Probably along the lines of get out, Ember. Ember bit her lip in preparation for her own banishment, while her parents stood by and said nothing. "Jackson, you're free to stay here. You have a strong wolf, people look up to you. Your parents are proud of how strong you've become, but we can't have her pulling everyone else down. You've made a lot of sacrifices to keep her safe, but if we're going to be a strong pack recognized by the Alpha King. She ca-" The Alpha was cut off when the door came swinging open, and Jonathon stepped through. "You can't banish her, uncle. She's my mate!" Karla and Rodderick looked completely stunned, while Ryker looked positively furious. "Then, you'll need to reject her as soon as possible for the sake of strength in the valley. Your father..." Jonathon interrupted. "I don't care. My dad is no longer the Alpha of Harvest Moon. I am. I have a say so in my own pack. If you want her rejected, she has already been rejected by your son. You're not my father, and you're not my Alpha. I choose my own fate and I pave my own f*****g way." Bryce looked completely shocked. "Well, what's your plan? Do you think you'll take her back home and your pack will accept her, knowing what she is? She can't possibly be a Luna." Jonathon sighed. "I really don't care. I don't care what you or Ryker think. If you're going to banish her and have her pack her bags, that's fine with me. She's welcome wherever I go." "You know what, dad? I think we should keep Ember here. I would like a good servant to fix my meals and do my laundry." Ryker said with a cold laugh. Bryce shook his head. "Look. I'm only trying to make a fair decision here. If I banish her, I banish her to human life living amongst mortals. I will be writing to the Alpha king to have her removed from the territories under his control. I'll even give her a large sum of money to start her life." Jonathon crossed his arms over his chest. "She's not a f*****g human. She's a wolf, and she belongs in a pack. Whether or not you see her potential. I do, she's not nearly as weak as you like to say she is. If no one wants her here, fine. I'll take her! She's my mate, and you can't f**k with fate." The alpha threw his hands up in defeat. "You are an adult, Jonathon. I can't force you to see reason. However, if you take her. She will not be allowed to return. Jackson, that goes for you as well. If you leave to follow your sister. You will not be permitted to come back. Ryker?" Ryker looked at his cousin, then back to his father and nodded in agreement. "We will banish you both. You better decide." Karla and Rodderick attempted to plead with Jackson, even as the Alpha and his son left. Jackson would hear none of it. He and Ember were a package deal. Why couldn't anyone see that? He would go where his sister went, and he didn't give a damn about the consequences. "You're not taking my son!" Karla argued against the Alpha Jonathon, and he laughed in response. "I don't remember asking your permission. I am an Alpha, and I will do exactly what I think is right. As of right now, your children are adults capable of making their own decisions, Mrs. Brooke and if Jackson wants to go, I won't deny him, and after what i've learned about you two as parents. You're far lucky that taking your children away from this abusive environment is all i'm doing. So after we leave, how about you sit the f**k down and think about your choices? How about you think about all the neglect and hurtful things you did to Ember, just because she was smaller than the other girls and while you're thinking about all that? Answer one question for me. Do you even deserve to be called a mother? Honestly, I cannot f*****g fathom how the Goddess even granted you one child, let alone two for you to use and throw away, when they didn't turn out the way you wanted. What about a mother having unconditional love for their children? Now you." Jonathon turned and looked at Rodderick. "I will grant you exactly one minute to explain to me why I shouldn't f*****g kill you where you stand. No, out of kindness to my mate, I won't. However, let me make this perfectly crystal f*****g clear for you. If you so much as raise a hand towards Ember ever again, you will cease to have a hand. Got that?" Rodderick and Karla looked absolutely terrified, as they witnessed his Alpha tone, when he was speaking to Ember's father. Jonathon was furious. When Jackson and Ember came down the stairs, everything was silent. Jonathon rushed up towards Ember and took her bags from her. "Let me get that for you." Ember was confused for a moment. "What about the run, or the Ascension ceremony?" She asked and Jonathon shrugged his shoulders. "I kind of.. burned that bridge with my uncle and cousin. So.. how about I take you home?"
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