3: Bullied On The First Day

1789 Words
~Rina~ The moment I stepped onto the campus of Silverclaw University, I felt like I’d been dropped into another world. Towering buildings made of sleek glass and stone stretched as far as I could see. The campus was massive, far larger than anything I could have imagined. Everywhere I looked, there were students, but they weren’t just ordinary students. They were powerful, confident, and radiated an aura of strength that instantly made me shrink into myself. The person assigned to guide me through the campus, a girl named Ava, seemed friendly enough, but even she had an air of authority about her. Her strides were long and confident, her clothes perfect, an opposite to my worn-out jeans and faded sweater. As we walked, she rattled off information about the university, but most of it flew over my head. I was too busy trying to take everything in without making it obvious how out of place I felt. “Silverclaw isn’t like other schools,” Ava explained, glancing at me from the corner of her eye. “We only take the best of the best here—Alphas, Betas, and a few exceptional omegas, but those are rare. Most of the students come from elite packs, so you’ll be rubbing shoulders with some of the wealthiest and most powerful werewolves in the world.” Her words made my stomach churn. I didn’t belong here. Not even a little bit. My clothes, secondhand and patched up in places, screamed that I didn’t fit in. As we passed a group of students, I couldn’t help but overhear their conversations. They were talking about vacations in private villas, exclusive parties, and expensive gifts their packs sent them. I clutched the straps of my bag tighter, my eyes darting around. Everywhere I looked, I saw luxury polished floors, sparkling fountains, and high-end stores built into the campus itself. I’d never seen anything like it. ‘We’re really out of our league here,’ Syl murmured, her voice small and uneasy. "I know," I replied back in my head. "But we have to try, right?" Syl didn’t respond, and I could feel her nervous energy mirroring my own. As we walked further, Ava pointed out various buildings—the library, which looked more like a cathedral than anything else, the training grounds, and the dormitories. “You’ll be in the West Wing,” she said. “That’s where most of the omegas are housed. But don’t worry, it’s still nice—just not as extravagant as the East Wing, where the Alphas and Betas live.” I nodded, trying to ignore the pit forming in my stomach. The idea of living in a place where I was already segregated felt like another reminder that I didn’t truly belong. But I forced myself to keep going, even when it felt like everyone’s eyes were on me. As we rounded a corner, I caught sight of a group of boys walking across the courtyard. They were tall, broad-shouldered, and moved with a kind of grace that only came from strength. Their laughter rang out as they passed by, their sharp eyes scanning the area. I noticed how other students glanced at them with either admiration or fear. It was clear they were high-ranking—probably Alphas. I kept my head down, not wanting to draw attention. Ava must’ve noticed because she gave a soft laugh. “Those are the kind of guys you want to stay clear of. Axel, Ryder and Kade. They’re the triplet Alphas of the Darkmoon Pack—one of the wealthiest in the country. They don’t mess with anyone outside their circle.” One of the boys glanced our way, his eyes briefly locking onto mine. I quickly looked away, feeling my heart race. I couldn’t tell if it was fear or just pure intimidation. As we continued, we passed a group of girls who looked like they’d stepped out of a fashion magazine. They were stunning—long, flowing hair, designer clothes, and perfectly manicured nails. They were laughing among themselves, but I noticed the way their eyes narrowed when they saw me. One of them, a blonde with ice-cold blue eyes, sneered and whispered something to her friend, who giggled in response. Ava sighed, rolling her eyes. “That’s Cassandra and her little clique. They’re all from Alpha families, and they know it. Just ignore them. They love picking on anyone they think is beneath them.” I could feel Syl getting enraged inside me, ready to lash out, but I calmed her down. This wasn’t the place to draw attention. Not yet. Finally, we reached the West Wing dorms. They were still impressive, but compared to what I’d seen earlier, they were much simpler. Ava handed me a key and smiled, though there was a hint of pity in her eyes. “This is where you’ll be staying. If you need anything, just let me know. And remember, just because you’re an omega doesn’t mean you can’t stand out. You’ve made it this far, Rina.” I nodded, but the words felt hollow. As I opened the door to my room, I couldn’t help but feel the weight of everything pressing down on me. I was in a place where I was surrounded