11: Between Silence And Secrets

1514 Words
~Rina's POV~ The dorm room was quiet, except for the rustling of pages as I flipped through my textbook. I was trying to focus on my reading, but it was impossible with Amelia sitting on the bed across from me, chatting away like she was narrating her own life story. It wasn’t that I didn’t appreciate her trying to be friendly—it was just... exhausting. Amelia was a whirlwind of energy, her voice bouncing from one topic to the next without giving me a moment to respond, not that I could respond easily anyway. She’d been my roommate for about a week now, and in that time, I’d learned more about her than I probably knew about myself. She had a knack for talking, filling every silence with her thoughts, which was the exact opposite of what I was used to. Syl, my wolf, was half-listening, half-dozing in the back of my mind. She wasn’t sure about Amelia, not entirely. There was something about her that kept Syl on edge, though she’d been quick to warm up to Callan. That still surprised me. Syl wasn’t the type to trust easily, especially not after everything we’d been through. “Rina,” Amelia’s voice broke through my thoughts, “do you think this color looks good on me?” She held up a blouse, grinning as if we were the best of friends. I forced a smile, nodding slightly, but the truth was I hadn’t really been paying attention. Amelia had this way of inserting herself into every part of my life, and it was starting to get overwhelming. She was always trying to learn sign language, which was... sweet, I guess. But her attempts were a bit clumsy. She often messed up the signs, and it took all my patience not to correct her too harshly. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but at the same time, I needed her to understand. It wasn’t just a game. Communication was all I had. She flashed me a grin, mistaking my silence for agreement. “I knew it! I think it brings out my eyes, right?” She winked, then tossed the blouse onto her bed. “I’m learning, you know. Sign language, I mean. I think I’m getting better, don’t you?” I nodded again, this time more slowly. She "was" getting better, I had to admit that. At first, her signs had been a jumbled mess, almost painful to watch. But she’d improved. I could actually understand her now, most of the time. Still, something inside me remained wary. Maybe it was because she was cousins with Cassandra, the girl who’d humiliated me in front of her friends not too long ago. Cassandra had barged into our room with her little entourage, throwing insults at me as if they were part of some sick game. She’d laughed at my silence, calling me names that made my chest tighten. I’d felt so small, so useless, like I was right back in that house with my stepmother and stepsisters. But Amelia had surprised me. She’d stood up to Cassandra, practically shoving her out of the room, telling her to leave me alone. It was the first time anyone had done that for me in a long time. It was almost enough to make me trust her. Almost. Syl stirred, a low growl rumbling in the back of my mind. She didn’t like Cassandra, not one bit. And she wasn’t too sure about Amelia either. But Callan... Callan was different. My thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door. My heart skipped a beat, and I glanced at Amelia, who raised an eyebrow. “Expecting someone?” she teased, but I shook my head. The door opened slightly, and there he was—Callan. His familiar face peered around the doorframe, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Hey, Rina,” he said gently, his eyes softening when they landed on me. “I brought you something.” Amelia’s expression lit up instantly. She liked Callan, that much was clear. She’d told me so herself, practically begged me to help her out with him, though I wasn’t sure how. I could barely talk to him as it was. He made me feel... something I couldn’t quite put into words. It wasn’t the overwhelming, suffocating bond I head with the triplets. It was more like a gentle warmth, like a friend or a brother. But even that scared me. Callan walked over to me, holding out a bag filled with food. He’d been doing this ever since he found me passed out that first day, bringing me meals even when I insisted I was fine. His kindness felt like a lifeline, something I wasn’t used to and didn’t know how to handle. No one had ever been this nice to me before. Not in the way that mattered. “Are you okay?” he asked, concern etched into his features as he set the bag on the table. His gaze flicked over me, as if he were checking to make sure I hadn’t lost more weight since the last time he saw me. I knew I wasn’t eating enough, but food was the last thing on my mind most days. I just wanted to survive, to stay hidden, to keep my powers under wraps. I nodded, signing "thank you". He smiled, that soft, genuine smile that made my chest ache with something I couldn’t name. He was too good to be true. Too caring, too attentive. “Are you sure? You’re all skin and bones, Rina,” he said, his voice tinged with worry. “You need to eat more. Please.” I wanted to tell him that I was fine, that I didn’t need his help, but the words wouldn’t come. Syl was quiet, watching him through my eyes, feeling the sincerity in his voice. She liked him too, which only made this harder. I couldn’t afford to get close to anyone. Not with the triplets lurking around every corner, not with the weight of what I was hiding pressing down on me. Amelia was watching us with a curious expression, her gaze darting between me and Callan. “You two are cute together,” she said, almost too casually. I shot her a sharp look, but she just laughed, holding up her hands in surrender. “Just saying! It’s nice to see you with a friend, Rina. You deserve that.” Callan chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “I’m just trying to make sure she’s okay,” he said, his eyes flicking back to me. “She’s been through a lot.” I swallowed, the lump in my throat making it hard to breathe. Amelia didn’t know the half of it, and I wasn’t about to tell her. But she seemed determined to push, leaning forward with a conspiratorial grin. “Rina, I have a favor to ask,” she said, her tone suddenly serious. “I really like Callan. Like, "really" like him. Can you... I don’t know, help me out? Maybe tell him I’m interested?” I blinked at her, my hands frozen in mid-sign. How was I supposed to do that? I couldn’t even manage a proper conversation with him myself, and now she wanted me to play matchmaker? Syl growled softly, sensing my discomfort. But Amelia was staring at me with wide, hopeful eyes, and I couldn’t bring myself to say no. I nodded reluctantly, though my stomach churned at the thought. I didn’t like this. I didn’t like the idea of pushing him toward her, even if it was what she wanted. Something about it felt... wrong. Callan must have noticed my hesitation because he stepped closer, his voice gentle. “Rina, you don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with,” he said, his gaze locking onto mine. “I’m just here to make sure you’re okay. That’s all.” His words were soothing the anxiety that had been building in my chest. I nodded again, signing "thank you" once more. He understood, just like always, his smile reassuring as he backed toward the door. “I’ll be around if you need anything,” he said, giving me one last look before he left. Amelia sighed dreamily as the door clicked shut behind him. “He’s perfect, isn’t he?” she said, flopping back onto her bed with a grin. “I knew I had good taste.” I forced a smile, but my heart wasn’t in it. Syl was restless, pacing in the back of my mind. Something was shifting, something I couldn’t quite grasp, and it left me feeling uneasy. Callan’s kindness was a lifeline, but it was also a weight I wasn’t sure I could carry. I just wanted to stay hidden, to avoid the triplets, to keep my powers buried deep where no one could find them. But with Amelia and Callan both pulling me into their orbit, I wasn’t sure how long I could keep that up.
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