Chapter Five

1652 Words
Jonathon noticed her the second that he walked into that classroom. His mate. She was delicately beautiful, her brown hair was like a rainbow of color with different shades of brown with natural highlights and lowlights. Her skin was delicately light, free of blemishes. Her eyes were a deep green. It reminded him of the grass on the rolling hills where he was from. She had a small button nose, and a pair of full pouty lips that he would love to explore. He could feel himself hardening in his pants and had to distract himself from her, but being so close to his mate... His wolf wanted nothing more than to capture this evasive woman, hunt her down and claim her as his own. Renier wanted her like he had wanted no other. Jonathon was skeptical about the whole fated mate thing, that was until he saw her. He had been the product of a fated pair, though after his mother rejected his father to run off with some loose man by the name of Corbin. He had wanted nothing to do with becoming mates with another person, it seemed hurtful. In truth, he didn't even need to go to school. He was in his twenties, there was no reason for him to be in this school. It wasn't as if the faculty there had any power to stop him, he was an alpha, after all and one that was directly related to the alpha's family. He had intended on waiting outside for his little wolf to come outside, but he grew bored with the excessive women trying to flock to him. He only wanted her. He caught the teacher outside and asked her if he could sit in on Emberlynne's classes. She initially said no, but when he told her, that he was part of the Alpha family. She couldn't possibly reject his request without catching heat from the alpha of their pack. "Well, just take a seat wherever you like." The teacher said, and ignoring the stares and hungry looks he got from the young she-wolves in the classroom, he stepped past them to sit directly next to his beautiful Emberlynne. She definitely looked shell-shocked from his sudden intrusion, and quickly looked away. "Aren't you like, thirty?" She asked. He noticed that she was making a deliberate attempt to stare at a point on the far wall. Pretending to take notice of things pinned on a buliton board. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself. "No, for your information I am twenty-four." That made her take notice, she turned to look at him completely dumbfounded. "You're still too old to be in a highschool." He couldn't help but grin at her. "I graduated like six years ago. I only came to see you.I thought you'd be more delighted to see me." Emberlynne looked at this man incrediously. Who in the hell broke into school property, to sit in a classroom after they graduated to hang out with a high school kid? It was completely unheard of. "To be fair, I was going to wait on you outside, but I got bored.So I decided to come see you. What, are you not happy to see me?" Emberlynne was taken aback by his sudden response and she scoffed. "No, you'll just make things worse for me. Haven't you seen the way the girls here are looking at you? They probably all think you're some kind of Adonis, and it would be unfair of me to be seen anywhere near you." Jonathon sat back in his chair, appearing to be sulking. She sighed, and concentrated on the rest of the class, attempting to no avail to avoid his gaze the entire time. He was impossible. She was actually thankful when the bell rang signaling the end of the first hour. Ember collected her books and went to stand up, when she was suddenly relieved of her things. "I'll carry these for you. They look so heavy." She sighed in defeat. They walked out of the classroom. He walked behind her, whistling like a happy little i***t, as he followed her from one class to another. She didn't like the attention she was getting from other students, especially those who had been her primary tormentors from gradeschool. She felt like things were going to go south in a hurry if she let her guard down. She stopped walking outside of the girls bathroom. "I'm going to go to the bathroom and wash my hands before lunch. Wait around or don't.. I don't really care." Emberlynne stepped out of the stall and started the sink to wash her hands when the bathroom door swung open and Rachel and her little friends walked through. She found herself flung to the floor with an angry Rachel towering over her. "Well well runt, aren't you so f*****g special. You have a member of the Alpha family carrying your books around like a good little lap doggie. While the rest of us have it so hard. Don't you feel guilty for being what you are? Imagine. Someone like him being around someone like you? It's f*****g pathetic!" Emberlynne winced as the first kick landed on her ribs, followed by another. "Make no mistake, the only reason anyone would ever look your direction twice is because you're so small and pathetic! You f*****g runt. You don't deserve to have someone like Jonathon. You're nothing!" In the end, all Emberlynne could do was hide her face as the trio began their assault in unison. Kicking her, over and over. She barely registered the door swinging open, until she heard the icy tone of a male's voice using his Alpha voice. "Get the f**k away from my mate you ugly cow!" Rachel must have been startled, because the kicking stopped. Ember could feel someone scooping her up into their warm arms, but her vision had long since gone blurry. Jonathon growled deep in his throat when he saw the sight of his beautiful mate, bruised and laying broken on the floor. He could have killed those girls, it wouldn't have taken much for him. "Get the f**k out before I kill you." He was seething, and enraged by the scene. Who the hell would do something like that? What gave them the right to act that way? He couldn't understand it. He carried a mostly unconscious Emberlynne out of the bathroom, when he saw a guy staring at him. A male that looked more or less like the male counterpart of Emberlynne herself. "What did you do to my sister?!" He growled, seeming to show murderous intent towards him. Jonathon didn't have time for this welp's bullshit right now. "She's your sister? Then tell me how she got injured on your watch? If I hadn't stepped in who knows what could have happened. You can help her by telling me where the f*****g infirmary is in this school." Jackson's rage seemed to deflate as he noticed what had probably happened. He took in a deep breath, his expression was covered in worry for his sister. "It's this way." Jackson led this stranger, carrying his precious sister to the infirmary. He helped him lay her down on one of the beds, and went off to the nurse's office to get someone to take a look at his sister. Miss Rosie pulled the curtain back and looked her over. "Good news is, since she has her wolf, she will heal much faster, but hers isn't as strong as everyone else's so I'll have to set the broken ribs by hand, or they won't heal properly." Jackson looked completely shocked. "Broken ribs?" The nurse nodded. "About six of them. Those girls did a number on her. Good thing they were interrupted. Do you know who they were?" Jackson didn't have any idea, so he looked at the male standing near him. "I'm new, so these girls were strangers to me." The nurse scoffed. "You're also old enough not to be in this school anyway. You're the Alpha's nephew, right?" He nodded. "Well, whether or not its against school regulation is irrelevant, because had you not intervened, this could have been a lot worse. You two stand over there, I'll have to lift her shirt." The two males stepped aside, while the nurse pulled the curtain back. They heard a distinct pop, along with a painful shriek coming from Ember as she set them. The nurse repeated this five more times before she pulled the curtain back. Jackson had a hand to Jonathon's chest holding him back. "Unfortunately boys, if she doesn't speak up, about who did this. The school board won't do anything about it. This is only about the fifth or sixth time your sister has been here in the last month, you need her to make a report. Things like this don't get better. She's going to need to lay here for the rest of the day while her body works on repairs, so last day or not. Her school day ends here. I won't be here for the next hour, it's lunch. I would let her rest for now." The nurse left the room and Emberlynne slowly opened her eyes and took on the room, along with the two men standing there staring at her. She sighed, and struggled to sit up. Jackson rushed to her side and helped her. "Who did this? You have to tell someone..." Emberlynne scoffed. "So it can get worse? No. What I do need you to do is to go get me some food, I'm stuck here, and I don't want to miss lunch." Jackson got the hint and looked over at the male in the room. "You want anything?" Jonathon shrugged. "Whatever you can grab is fine." Jackson sighed, uncomfortable with leaving her like that, he decided against his instincts and left the room.
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