Time of Waste

2286 Words

Time of Waste 2018 was a mess. He paced up and down the pods. It was crazy. Why did he have to give it all up? Okay, sure, he was fifteen days late. Late for pressing the button, cycling the cloning pods and letting the new clone of 2019 get out and live his life. The automatics should have kicked in by now. But, they hadn't. 2018 couldn't believe it at first. He was going to get recycled, so he didn't wanna go quietly into the good night. He just sat there on the station, on his desk, listening to his music. He liked some classical Strauss played at full volume, making the station rumble and vibrate. He liked that. He wasn't insane, he wasn't gonna sabotage anything or break anything just because his time was over. The next guy was after all still him. But he didn't wanna go quietly,

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