by power, strength, and wealth, while I was barely holding it together. Once inside, I let out a shaky breath. Syl whimpered softly, her anxiety mirroring mine. ‘Do you think we’ll survive here, Rina?’ she asked, her voice trembling. I took a deep breath, trying to push down the fear that threatened to choke me. "We have to, Syl. This is our only chance." But deep down, I wasn’t so sure. Silverclaw University was a place for the elite, and I was just a girl who’d been beaten down so many times that I wasn’t even sure how to stand back up. °•° I was walking through campus, trying to find my way back to the dorms when I heard laughter. It wasn’t the friendly kind—it was harsh, mocking, and sent a shiver down my spine. I hesitated for a moment, glancing around to see where it was coming from, but before I could react, I found myself face-to-face with three towering figures. They stood in my path like a wall—three guys who were easily over six feet tall, each radiating raw power and authority. Their presence was overwhelming. I quickly recoiled and took a step back, clutching the straps of my bag tighter. “Look what we have here,” one of them sneered, his eyes raking over me from head to toe. “A lost little puppy.” I recognized them immediately. Axel, Ryder, and Kade—Alphas of the Darkmoon Pack. Ava had told me about them earlier. They were infamous—ruthless and feared, with no regard for anyone beneath them. And right now, all their attention was focused on me. I felt my heart race as they circled around me, their eyes filled with amusement. Axel, the tallest of the three, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes, leaned in close, a smirk tugging at his lips. “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” His voice was smooth, laced with mockery. I opened my mouth to respond, but of course, nothing came out. Instead, I lowered my head, trying to avoid their stares, hoping they’d just lose interest and move on. But they didn’t. Ryder, with sandy blond hair and sharp features, laughed. “She’s too scared to even talk. Pathetic.” He stepped closer, plucking at my faded sweater with a look of disgust. “Where’d you get these rags? A dumpster?” Kade, the one with jet-black hair and a sinister grin, chimed in. “Maybe she’s from some backwater pack. Only someone from the slums would show up dressed like this.” His voice dripped with disdain as he nudged me with his shoulder, almost knocking me off balance. I stumbled slightly, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. My eyes stung, but I refused to let the tears fall. They didn’t know anything about me—who I was, what I’d been through. But that didn’t stop them from tearing me down like I was nothing. ‘Stay calm, Rina,’ Syl urged in my head, her voice trembling. ‘Don’t give them the satisfaction.’ But it was hard. Every word they threw at me was like a dagger, reopening wounds that hadn’t even begun to heal after Owen’s rejection. Axel crossed his arms, tilting his head as if studying me. “You’re not even worth our time. How’d someone like you even get accepted here?” I glanced up at them, signing desperately, “I don’t want any trouble,” but of course, they had no idea what I was trying to say. My hands froze mid-motion as they exchanged confused looks. “What is she doing?” Ryder scoffed. “Is she some kind of freak?” Kade chuckled darkly. “Maybe she’s just dumb. No wonder she can’t even speak.” The sting of those words hit harder than I expected. I swallowed back the lump in my throat, wishing I could disappear. I was nothing to them—just another target to bully and break. And the worst part? No one around us dared to step in. Students passed by, some watching with curiosity, others pretending not to see, but no one intervened. Axel took a step closer, leaning down so that he was at eye level with me. “Here’s some advice,” he said coldly, his voice low and menacing. “Know your place. You might have slipped through the cracks to get into this school, but that doesn’t mean you belong here.” They all laughed, the sound echoing in the courtyard, loud and cruel. I couldn’t move, couldn’t even breathe properly. I was small in their midst, like a lamb surrounded by wolves. And they knew it. They could smell my fear, and it only seemed to fuel their arrogance. “I can’t do this, Syl,” I thought, barely able to hold back the tears. “I’m not strong enough.” ‘You are,’ Syl replied, though even she sounded unsure. 'We’ll get through this. We have to.’ The mocking continued, their voices blending together in a mix of insults and jeers. It felt like an eternity before they finally got bored and walked away, leaving me standing there, humiliated and trembling. But as they left, I caught the smirk on Axel’s face. “Welcome to Silverclaw, little omega,” he taunted. “You’re going to wish you never set foot here.”
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