8: Healer

1546 Words
~Rina~ I was sitting under the shade of a large oak tree, hiding from everyone and everything, after tonight hours at class, not after the disaster that happened just days ago. My fingers still trembled whenever I thought about it. How could I ever forget the look of sheer shock and fear in everyone’s eyes when I screamed and shattered the windows with just a sound? They already thought I was cursed, but now they were convinced I was something worse—a freak. The breeze rustled through the leaves, but it did little to ease my anxiety. Syl was restless, pacing back and forth in my mind. She sensed something—someone was coming. Before I could react, I heard heavy footsteps approaching. My heart dropped when I saw who it was. Adrian, the Alphas’ beta, stood towering over me, his sharp eyes focused on me like a predator stalking its prey. Behind him were several boys from the pack, all with the same stern expressions. I stiffened and scrambled back. Adrian stepped closer, his voice low and laced with authority. “You need to come with us, Rina. It’s important.” I signed back quickly, "No. Leave me alone." His jaw clenched. I could tell he wasn’t in the mood for negotiations. “Don’t make this difficult,” he warned, his tone turning colder. When I still refused, he glanced at the boys behind him and snapped, “Grab her.” Before I could even try to run, two of them rushed forward and grabbed me roughly by the arms. I struggled, trying to pull free, but they were too strong. Panic gripped my chest as they dragged me away, ignoring my silent protests. Syl growled in my mind, her hackles raised, but even she was nervous. They took me through the main campus and into the Alphas’ quarters. My pulse was racing as we walked down the hallways, the walls closing in on me. Everything felt suffocating, and I could barely breathe. When they finally stopped in front of a door and shoved me inside, dread washed over me like ice water. Axel lay on the bed, looking far worse than I’d imagined. His skin was pale, and his breathing was shallow, each breath a struggle. Sweat clung to his forehead, and his eyes—those once sharp, cruel eyes—were unfocused and dull. I’d never seen him look so weak. Syl went still, stunned by the sight. For a moment, I almost felt pity, but it quickly evaporated when Axel’s gaze snapped to me. Even in his weakened state, hatred burned in his eyes. Adrian stepped forward, arms crossed over his chest. “Alpha, I brought her. The Mute omega,” he said with a hint of disgust. Axel’s eyes narrowed into slits. “Good,” he rasped, struggling to sit up. His voice was rough, dripping with loathing. “I know this madness has to do with her!” Before I could even think of responding, the door creaked open, and a girl entered the room. Her presence was unsettling; her eyes seemed malicious , and I could feel the strange energy she carried with her. She was from the Darkmoon pack—the one who spoke to the gods. She walked over to Axel, bowing slightly. “Alpha Axel, this omega is not just any mate. She’s a rare one, chosen by the Moon Goddess. Only she can end your suffering. Rejecting her would be a mistake.” My mind went blank. I stood there, numb with shock. My worst nightmare was becoming my reality. I wanted to scream, to deny everything, but I couldn’t. Syl was eerily silent, too stunned to respond. I quickly signed, "I don’t know what’s happening! I don’t know how to do anything!" My hands were trembling as I frantically tried to communicate. Adrian’s patience snapped. “Just do it, Rina!” he barked, his voice echoing in the room. “Stop pretending and use your damn power!” Tears welled up in my eyes as everyone’s eyes bored into me, waiting. The pressure was crushing, and Syl was urging me to do something. I had no choice. I couldn’t hide it any longer. Taking a deep breath, I reluctantly stepped closer to Axel. The hatred in his eyes made my skin crawl, but I had to push through it. I reached out with a trembling hand and placed it gently on his forehead. His skin was burning up, an opposite to how cold and lifeless he seemed. Closing my eyes, I reached deep within myself, searching for the healing power I’d hidden away for so long. The healing realm opened up to me, pulling me in like a current. I focused on the thread that connected Axel’s life force to this world, finding it tangled in darkness. With every bit of strength I had, I willed the darkness to retreat, letting the light of healing flow through him. It felt like hours, but it was only moments before I was yanked back into reality. My eyes shot open, and I found myself on the cold floor, gasping for breath. My body felt like it had been drained of every ounce of energy, and my vision blurred with exhaustion. But when I looked up, I saw Axel sitting up in bed, blinking in disbelief. His color had returned, and the tension in his body was gone. The room was dead silent, everyone staring at me like I was some sort of miracle—or a curse. Axel’s eyes locked onto mine, and for a second, I saw something other than hatred. It was quickly replaced with anger. “So it really was you who almost killed my brothers and I?” he hissed, his voice filled with venom. “You’re nothing but a freak!” Before I could respond, Adrian grabbed me by the arm and hauled me up. “You’re not done yet,” he growled. “You have to heal Ryder and Kade too.” I tried to pull away, but he shoved me forward, dragging me into another room where Ryder was lying unconscious, barely clinging to life. My heart pounded in my chest. I never wanted this. I never asked for this. But I had no choice. With a resigned sigh, I placed my hand on Ryder’s forehead and closed my eyes again, diving into the healing realm once more. I could feel Syl’s discomfort, but she knew we had to do this. When I finally connected with Ryder’s life force, I poured every bit of energy I had left into healing him. When it was over, I collapsed again, barely conscious. I could hear the gasps and murmurs around me, but everything was fading into darkness. Syl was whining softly in the back of my mind, and I knew this was only the beginning of a nightmare I couldn’t escape from. °•° The night air felt cool against my skin, but it did nothing to ease the exhaustion that gripped my entire body. Every step was a struggle, my legs threatening to give out beneath me. I just wanted to reach my dorm, curl up in bed, and disappear from everything. The truth about my healing powers was a secret I’d kept buried for years, hidden from everyone, especially my stepmother and stepsisters. If they had known what I could do, they would have turned my life into a living hell. They would’ve drained me until there was nothing left. My vision blurred as I forced myself forward, my knees trembling. I could feel myself teetering, seconds away from collapsing to the ground. Just as I was about to fall, strong arms caught me, pulling me back upright. My heart raced, startled by the sudden touch. I looked up, confused and a little scared, only to find a boy staring back at me with concerned eyes. He was someone I had never seen before, his face unfamiliar but somehow comforting. Dark brown, messy hair framed his sharp features, and his expression was soft, almost gentle. “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice calm and steady, as if he didn’t want to startle me more than I already was. I tried to nod, but the fatigue hit me like a wave, making my legs wobble again. The boy’s grip tightened slightly, holding me steady. He looked at me for a moment, studying my face as if trying to figure out if I was really okay or just pretending. “You don’t look fine,” he said quietly. “Let me help you. You shouldn’t be out here alone like this.” I wanted to refuse, to sign that I was fine, but the truth was, I wasn’t. I didn’t have the strength to push him away. He stayed close, guiding me slowly, each step matching mine. His presence was calming in a way I hadn’t expected, making it easier to keep moving even when I felt like giving up. Who was this boy? And why was he helping me? I didn’t have the energy to ask, and he didn’t press me for answers either. He just stayed by my side, silently supporting me as we walked.
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